
KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum


Fungsi Utama
Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh anak
Mengurangi peradangan

Menyediakan nutrisi dan antioksidan
Meredakan gejala pernapasan
Perlindungan terhadap bakteri dan virus
Memperkuat sistem pertahanan kulit
Meningkatkan kesehatan usus
Meningkatkan kesehatan usus dan pencernaan
Memulihkan keseimbangan mikrobiota usus

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ColostrumOne adalah merek dagang dari APS BioGroup, dikumpulkan dari peternakan susu Grade A di AS. Colostrum ini kaya akan faktor kekebalan dan faktor pertumbuhan yang penting bagi tubuh serta mengandung nutrisi yang mendukung pertumbuhan.



Ekstrak Elderberry adalah ekstrak elderberry hitam berkualitas tinggi yang distandardisasi dengan anthocyanin, diproduksi dari elderberry hitam Austria menggunakan teknologi filtrasi membran yang dipatenkan. Fungsi utama ElderCraft adalah bersifat antibakteri dan antivirus, serta mengurangi keparahan pilek dan flu.


Vitamin C (PUREWAY-C)

Vitamin C (Pureway-C) adalah bentuk vitamin C yang mengandung metabolit vitamin C-lipid. Ini memiliki potensi antioksidan yang lebih kuat dan kemampuan menangkal radikal bebas yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu, dilengkapi dengan sistem pengiriman SuperSorb yang memungkinkan penyerapan cepat oleh tubuh dan mudah diserap oleh sel manusia.


Meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh

Diformulasikan dengan ekstrak elderberry, kolostrum, vitamin C, dan zinc, yang dikenal mendukung fungsi kekebalan tubuh dan melindungi dari infeksi.

Mengurangi peradangan

Elderberry adalah sumber antioksidan yang kaya yang dapat membantu mengurangi peradangan dan stres oksidatif dalam tubuh.

Meningkatkan kesehatan usus

Kolostrum mengandung nutrisi dan antibodi yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan usus dan mendukung pertumbuhan bakteri baik di usus.

Menyediakan nutrisi dan antioksidan

Mengandung vitamin C, zinc, dan ekstrak elderberry, yang semuanya kaya akan nutrisi dan antioksidan yang mendukung kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan.


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Anak-anak yang sering sakit


Anak-anak yang tidak mendapatkan nutrisi cukup dari makanan mereka


Anak-anak yang sering bermain di luar


Anak-anak dengan kekebalan tubuh yang rendah

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Q: Apa itu KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum adalah suplemen kesehatan yang diformulasikan khusus untuk meningkatkan kekebalan anak-anak. Ini berbentuk tablet kunyah dengan rasa cocoa-berry. Seperti namanya, bahan utama adalah ekstrak elderberry dan kolostrum, yang terkenal dengan khasiat meningkatkan kekebalan.

Q: Apakah ada bahan aktif lain dalam KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Selain ekstrak elderberry dan kolostrum, produk ini juga mengandung vitamin C untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.

Q: Dari mana asal bahan-bahan KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Ekstrak elderberry hitam Eldercraft berasal dari Austria (negara Eropa). ColostrumOne® dan PUREWAY-C® Ascorbic Acid dengan Lipid Metabolites (Vitamin C) berasal dari AS.

Q: Apa itu Ekstrak Elderberry Hitam Eldercraft?

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A :

Ekstrak elderberry hitam Eldercraft adalah ekstrak elderberry berkualitas tinggi yang distandardisasi dengan 14% anthocyanin, diproduksi dari elderberry hitam Austria (Sambucus nigra L.). Ekstrak ini menggunakan teknologi filtrasi membran polifenol Iprona yang dipatenkan untuk mempertahankan kandungan fitonutrien maksimal dalam elderberry hitam.

Q: Berapa kandungan ekstrak elderberry dalam KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Setiap tablet mengandung 50mg ekstrak elderberry hitam Eldercraft Eropa. Konsumsi harian 2 tablet menyediakan 100mg ekstrak elderberry kaya nutrisi.

Q: Apa itu kolostrum?

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A :

Kolostrum dikenal sebagai cairan yang diproduksi oleh kelenjar susu mamalia sebelum susu diproduksi. Kolostrum kaya akan vitamin, mineral, dan yang paling penting adalah antibodi seperti imunoglobulin G (IgG).

Q: Apa itu ColostrumOne?

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A :

ColostrumOne hanya menggunakan kolostrum yang diproduksi dalam 24 jam pertama untuk mendapatkan kandungan maksimal imunoglobulin G (IgG). ColostrumOne mengandung setidaknya 60% protein dan 25% IgG. Prosesnya dilakukan pada tekanan rendah, suhu rendah, dan menggunakan uap tidak langsung untuk mempertahankan bioaktivitas maksimal.

Q: Apa itu IgG?

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A :

IgG adalah imunoglobulin G, sejenis antibodi. Antibodi adalah protein yang dibuat oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan antigen seperti bakteri, virus, dan racun.

Q :How much is the IgG content in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Each tablet contains 300mg of colostrum with 25% IgG. Daily consumption of 2 tablets provides 600mg of colostrum.

Q :What are growth factors?

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A :

Growth factors are hormones that stimulate growth. Unlike those synthetic hormones, growth factors in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum exist naturally in the colostrum, hence it will not cause any adverse effects to the consumer.

Q :How much is the vitamin C content in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Each tablet contains 50mg of vitamin C. Daily consumption of 2 tablets provides 100mg of vitamin C.

Q :What is the recommended dosage of KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum for children?

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A :

2 chewable tablets per day after a meal.

Q :What is the minimum age to consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Children who are 2 years old and above can consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum, provided they are able to chew and swallow tablet-type.

Q :Can adults consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

No problem, the ingredients in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum are beneficial for adults too.

Q :Is there any side effects if my children accidentally consumed too many tablets of KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Children might experience mild side effects such as nausea and diarrhea if taking too many tablets at once.

Q :Is KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum beneficial to elderly too?

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A :

Yes, elderly is prone to get infection as they have weaker immune system, taking KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum can help them to improve their immunity to fight infections.

Q :When is the best time to consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum can be consumed at any time of the day. It is recommended to consume it after a meal.

Q :Is KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum suitable for vegetarians and vegan?

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A :

Only lacto-vegetarians can consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum. Vegan is not suitable to take KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum, as it contains colostrum and skimmed milk produced by cows. Vegans do not consume animal by- s including colostrum and milk.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum help to cure children from sickness?

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is not a medicine, it cannot cure people from sickness. However, it can help to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms such as cold, flu, cough and sore throat by strengthening the immune system, hence children will less easily fall sick after consumption.

Q :Can children who are allergic to cow's milk consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

For those who are allergic to cow's milk, we do not recommend him/her to consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum. If they want to consume, they can start with 1 tablet first and observe for any allergic reaction. If there is, kindly stop consuming this.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum be taken together with other supplements?

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A :

Yes, KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum can be taken together with other supplements.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum be taken together with medicine?

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A :

We suggest to separate the consumption of KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum and medicine for at least two hours in between, to avoid interaction occur.

Q :Can I grind and mix the tablet with drinks because I'm worried my children will get choked while eating the tablet?

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A :

Yes, you can mix the tablet with plain water, milk, fruit juice, yogurt etc. Avoid mixing with coffee and tea as they might interfere with the absorption.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum help my child to gain weight?

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A :

Ingredients in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum have the function of enhancing the gut's health by stimulating growth of intestinal cells. By having a healthy gut, children indirectly have better absorption of nutrients, hence it can help children to achieve normal weight by their age.

Q :Does KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum contain preservatives?

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A :

No. We have sent for a preservative test from an external accredited laboratory and KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is free from preservatives.

Q :Is the colostrum source of KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum free from transmission diseases?

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A :

Yes, the colostrum source of KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is free from transmission diseases such as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE), and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD).

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum help in children with jaundice?

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A :

Cannot. Jaundice in children (not newborn babies) is due to inability to process bilirubin (a brownish yellow substance) properly in the body. This is mostly related with diseases such as impaired liver function, liver infection, cirrhosis and obstruction of biliary duct etc.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum help in children with constipation problems?

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A :

Can, colostrum in KidAone Elderberry + colostrum can help to relieve constipation by inducing excretion of stool mass and maintain healthy bowel movement.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum help in children with chronic diarrhea problems?

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum helps to strengthen immune system and fight infectious pathogens that cause diarrhea. It can also improve gut health and reduce the frequency and severity of diarrhea.

Q :Can infants consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

We do not recommend infants to take KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum because the research has not been extensively studied for safety in infants.

Q :What is PUREWAY-C?

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A :

PUREWAY-C? is a form of high bioavailability vitamin C. With SuperSorb? Enhanced Delivery Systems, PUREWAY-C? is having better delivery, absorption rate and utilization efficacy compared to other forms of vitamin C. It is effective in maintaining healthy immune function and supporting immuno-modulatory functions in the human body.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum help for asthma?

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A :

Asthma is a disease that is caused by the narrowing of the airway triggered by allergen, irritant, weather or other factors. KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum cannot help to cure asthma, however, KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum can help to strengthen the immune system, which can help to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attack.

Q :Why is cow colostrum selected as an ingredient in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Cow colostrum is selected as most components in cow colostrum are functionally identical to human colostrum. Both cow and human colostrum contain immunoglobulins and up to 90 types of beneficial components.

Q :In the label of KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum, it is stated that Excessive use can have a laxative effect., what does it mean?

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum contains isomalt as one of the ingredients. Some of the people are lacking enzymes to digest isomalt, and undigested isomalt could have a laxative effect and might cause stomach discomfort and mild diarrhea.

Q :Can children with lactose intolerance consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Can try to consume. Normally, people with lactose intolerance can still consume up to half a cup of milk (6000mg of lactose) without experiencing any symptoms. KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum contains only a negligible amount of lactose (80mg/tablet), so it is less likely to trigger symptoms of lactose intolerance.

Q :Can children with G6PD deficiency consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum? Answer :

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum contains vitamin c (ascorbic acid). Although it is listed as one of the foods to avoid for children with G6PD deficiency, the amount of ascorbic acid in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is very minimal (50mg per tablet) and it is very unlikely to cause hemolytic anemia. Children with G6PD deficiency can take KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum. However as a precaution, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming.

Q :Is KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum a supplement or a food?

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is a functional food instead of a supplement. According to the food classification letter by NPRA, KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is not regulated by NPRA, it is under regulation by BKKM of the Ministry of Health.

Q :Can children with psoriasis consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Can. Psoriasis is a type of autoimmune disease that causes red, itchy, scaly patches on skin. Autoimmune disease is a condition in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your body. The ingredients in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum can help to balance back the immune system, hence helps to control the condition of autoimmune disease. If the customer is taking immunosuppressant drug, please ask for doctor's advice before he/she starts to consume.

Q :Can children with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Can. SLE is a type of autoimmune disease that causes systemic inflammation of joints, skin, kidneys, brain, heart and lungs. Autoimmune disease is a condition in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your body. The ingredients in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum can help to balance back the immune system, hence helps to control the condition of autoimmune disease. If the customer is taking immunosuppressant drugs, please ask for doctor's advice before he/she starts to consume.

Q :Can KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum help to treat hand foot mouth disease?

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A :

Hand foot mouth disease is a type of viral infection disease, so far there is no specific treatment for this disease, hence we are unable to promise whether this will help on children's recovery. It would be better for the parents to consult a doctor and consume medication prescribed by the doctor.

Q :Can children who have Type I diabetes and are on insulin injection consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Yes, can. Suggest to consume after meals, twice a day.

Q :Can children with atrial septal defect consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

Atrial septal defect refers to congenital defect in the heart, so consuming KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum cannot help to improve the condition. Parents may need to seek for doctor's advice before consuming if their children have atrial septal defect. Generally, consuming KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum can help to improve children's overall health.

Q :Can children who are allergic to chocolate consume KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum?

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A :

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum contains cocoa powder, as chocolate is extracted from cocoa, therefore, children who are allergic to chocolate may have allergic reaction towards KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum too, therefore, not suggested to consume.

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60 tablet per kotak. Petunjuk penggunaan Elderberry Colostrum. Konsumsi 2 tablet kunyah per hari. Produk ini hanya cocok untuk anak-anak di atas 2 tahun yang memiliki kemampuan mengunyah.

KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum


Fungsi Utama
Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh anak
Mengurangi peradangan

Menyediakan nutrisi dan antioksidan
Meredakan gejala pernapasan
Perlindungan terhadap bakteri dan virus
Memperkuat sistem pertahanan kulit
Meningkatkan kesehatan usus
Meningkatkan kesehatan usus dan pencernaan
Memulihkan keseimbangan mikrobiota usus

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