Tongkat Ali
Dikenal karena kemampuannya meningkatkan kadar testosteron, Tongkat Ali meningkatkan libido, memperbaiki kinerja seksual, dan mendukung vitalitas serta tingkat energi secara keseluruhan pada pria.
Akar Maca terkenal karena sifat adaptogennya, yang membantu mengurangi stres, meningkatkan stamina, dan meningkatkan libido. Maca juga mendukung keseimbangan hormon dan meningkatkan kesuburan.
Butea Superba
Digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional Thailand, Butea Superba dikenal untuk memperbaiki fungsi ereksi, meningkatkan kinerja seksual, dan memperkuat kesehatan seksual secara keseluruhan pada pria.
Cuscuta Chinensis
Herbal ini digunakan untuk mendukung kesehatan reproduksi, memperbaiki kualitas dan jumlah sperma, serta meningkatkan vitalitas. Cuscuta Chinensis juga memiliki sifat antioksidan yang mendukung kesejahteraan umum.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus banyak digunakan untuk meningkatkan libido, memperbaiki kinerja seksual, dan meningkatkan kadar testosteron. Selain itu, Tribulus mendukung pertumbuhan otot dan kekuatan fisik.
Horny Goat Weed
Dikenal karena sifat afrodisiaknya, Horny Goat Weed membantu memperbaiki fungsi ereksi, meningkatkan hasrat seksual, dan memperkuat kinerja seksual secara keseluruhan. Bahan ini juga mendukung aliran darah yang sehat dan tingkat energi.
Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah ke seluruh tubuh
Erojan meningkatkan aliran darah dengan herbal alami, memastikan distribusi oksigen dan nutrisi yang efisien untuk fungsi tubuh yang optimal.
Meningkatkan stamina untuk latihan yang lebih lama
Erojan meningkatkan tingkat stamina, memungkinkan pria untuk melakukan sesi latihan yang lebih lama tanpa mudah lelah.
Kadar testosteron optimal untuk kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan
Erojan mengatur kadar testosteron dengan herbal alami, mendukung pertumbuhan otot dan kepadatan tulang.
Meningkatkan maskulinitas dan daya tarik
Erojan meningkatkan maskulinitas, meningkatkan daya tarik dan kepercayaan diri pria.
Distribusi dan pembakaran lemak yang efisien
Erojan mempromosikan pembakaran lemak dan mengatur distribusi lemak, menghasilkan tubuh yang lebih ramping.
Meningkatkan kepadatan tulang untuk gerakan yang lebih kuat
Erojan meningkatkan kepadatan tulang, mendukung gerakan tubuh yang lebih kuat dan mencegah kondisi seperti osteoporosis.
Meningkatkan vitalitas untuk rutinitas harian
Erojan meningkatkan vitalitas tubuh, menjaga pria tetap aktif dan bugar dalam aktivitas sehari-hari.
Meningkatkan tingkat energi untuk performa atletik
Erojan meningkatkan tingkat energi, memperbaiki performa atletik untuk olahraga dan aktivitas fisik.
Siapa yang Membutuhkan Erojan?
Pria yang sering merasa lelah
Pria paruh baya yang mengalami krisis kesehatan
Pria yang sering begadang
Pria yang mengalami stres kronis
Pria yang sering mengonsumsi alkohol
Pria yang merokok berat
Pria yang rutin pergi ke gym
Sertifikasi & Penghargaan Produk
Q: Apa itu EROJAN?
A :
EROJAN adalah obat tradisional dengan kombinasi unik dari 6 ekstrak herbal yang bekerja secara sinergis untuk meningkatkan kesehatan pria dengan menjaga kadar testosteron yang sehat.
Q: Apa itu testosteron?
A :
Testosteron adalah hormon utama pria yang diproduksi terutama di testis. Hormon ini bertanggung jawab atas perkembangan karakteristik seksual pria, meningkatkan stamina, mendorong pertumbuhan otot, meningkatkan kepadatan mineral tulang dan metabolisme lemak, serta meningkatkan kesuburan.
Q: Apa saja bahan-bahan dalam EROJAN?
A :
EROJAN mengandung ekstrak Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia), ekstrak Maca (Lepidium meyenii), ekstrak Butea superba, ekstrak Cuscuta chinensis, ekstrak Tribulus terrestris, dan ekstrak Horny goat weed (Epimedium).
Q: Apa fungsi Tongkat Ali?
A :
Tongkat Ali telah lama digunakan sebagai obat tradisional untuk meningkatkan kadar testosteron dan kesuburan pria. Tongkat Ali membantu membangun otot dan meningkatkan daya tahan. Selain itu, Tongkat Ali juga dapat memperbaiki suasana hati dengan mengurangi hormon stres.
Q: Apa fungsi Maca?
A :
Maca meningkatkan kesuburan pria dengan meningkatkan kualitas sperma, meningkatkan energi dan performa olahraga, serta menambah ukuran dan kekuatan otot.
Q: Apa fungsi Butea Superba?
A :
Butea Superba memperkuat tulang dan meningkatkan kepadatan mineral tulang. Butea juga mengandung fitonutrien dan flavonoid yang mendukung fungsi kardiovaskular untuk kesehatan jantung yang lebih baik.
Q: Apa fungsi Cuscuta chinensis?
A :
Cuscuta chinensis secara tradisional digunakan sebagai tonik hati. Bahan ini melindungi hati dari kerusakan oksidatif dan mengurangi hepatotoksisitas. Cuscuta chinensis meningkatkan kadar enzim superoksida dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, dan katalase untuk mencegah kerusakan hati.
Q: Apa fungsi Tribulus Terrestris?
A :
Saponin adalah senyawa aktif utama dalam Tribulus Terrestris. Bahan ini membantu melebarkan arteri koroner, meningkatkan sirkulasi koroner, dan memperbaiki sirkulasi darah. Tribulus Terrestris juga dapat meningkatkan kadar testosteron.
Q :What is the function of Horny goat weed?
A :
Horny goat weed contains icariin which helps to protect nerves, improves blood flow and it acts as a natural energizing tonic to combat fatigue and improve stamina.
Q :Can vegetarians and vegan take EROJAN?
A :
Yes, all the ingredients in EROJAN are derived from plants. Instead of a bovine capsule, EROJAN is using a vegetable capsule which is suitable for both vegetarians and vegan.
Q :How long does EROJAN take to boost vitality?
A :
EROJAN is a traditional medicine derived from natural herbs. Hence, it does not give instant effect, it takes time to see the effectiveness and it varies upon individual. Generally, one will have better stamina and become more energetic after 2-4 weeks of consumption.
Q :What is the recommended dosage of EROJAN?
A :
The recommended dosage is taking 2 capsules daily after a meal.
Q :Will taking EROJAN affect my sleep?
A :
EROJAN will not affect sleep quality, however, if you experience sleeping problems, it is recommended to take EROJAN in the morning.
Q :Does EROJAN have any side effects?
A :
To date, there are no known or reported side effects of EROJAN. However, the effect may vary between individuals.
Q :Does EROJAN have a MAL number?
A :
Yes, EROJAN is a traditional medicine which has been registered under NPRA with a MAL number, MAL19056078T.
Q :Can a person on dialysis take EROJAN?
A :
It is not recommended to take EROJAN when a person is on dialysis, please consult with your physician before taking any supplement.
Q :Can a person undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy take EROJAN?
A :
Do not take any supplements if the customer is undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Stop taking any supplements 2 weeks before the treatment. EROJAN can be taken 30 days after the surgery, provided the wound had been fully recovered.
Q :Will EROJAN give me a 'long lasting' effect?
A :
EROJAN can help to improve men's health, improve energy and vitality. This is a traditional medicine and will not give an instant long lasting effect.
Q :Is EROJAN a type of drug?
A :
No, EROJAN is a traditional medicine, approved by the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA).
Q :Can a person with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) take EROJAN?
A :
Can. EROJAN does not have fava beans, legumes, drugs, chemicals or other ingredients that can trigger hemolytic anemia.
Q :Can children take EROJAN?
A :
Children are not recommended to take EROJAN as this traditional medicine is specially formulated for male adults.
Q :What would happen if a woman accidentally took EROJAN?
A :
No worries, there is no harm if a woman accidently consumed EROJAN, however, this supplement is specially formulated for men, not for women.
Q :Can a person taking blood thinner take EROJAN?
A :
Avoid taking EROJAN if you are on Warfarin blood thinning medication as EROJAN contains horny goat weed, this will increase the risk of bleeding and bruises. If a customer is taking other blood thinner, please consult with your physician before taking EROJAN or take at low dosage and stop if there is any bleeding or bruises.
Q :Is EROJAN safe to be consumed?
A :
Rest assured EROJAN is safe to be consumed. Every batch of EROJAN ion undergoes stringent quality checking for heavy metal and microorganism tests from external accredited laboratories to ensure its safety and quality. All our are carefully manufactured in a GMP and HACCP certified facility. Safety and quality are our utmost priority and we assure only the best reach of our customers.
Q :Will EROJAN cause premature ejeculation?
A :
No, EROJAN is a men's traditional medicine that can boost testosterone level and prevent premature ejaculation.
Q :Can EROJAN help in erectile dysfunction?
A :
EROJAN can help in preventing erectile dysfunction but it will not give instant erection, it can slowly reduce or prevent erectile dysfunction as all the herbs are meant for boosting testosterone.
Q :Who is suitable to take EROJAN?
A :
Men in their late 20s can start to take EROJAN if they want to maintain their vitality. EROJAN can be taken even when you reach 60s.
Q :Can EROJAN be taken with medicine prescribed by a doctor?
A :
There is no study stating that it has any interaction with medicine, however, it is best to take it within a 2 hours gap before or after other medicine.
Q :Can diabetic patients take EROJAN?
A :
Diabetic patients can take EROJAN, however, if the customer is taking any medicine to control high blood glucose, start with 1 capsule of EROJAN daily because Tribulus Terrestris can aid in lowering blood glucose.
Q :Can a person who is taking hypertension medicine and heart medicine take EROJAN?
A :
It is better to consult a doctor before taking this medicine as Tribulus Terrestris might have interaction with these medicines.
Q :Can a person who is undergoing Androgen replacement therapy (ART) or any hormone therapy take EROJAN?
A :
Anyone taking steroids as medicine should consult a doctor before taking EROJAN as horny goat weed might have interaction with these medications.
Q :How is EROJAN different from others in the market?
A :
EROJAN is made with natural ingredients, it does not contain steroids or drugs and will not give side effects.
Q :What is so special about Tongkat Ali?
A :
Tongkat ali is one of the treasures in Malaysia and also known as Malaysia's Ginseng which is a flowering plant of Eurycoma longifolia. It is famous for maintaining men's vitality and energy.
Q :Can I take EROJAN if I have prostate cancer?
A :
To one who is having prostate cancer, it is advisable to take EROJAN 1 month after treatment (chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or others), provided that wound is completely healed and removal of dressing has been done.
Q :Why is EROJAN so important to men?
A :
When a man reaches his 30s, he will be losing on average 10% of testosterone every decade not because of disease but due to aging.
Q :What can low testosterone cause to the body?
A :
Low testosterone will lead to low libido, insomnia, reduction in muscle, increase of fat percentage, emotional changes, infertility and so on.
Q :What are some bad habits that will cause the decrease in testosterone?
A :
Some of the bad habits include improper diet, staying up late, smoking, high intake of alcohol, stress, aging and so on.
Q :Is there any certificate for EROJAN?
A :
EROJAN is tested by third parties to be free from heavy metals and microbial. Other than that, it has been tested by Halvec laboratories to be free from porcine and alcohol.It has also been tested to be free from erectile dysfunction drugs.
Q :Can EROJAN prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or sexual transmitted disease(STD)?
A :
No, EROJAN will not help to prevent STD or HIV. Consumers are required to use other methods, such as condoms to prevent these diseases.
Q :Can EROJAN help to increase sperm count and semen?
A :
There are studies that indicate ingredients in EROJAN can aid in increasing sperm amount and aid in increasing the chances of fertility.
Q :Can a person who is a heavy drinker take EROJAN?
A :
Heavy drinkers can take EROJAN as it contains cuscuta chinensis which is traditionally used to tonify liver, prevent liver from oxidative damage and aid in raising Superoxide dismutase in liver.
Q :Can EROJAN help in fat loss and increase muscle to get a good figure in men?
A :
Yes, EROJAN can help in maintaining testosterone at a healthy level, preventing muscle loss and rise in fat percentage.
Q :Why don't I feel anything after taking EROJAN?
A :
EROJAN is a type of traditional medicine supplement that requires time to regulate the body function, normally takes about 2-4 weeks to feel the effect but some individuals might take longer time.
Q :Will a woman get infertile after taking EROJAN?
A :
EROJAN is meant for men, however, if a woman accidentally took it, it will NOT cause infertility.
Q :Will EROJAN cause my body to be heaty?
A :
From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the herbs in EROJAN are tonic, so people who has heaty-prone body must be careful when taking EROJAN, as it may cause the body getting heaty. People who has heaty-prone body are advised to take EROJAN at a low dose, one capsule per 1-2 days. In addition, an increase in body temperature may also be due to insufficient water intake. Consumer are recommended to take at least 2 liters of water per day, because water can help to lower body temperature.
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