


E-vite Main Function

  • Memberikan Penglihatan yang Lebih Jelas
  • Meredakan Ketegangan dan Kekeringan Mata
  • Mengurangi Ketidaknyamanan Mata akibat Cahaya Terang
  • Meredakan Penyakit Mata yang Berkaitan dengan Usia (katarak, degenerasi makula)
  • Meningkatkan Pigmen Makula
  • Melindungi Mata dari Sinar Biru dan Sinar UV
  • Mengurangi Kerusakan Radikal Bebas yang Berlebihan pada Mata
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Formula Nutrisi Mata Untuk Penglihatan Lebih Tajam dan Mata yang Sehat

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Pemanfaatan & Tingkat Retensi Maksimal Dapat bertahan di retina selama 24 jam, sedangkan lutein lain mungkin hanya bertahan di tubuh selama 6 jam atau bahkan kurang. Pengendalian Ketat Pada Tanaman Bunga marigold ditanam dalam kondisi Praktik Pertanian yang Baik (GAP) dan Praktik Pengumpulan yang Baik (GCP), kualitas bahan terjamin. Pabrik produksi cGMP tertutup sepenuhnya dan bebas dari kontaminasi, sesuai dengan standar logam berat, bebas dari pestisida, pengawet, dan xanthotoxin.



Terkumpul di area mata, juga dikenal sebagai pigmen makula. Mereka adalah pigmen karoten yang bisa didapat dari sayuran hijau tua, jagung, kuning telur, dll. Tubuh kita tidak dapat memproduksi lutein atau zeaxanthin, sehingga harus mengandalkan suplemen eksternal untuk mempertahankan kepadatan pigmen makula yang sehat (MPOD). Kepadatan pigmen makula yang sehat seperti "kacamata hitam internal", yang secara efektif dapat mencegah cahaya biru.



Astaxanthin adalah raja karotenoid yang memiliki struktur serupa dengan lutein dan zeaxanthin, dapat mengurangi kelelahan mata, membantu meningkatkan aliran darah ke mata, dan memperbaiki sirkulasi mata. Selain itu, Astaxanthin memiliki kapasitas yang luar biasa untuk membantu mengurangi risiko katarak.


Meningkatkan Kesehatan Kardiovaskular

E-Vite mengandung sterol tumbuhan yang dikatakan mengurangi penyerapan kolesterol dalam tubuh, sehingga menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL (kolesterol jahat). Asam lemak omega-3 dalam E-Vite juga diklaim dapat meningkatkan kesehatan jantung dengan mengurangi peradangan dan mendukung aliran darah yang sehat.

Sifat Antioksidan

E-Vite mengandung vitamin E yang dikenal memiliki sifat antioksidan. Ini dapat melindungi sel dari kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas.

Kesejahteraan Secara Keseluruhan

Kombinasi bahan alami dalam E-Vite seperti sterol tumbuhan, asam lemak omega-3, serta vitamin B6, B12, dan E, diklaim dapat mendukung kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan.


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Siapa yang Membutuhkan E-Vite?



Memiliki penglihatan kabur


Mengalami kelelahan mata dan mata kering


Menggunakan kacamata atau lensa kontak


Lansia dengan penurunan penglihatan


Suka beraktivitas di luar ruangan

Sertifikasi & Penghargaan Produk



Q: Apa itu E-VITE?

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A :

E-VITE adalah suplemen kesehatan mata yang terdiri dari Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, dan zat antioksidan lainnya.

Q: Mengapa kita perlu mengonsumsi E-VITE?

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A :

Mata adalah jendela jiwa kita. Saat ini, orang sering menggunakan perangkat digital (smartphone, komputer, tablet, TV), yang membuat kita terpapar cahaya biru dalam waktu yang lama. Selain itu, sinar UV dari matahari juga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada mata kita. Paparan jangka panjang terhadap cahaya biru dan sinar UV akan meningkatkan risiko penyakit mata seperti degenerasi makula terkait usia (AMD) dan katarak. Jika tidak diobati, penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kebutaan.

Q: Apa itu degenerasi makula terkait usia (AMD)?

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A :

AMD adalah penyakit mata yang berkaitan dengan usia. Makula adalah struktur penting di mata yang membantu memberikan penglihatan sentral yang jelas. Makula akan mengalami degenerasi seiring bertambahnya usia, selain itu, cahaya biru dari perangkat elektronik digital akan mempercepat degradasi makula. AMD menyebabkan pasien kehilangan penglihatan sentral dan akhirnya menyebabkan kebutaan. Karena AMD adalah penyakit yang tidak dapat dipulihkan, pencegahan dini adalah solusi terbaik.

Q: Apa itu katarak?

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A :

Katarak adalah penyakit mata terkait usia dan merupakan penyebab utama kebutaan di seluruh dunia. Paparan jangka panjang terhadap sinar UV di mata adalah penyebab terbesar katarak karena sinar UV dapat mengoksidasi lensa di mata. Ketika lensa teroksidasi, ia akan kehilangan elastisitasnya dan menjadi abu-abu serta keruh, sehingga menghalangi cahaya masuk ke mata kita dan memengaruhi penglihatan kita. Katarak dapat dihilangkan melalui operasi dan ditanamkan dengan lensa intraokular. Namun, cara terbaik adalah mencegahnya sejak dini.

Q: Mengapa kita perlu mengonsumsi suplemen dengan Lutein dan Zeaxanthin?

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A :

Lutein dan Zeaxanthin adalah antioksidan penting untuk mata. Karena tubuh kita tidak secara alami memproduksi Lutein dan Zeaxanthin, kita harus memperolehnya dari makanan atau suplemen kesehatan. Lutein dan Zeaxanthin dapat secara efektif membantu makula mata menyaring cahaya biru dan mengurangi kejadian degenerasi makula. Selain itu, Lutein dan Zeaxanthin juga dapat menetralkan radikal bebas di mata, menghindari oksidasi, dan dengan demikian mengurangi risiko katarak.

Q: Mengapa kita perlu mengonsumsi suplemen dengan Astaxanthin?

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A :

Astaxanthin adalah salah satu dari sedikit karotenoid yang dapat mencapai mata dan merupakan antioksidan alami yang kuat. Karena tubuh manusia tidak secara alami memproduksi astaxanthin, kita harus memperolehnya dari makanan atau suplemen kesehatan. Selain itu, astaxanthin juga memiliki efek anti-inflamasi dan pelindung saraf di mata, memberikan perlindungan yang lebih komprehensif bagi mata kita.

Q: Apa itu cahaya biru?

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A :

Cahaya biru adalah cahaya energi tinggi yang dipancarkan dari layar elektronik, lampu latar LED, lampu fluorescent, dan matahari. Paparan yang berkepanjangan terhadap cahaya biru yang berbahaya dapat menyebabkan radikal bebas berlebihan yang merusak mata kita, yang mengarah pada berbagai gejala mata termasuk: kelelahan mata berlebihan, mata kering, penglihatan kabur, kepekaan terhadap cahaya terang, penglihatan malam yang buruk, dan kesulitan membaca. Akumulasi paparan cahaya biru dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan penyakit serius seperti AMD, katarak, dan lain-lain.

Q: Berapa dosis E-VITE?

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A :

Dianjurkan untuk mengonsumsi 2 tablet E-VITE per hari.

Q :Are there any effects if you take more E-VITE than the recommended dosage?

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A :

Taking more than 2 tables of E-VITE per day does not cause any adverse effects. E-VITE is rich in antioxidants, apart from the eyes, it also has antioxidant effects on other parts of our body. However, we still recommend taking only 2 E-VITE per day to avoid unnecessary wastage.

Q :What is the effect of taking E-VITE? How long would it take to have effects?

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A :

It varies from one person to another. Generally, taking E-VITE for one to two weeks can improve dry eyes, fatigue, and blurred vision.

Q :How much is the content of Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin in E-VITE respectively?

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A :

Each tablet of E-VITE contains 5 mg of Lutein, 1.1mg of Zeaxanthin and 2mg of Astaxanthin. Taking 2 tablets of E-VITE a day will meet the recommended standards by the American Optometry Association, which is 10mg of Lutein and 2.2mg of Zeaxanthin per day.

Q :What are the sources of Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin in E-VITE respectively?

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A :

Lutein and Zeaxanthin in E-VITE are extracted from marigold flowers (patented ingredient: XanMax), while Astaxanthin is extracted from algae.

Q :Can diet alone provide the same or similar amount of Lutein and Zeaxanthin as E-VITE?

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A :

Unfortunately, it is difficult to get the same amount of Lutein and Zeaxanthin from any reasonable diet. Sources of Lutein and Zeaxanthin include dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach), egg yolks, corn, etc., but the content of Zeaxanthin in food is usually very small.

Q :What is the difference between E-VITE and other eye health supplements in the market?

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A :

E-VITE offers a comprehensive 3-in-1 formula (Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin). Our Lutein and Zeaxanthin are using a patented ingredient which is XanMax. In addition, E-VITE is a chewable tablet, which is easier to be consumed than powdered.

Q :Can E-VITE be taken together with tea or coffee?

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A :

Not recommended, to avoid interference of the absorption and digestion of E-VITE.

Q :Can E-VITE be taken together with other Wellous?

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A :


Q :Can E-VITE be taken together with medicines?

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A :

Please follow your doctor's instructions. We recommend customers to separate the time of taking E-VITE and other medicines for at least 2 hours to avoid affecting absorption or efficacy of each other.

Q :What is the flavor of E-VITE?

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A :

Blueberry and purple sweet potato flavor.

Q :After consuming E-VITE for a period of time, will there be any reverse effect if stop consuming it?

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A :

No, when customers stop consuming E-VITE, there will only be less protection to the eyes, but will not have reverse effects.

Q :Can I take E-VITE during menstruation?

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Q :Can pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers consume E-VITE?

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A :

Not recommended to take, as there is no sufficient safety information provided.

Q :Can children consume E-VITE?

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A :

Children below 5 years old: not recommended to take; 5-6 years old: half a tablet; 7-12 years old: 1 tablet, provided normal body weight; 13-17 years old: 1 tablet for small size, 2 tablets for normal size.

Q :Can vegetarians consume E-VITE?

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Q :How to store E-VITE?

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A :

Store in a cool place and avoid direct sunlight. Do not remove the silica gel from the bottle to ensure that the quality of E-VITE is maintained at its best condition.

Q :Does E-VITE registered for MAL?

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A :

E-VITE is classified as food, so does not need to register for MAL.

Q :Can patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) take E-VITE?

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A :

Patients with stage 1 or 2 CKD can consume E-VITE in low dosage, which is 1 tablet per day. Patients with stage 3 and 4 CKD are not recommended to take any supplement including E-VITE.

Q :Can patients with kidney stones take E-VITE?

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A :

Yes, but E-VITE does not help in kidney stones

Q :What are the benefits of consuming E-VITE?

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A :

(1) Protect eyes, help eyes to fight against harmful blue light and UV ray. (2) Relieve tiredness and dryness of the eyes. (3) Enhance eye's health and sharpen eye vision. (4) Help to prevent from eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration and cataract.

Q :Can glaucoma patients take E-VITE after surgery?

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A :

Yes. Glaucoma patients can take E-VITE 30 days after surgery or after complete recovery of the wound, whichever is later, including the removal of dressing.

Q :Can E-VITE help in color blindness?

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A :

No. Color blindness is basically congenital due to the lack of cells in the eye that sense specific colours, and currently there is no treatment for colour blindness.

Q :Can E-VITE help in amblyopia?

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A :

Amblyopia (lazy eyes) refers to the gradual degradation of one of the eyes if it is not used for a long time. The treatment of lazy eyes is through vision correction (covering method) arranged by an ophthalmologist. Taking E-VITE does not directly help correct lazy eyes, but it can help patients improve their acuity faster during vision correction.

Q :Can E-VITE help in tear duct blockage?

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A :

No. There are many causes of tear duct blockage, including congenital and developmental factors, infections, inflammation, trauma, etc., so patient must seek the advice of a doctor to get treatment.

Q :Can a patient with Graves' ophthalmopathy caused by thyroiditis consume E-VITE?

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A :

Usually the condition will improve after medical treatment. The patient can try E-VITE. E-VITE helps to control eye sensitivity to light, diplopia, and vision impairment caused by exophthalmos, but not necessarily can aid in exophthalmos. A suggestion is to consume Selenium health to improve the condition.

Q :The eyes of a customer got swollen because of diabetes and new blood vessels start to grow. Is Evite helpful in such a case?

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A :

The customer developed diabetic retinopathy due to diabetes. Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Astaxanthin in E-VITE can prevent the deterioration and bleeding of new blood vessels and improve vision. More importantly, the customer has to control his / her blood sugar level, as high blood sugar level causes diabetic retinopathy to deteriorate.

Q :Can E-VITE help in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?

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A :

Lutein and Zeaxanthin in E-VITE can help increase the density of macular pigment in the eye, thereby delaying the risk of macular degeneration.

Q :Can E-VITE help in cataract?

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A :

Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Astaxanthin in E-VITE can give the eye a powerful anti-oxidant effect, protect the lens of the eye from oxidation and become cloudy, thereby reducing the risk of cataracts.

Q :Can E-VITE help in dry eye syndrome?

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A :

Astaxanthin in E-VITE is a powerful antioxidant. It can enter the blood vessels of the eye and promote blood circulation in the eye. There are also clinical trials showing that astaxanthin can improve the symptoms of dry eyes.

Q :Does it matter if I take less than the recommended dose?

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A :

If you take only one tablet of E-VITE per day, the effect will be shown slower and less obvious.

Q :Can patients who are taking blood-thinner consume E-VITE?

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A :

No problem.

Q :What causes redness of eye?

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A :

Redness of eyes is due to the swelling of the microvessel on the surface of the eye. There are several reasons why the eyes will turn red. One is because the eyes are in direct contact with sensitive or irritating substances, such as smoke, perfume, chemicals, alcohol, etc. The second reason is because of dryness of the eyes. Prolonged exposure to electronics, insufficient sleep, insufficient tear secretion, excessive use of eyes, prolonged duration in air-conditioning rooms or wearing contact lenses for too long duration can cause eye dryness. The third cause may be due to bacterial infections, and the fourth cause is due to some serious eye diseases such as glaucoma.

Q :Can E-VITE help in eye floaters?

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A :

Eye floaters refer to there are suspended black spots in the vision. When the eyes gradually age, the vitreous body (jelly-like object) in the eyes will be liquefied, causing small fibers in the vitreous body to accumulate. The black spots that people see are actually the shadows of tiny fibers stacked in the vitreous body of the eyes. There is no studies have been done to prove that E-VITE can improve eye floaters. In addition, there is no medicine to treat eye floaters so far.

Q :Can E-VITE help in glaucoma?

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A :

Glaucoma is one of the causes of blindness. The main factor for glaucoma is due to excessive intraocular pressure. High intraocular pressure will damage the optic nerves in the eyes. When the optic nerves are gradually damaged, blind spots will appear in the eye sight, causing part of vision loss. Scientific research proves that Astaxanthin can protect optic nerve cells and reduce the risk of glaucoma.

Q :Can E-VITE help in presbyopia?

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A :

Presbyopia refers to the loss of ability of the eyes to focus on close objects. As the eye ages, the lens in the eye gradually thickens and loses its flexibility. As the lens gets thicker and loses its elasticity, it would become more difficult for the eye to focus on close objects. This is why presbyopia patients can still see objects that are far away, but they cannot see objects that are closer. According to clinical trials, Lutein and Astaxanthin can improve the accomodation of the eye lens, allowing the lens to focus more easily on near objects.

Q :How to make the eyes look watery?

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A :

The eyes will look watery when the eyes contain sufficient moisture. To achieve this, dryness of eyes must be avoided. Prolonged exposure to electronics, insufficient sleep, insufficient tear secretion, excessive use of eyes, prolonged duration in air-conditioning room or wearing contact lenses for too long duration can cause eye dryness. In addition, clinical trials have proven that Astaxanthin in E-VITE can effectively improve dry eye symptoms.

Q :How to make the eyes have a clear distinction between black and white?

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A :

Eyes that have clear distinction between black and white means that the eyes are not appear in yellow, red or other colors. The main cause of yellowing of the eyes is liver problems, for this case, customers should get consultation from a medical doctor. The eyes appear redness because of the swelling of microvessels in the eyes. One of the causes of eye redness is because of dry eyes. Clinical trials have shown that Astaxanthin in E-VITE can effectively improve dry eye symptoms.

Q :Would E-VITE cause any allergy reaction?

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A :

The main ingredients of E-VITE are common foods, such as seaweed, blueberries, purple potatoes, etc. which basically will not cause any allergic reactions.

Q :Can patients with conjunctivitis consume E-VITE?

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A :

Conjunctivitis can be categorized into two types, infectious and non-infectious. Infectious conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria or viruses, which requires medical treatment and patients' attention to eye hygiene. Non-infectious conjunctivitis is due to allergic reactions. Taking E-VITE cannot directly treat conjunctivitis, but it can help to soothe the eye discomfort caused by conjunctivitis.

Q :E-VITE is originated from which country?

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A :

Our ingredients of E-VITE come from various countries, such as Germany, Japan, China, and India.The main ingredient is XanMax - the patented natural lutein and zeaxanthin with its US Process Patent. With the extraction technology, XanMax has superior absorption and can remain in the retina for 24 hours. E-VITE is manufactured in Malaysia by a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified factory.

Q :Will it be overdose if I take 4 tablets of E-VITE per day?

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A :

It would not be a problem if take 4 tablets of E-VITE per day. However, we are still suggesting customers to consume 2 tablets per day, as this is the recommended dosage by the American Optometry Association.

Q :Can people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency take E-VITE?

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A :

Some patients with G6PD deficiency cannot take blueberry. Need to ask the customer whether he or she cannot take blueberry, Because E-VITE contains blueberry powder.

Q :Does taking E-VITE cause eye irritation?

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A :

The causes of eye irritation include tired eyes, dry eyes, insufficient rest, long-term driving / reading / viewing electronic screens. Taking E-VITE does not cause eye irritation. On the contrary, the ingredients in E-VITE help to protect the eyes and improve the problem of tired eyes.

Q :Can people who are undergoing kidney dialysis take E-VITE?

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A :

Can take in low dosage, 1 tablet per day.

Q :What caused the symptoms such as stomach cramps and diarrhea after taking E-VITE?

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A :

Symptoms such as stomach cramps and diarrhea may be triggered when the body is unable to digest one of the ingredients in E-VITE, it is a sign of food intolerance. E-VITE contains Isomalt, it cannot be digested by the human body and contains a laxative effect, some may experience stomach discomfort after consuming. Suggest customers to reduce dosage (one tablet a day/one tablet every two days), if symptoms persist, stop consuming.

Q :When is the best time to consume E-VITE?

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A :

Suggest to consume after breakfast, because we use our eyes more frequently during daytime.

Q :Can E-VITE help with Choroiditis?

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A :

Choroiditis is the inflammation of a layer of blood vessel tissue behind the eye's retina, causing blurred vision, sensitivity to light, blind spots in vision, and more. Choroiditis requires medication but E-VITE is not a medicine, so it cannot help to cure choroiditis, but customers can consume E-VITE to reduce inflammation and complications of choroiditis.

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60 tablet per kotak. Petunjuk penggunaan E-VITE: Minum 2 tablet per hari setelah makan.



E-vite Main Function

  • Memberikan Penglihatan yang Lebih Jelas
  • Meredakan Ketegangan dan Kekeringan Mata
  • Mengurangi Ketidaknyamanan Mata akibat Cahaya Terang
  • Meredakan Penyakit Mata yang Berkaitan dengan Usia (katarak, degenerasi makula)
  • Meningkatkan Pigmen Makula
  • Melindungi Mata dari Sinar Biru dan Sinar UV
  • Mengurangi Kerusakan Radikal Bebas yang Berlebihan pada Mata
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