


Fungsi Utama SGlow

  • Mempromosikan rambut yang hitam berkilau
  • Mempertahankan metabolisme kulit yang normal
  • Meningkatkan kuku yang kuat dan sehat
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Menggabungkan berbagai nutrisi kompleks yang mendukung rambut, kulit, dan kuku.

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Lynside Forte B mengandung berbagai vitamin B kompleks yang membantu penyembuhan luka kulit dengan vitamin B5. Efek lain termasuk memperbaiki kondisi kulit dengan vitamin B3 dan mengatur pigmentasi serta penggelapan kulit dengan vitamin B12.



Oryza Polyamine adalah bahan paten dari Jepang yang diekstrak dari kecambah padi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan rambut dan rambut berkilau. Berat molekulnya di bawah 250, yang berarti penyerapannya oleh tubuh lebih tinggi dan efisien digunakan.



L-cysteine dalam S-Glow dapat membuat kulit menjadi bercahaya karena merupakan prekursor glutathione. Ini membantu mengurangi indeks melanin kulit, sehingga mengurangi pigmentasi kulit dan membuat kulit lebih cerah.



Vitamin C dalam lemon membantu menjaga elastisitas dan kekuatan dermis kulit kepala. Lemon juga dapat melindungi akar dan folikel rambut.



Persik membantu menguatkan rambut karena kandungan nutrisinya yang kaya. Mereka kaya akan vitamin A, C, dan E yang penting untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut. Vitamin A mendukung produksi sebum untuk kulit kepala yang lembap, sementara vitamin C meningkatkan produksi kolagen, yang memperkuat folikel rambut. Vitamin E memperbaiki sirkulasi darah ke kulit kepala, sehingga mendorong pertumbuhan rambut.


Meningkatkan kesehatan kulit

S-Glow mengandung antioksidan dan vitamin yang membantu melindungi kulit dari kerusakan akibat faktor lingkungan seperti polusi dan radiasi UV. Produk ini juga membantu mengurangi peradangan dan merangsang produksi kolagen, yang dapat meningkatkan elastisitas kulit dan mengurangi kerutan.

Meningkatkan kesehatan rambut

Bahan-bahan dalam S-Glow mendukung pertumbuhan rambut yang sehat dan mencegah kerontokan. Produk ini mengandung biotin yang dikenal untuk memperkuat rambut dan meningkatkan teksturnya, serta vitamin dan mineral penting lainnya untuk kesehatan rambut.

Menguatkan kuku

Vitamin dan mineral dalam S-Glow membantu memperkuat kuku dan mencegahnya menjadi rapuh. Selain itu, produk ini mendukung pertumbuhan kuku yang sehat dan dapat memperbaiki penampilan kuku.


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Siapa yang Membutuhkan S-Glow?



Memiliki kulit kasar, kusam, dan kering s


Memiliki rambut rusak dan sering diwarnai


Memiliki kuku yang rapuh dan mudah patah


Mengalami masalah rambut kering, penipisan rambut, dan uban


Memiliki pola makan buruk atau tinggal di kota dengan polusi tinggi


Wanita yang sering melakukan manicure s

Sertifikasi & Penghargaan Produk



Q: Apa itu S-GLOW?

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A :

S-GLOW adalah campuran kecantikan 3-in-1 yang menggabungkan berbagai nutrisi kompleks yang mendukung tidak hanya kulit, tetapi juga rambut dan kuku.

Q: Apa bahan utama dari S-GLOW?

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A :

Kolagen adalah bahan utama dalam S-GLOW. Selain itu, S-GLOW juga mengandung Vitamin B kompleks (Lynside Forte B), L-cysteine, Vitamin C, dan Ekstrak Beras Poliamina.

Q: Apa sumber kolagen dalam S-GLOW?

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A :

Sumber kolagen dalam S-GLOW adalah 100% kolagen laut dengan berat molekul rendah.

Q: Mengapa memilih kolagen laut daripada kolagen hewan lain sebagai salah satu bahan utama S-GLOW?

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A :

Kolagen ikan memiliki peptida yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan sumber sapi, sehingga lebih mudah dicerna, diserap, dan didistribusikan di tubuh.

Q: Apa sertifikat dan uji yang telah dilakukan pada S-GLOW?

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A :

Beberapa uji telah dilakukan, dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa S-GLOW tidak mengandung logam berat, mikroba, melamin, dan pengawet.

Q: Apakah S-GLOW merupakan obat?

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A :

S-GLOW bukan obat. Produk ini tidak diatur oleh Otoritas Pengawasan Obat.

Q: Apakah S-GLOW mengandung peptida?

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A :

Ya. S-GLOW mengandung peptida kolagen. Kolagen adalah protein. Ketika protein dipecah menjadi molekul yang lebih kecil, mereka menjadi peptida kolagen. Kolagen dengan molekul yang lebih kecil lebih mudah diserap oleh tubuh.

Q: Apakah orang dengan eksim bisa mengonsumsi S-GLOW?

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A :

Mereka dapat mencoba. S-GLOW mengandung kolagen yang membantu penyembuhan luka kulit, sehingga memperbaiki kondisi kulit.

Q :Can people with kidney disease take S-GLOW?

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A :

Patients with stage 1 and 2 kidney disease can take S-GLOW in low dosage. For patients with stage 3 and 4 kidney failure, it is not recommended to take any supplement.

Q :Can customers who are allergic to seafood take S-GLOW?

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A :

Seafood allergies may occur in some people because seafood is rich in protein. When these protein molecules are too large, somebody may find it difficult to digest and absorb. This will directly or indirectly activate the immune system, causing sensitivity or allergic reactions. Collagen in S-GLOW comes from fish and its molecular weight is very small. It is not easy to cause allergies. However, the effect varies from person to person.

Q :Can S-GLOW reduce hair loss?

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A :

Yes. The collagen in S-GLOW can strengthen hair roots and follicles, hence prevent hair loss. Besides, S-GLOW also contains Oryza Polyamine, an organic compound in rice extract that helps to prolong the growth phase of the hair follicle, resulting in more hair to grow.

Q :How does S-GLOW help in the recovery from a sunburn?

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A :

S-GLOW can speed up the recovery process after exposure to sunlight. UV rays cause the collagen to lose due to sunburn. To repair the skin, our body requires collagen supplement. In addition, L-cysteine as a precursor of glutathione can inhibit the ion of melanin (black pigment) and has a whitening effect. Other than that, S-GLOW also moisturises dry skin due to sunburn.

Q :Can S-GLOW improve my overall health? Should it be part of my supplementation program?

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A :

S-GLOW is an excellent addition to a supplement program. Apart from improving hair, nail, and skin health, nutrients in S-GLOW also possess other health benefits. For example, 8 essential Vitamin B complex in S-GLOW can help support the immune system, reduce inflammation from bacterial infection, and are essential for a healthy nervous system. Collagen may help to reduce the risk of bone disorders such as osteoporosis, L-cysteine and Ascorbic Acid helps to neutralise free radicals that damage cells and tissues in our body.

Q :I have brownish pigmentation on my nails. Does S-GLOW help with this problem?

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A :

The lack of Vitamin B12 can result in blue nails, bluish-black or brownish pigmentation. Deficiency in Vitamin B9 will also cause a pigment change in your nails and make them rigid and brittle. S-GLOW help to improve the problem due to the Lynside? Forte B ingredient which is enriched with the full range of Vitamin B complex.

Q :How can Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) protect the health of my hair?

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A :

Combination of collagen and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) in S-GLOW will exert a synergistic effect. Vitamin C will promote the ion of collagen. Collagen is an important part of the hair structure. Vitamin C also acts as antioxidant to protect the hair from free radical damage, which can lead to split ends and breakage.

Q :Can people with androgenetic alopecia benefit from S-GLOW?

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A :

Androgenetic alopecia is a common cause of hair thinning in both men and women. Treatment including drug treatment, hair transplantation, etc. S-GLOW does not have direct benefits to people with androgenetic alopecia, but the nutrients in S-GLOW might be able to strengthen hair follicles and slow down further hair loss.

Q :Does collagen really help hair growth?

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A :

Yes. Your body may use the amino acids in collagen to build hair proteins and strengthen your scalp. S-GLOW also helps to prevent hair follicles from damaging and graying.

Q :What vitamins strengthen the nails?

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A :

Collagen helps to strengthen the nail and prevent brittle nail while Vitamin B complex helps stimulate new cell growth and promote new nail cells to grow.

Q :Can pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers take S-GLOW?

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A :

Yes. During pregnancy, the fetus will absorb a large amount of collagen from the mother, causing the mother to lose her own collagen. This will cause dry skin, pale skin, and the skin will lose its elasticity. Moreover, pregnant women will also benefit from Vitamin B9 (folic acid) which can reduce the risk of birth defects. However, if the mother has any existing disease, please consult the doctor before consumption. S-GLOW also contains collagen extracted from fish, so it is important to note if that will cause any allergic reaction.

Q :Can women take S-GLOW when they are on their menstrual cycle?

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A :

Yes, S-GLOW does not contain any hormones and does not affect the female hormone system, so it will not affect their menstrual cycle.

Q :S-GLOW contains antioxidants and collagen. Can I take it with other antioxidant and collagen supplements?

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A :

Yes. S-GLOW is a functional food. It is safe to be consumed with other supplements. Do follow the suggested instructions and recommended amount on the label.

Q :Is S-GLOW just for women, or can men benefit from it as well?

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A :

S-GLOW is suitable for both men and women. It can be taken by men and women who want to supplement their daily regimen with these nutrients. Consuming this is one way to ensure that men and women get optimal levels of these nutrients for healthy hair, skin and nail.

Q :Will my skin go back to its normal state or worsen if I stop taking it?

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A :

No. S-GLOW uses natural substances that help to reduce the skin problems internally and externally. It regulates the skin metabolism to promote anti-aging and bleaching. Even if you stop consuming, your skin will stay radiant and smooth. We suggest consuming 1 tablet per day for maintenance due to daily exposure to UV-ray, pollution, and free radical damage effect.

Q :Are there any side effects after consuming S-GLOW?

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A :

S-GLOW is relatively free from side effects. It is made from natural ingredients.

Q :What is the best time of the day to take S-GLOW?

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A :

You can take S-GLOW at any time of the day. It is recommended to consume 2 tablets after meals.

Q :How long does it take to improve my skin after taking S-GLOW?

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A :

It depends on each individual because each person has different absorption ability.

Q :Why choose S-GLOW? What makes S-GLOW so unique?

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A :

S-GLOW is a 3-in-1 beautifying blend from damage to manage. It combines a variety of complex nutrients that support the growth of hair, skin, and nails, at the same time helps to promote collagen ion, and prevent damage from potential free radicals.

Q :Can I take S-GLOW with M-COLL on the same day?

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A :

Yes. It is recommended to take M-COLL early in the morning with an empty stomach and S-GLOW after meals.

Q :Can I take S-GLOW with an empty stomach?

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A :

Yes, you can. But if you have a sensitive stomach, you might need to take S-GLOW after meals to avoid stomach discomfort.

Q :Do I need to keep S-GLOW in the refrigerator?

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A :

No need. Keep S-GLOW in room temperature and a dry place.

Q :I have already included collagen in my skincare routine. Can I still take S-GLOW?

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A :

Topical collagen does not have the same effects as oral supplementation of collagen. The collagen is too large to penetrate the skin which means topical collagen does not stimulate collagen ion on a cellular level the way collagen supplementation will.

Q :How long will it be before I see results, and how long will the results last?

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A :

The results differ in each person as they have different absorption ability. If the person has a higher absorption ability, you can see the effects faster.

Q :At what age should we take collagen?

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A :

Anyone over 20 can take collagen, because our body starts to lose collagen at the age of 20.

Q :Why do you need collagen?

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A :

Aging, UV rays, smoking, drinking, staying up late, free radicals, and other factors that damage the skin will result in the loss of collagen. Therefore, collagen supplement is essential.

Q :What makes the chewable collagen tablet unique?

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A :

The chewable collagen is convenient. You can take it anytime and anywhere you want. You can even take it directly without water.

Q :What are the food sources of vitamin B7 (Biotin)?

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A :

There are many common foods that contain biotin such as dairy s, cooked eggs, carrots, whole grain, etc. However, you need to consume them in an unprocessed form to gain the highest vitamin quantity since biotin will be destroyed after food processing. S-GLOW also contains a full range of Vitamin B complexes including biotin. So you can consume them with ease to meet the daily requirement.

Q :What is the amount of collagen in S-GLOW?

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Q :Is Lynside Forte B a type of fungus? Will it cause or worsen fungal infection?

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A :

Lynside Forte B in S-GLOW is a type of nutritional yeast that is rich in vitamin B-complex, its species name is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it is a type of fungus. Nutritional yeast is the same species with baker's yeast, which has been widely used in the processing of food. While fungus that would cause infection is different species, including candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum etc. Since the specieses of fungus are different, their effects on the human body are different too. Hence, customers can consume S-GLOW without worrying, because S-GLOW would not cause or worsen fungal infection.

Q :Can patients with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) consume S-GLOW?

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A :

Yes, can.

Q :Can patients with diabetes consume S-GLOW?

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A :

Yes, can. The sugar content in S-GLOW is very low, every tablet only contains 0.1g of sugar. However, we suggest people with diabetes or high blood sugar to consume S-GLOW after a meal.

Q :Does S-GLOW contain Omega-3 fatty acid or any fish oil ingredient?

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A :

ENo. The collagen peptides in S-GLOW are extracted from deep-sea fishes. Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, but the extracted collagen is peptides instead of fish oil, therefore, it does not contain any Omega-3 fatty acids.

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60 tablet per kotak. Minum 2 tablet per hari setelah makan.



Fungsi Utama SGlow

  • Mempromosikan rambut yang hitam berkilau
  • Mempertahankan metabolisme kulit yang normal
  • Meningkatkan kuku yang kuat dan sehat
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