


Fungsi Utama Imuglo

Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
Melawan infeksi

Mengurangi peradangan
Mendukung kesehatan pernapasan
Meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan

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Konsumsi rutin TIGROX IMUGLO bermanfaat untuk sistem kekebalan tubuh dan kesehatan gastrointestinal.

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Maritech Organic Fucoidan (dari rumput laut mekabu)

Diekstrak dari rumput laut mekabu, bahan ini merupakan salah satu yang tertua dan tersehat di dunia. Mengandung Fucoidan khusus dan berfungsi sebagai modulator kekebalan alami yang umum.


Eldercraft® (Ekstrak Elderberry Hitam)

Bahan aktif untuk melawan bakteri patogen manusia dan virus influenza. Mengandung kapasitas antioksidan alami 2 kali lebih tinggi daripada kebanyakan buah lainnya dan 5 kali lebih banyak antosianidin daripada blueberry.


Ekstrak Miselium Jamur Maitake

Kaya akan beta-glucan, mendukung kesehatan secara umum dan melindungi fungsi seluler normal. Mendukung respons imun, fungsi usus normal, dan menjaga kadar gula darah yang sehat.


Pureway-C™ Vitamin C Lipid Metabolites

Berperan dalam pertahanan kekebalan tubuh dengan mendukung berbagai fungsi seluler dari sistem kekebalan bawaan dan adaptif. Juga merangsang produksi dan fungsi sel darah putih, terutama neutrofil, limfosit, dan fagosit.


Campuran Jus Buah

Jus jeruk kaya akan Vitamin C dan dapat membantu meningkatkan produksi sel darah putih. Mentimun dalam jus kaya akan Vitamin A, yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kekebalan dan menjaga permukaan lapisan mata, saluran pernapasan, saluran kemih, dan saluran pencernaan tetap sehat dan utuh.


Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh

Tigrox Imuglo mengandung bahan alami seperti elderberry, echinacea, dan vitamin C, yang telah terbukti mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh dan meningkatkan kesehatan secara keseluruhan.

Melawan infeksi

Bahan-bahan dalam Tigrox Imuglo memiliki sifat antimikroba dan antivirus yang dapat membantu tubuh melawan infeksi dan mencegah penyakit.

Mengurangi peradangan

Beberapa bahan dalam Tigrox Imuglo, seperti jahe dan kunyit, memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi yang dapat membantu mengurangi peradangan di tubuh.

Mendukung kesehatan pernapasan

Tigrox Imuglo mengandung bahan-bahan seperti akar licorice dan daun mullein yang dapat membantu mendukung kesehatan pernapasan serta meredakan batuk dan gejala pernapasan lainnya.

Meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan

Dengan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mengurangi peradangan, Tigrox Imuglo dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan, serta berpotensi mengurangi risiko penyakit kronis.


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Siapa yang Membutuhkan Imuglo?



Memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah


Memiliki masalah pada sistem pernapasan


Mudah sakit atau sering mengalami infeksi


Sering bepergian


Orang tua dan paruh baya


Tenaga kesehatan


Sering makan di luar


Memiliki gaya hidup yang tidak sehat

Sertifikasi & Penghargaan Produk



Q: Apa itu IMUGLO?

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A :

IMUGLO adalah minuman botani siap minum yang diformulasikan untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh pada orang dewasa.

Q: Apa saja bahan aktif dalam IMUGLO?

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A :

Bahan aktif dalam IMUGLO meliputi ekstrak rumput laut fucoidan mekabu organik Maritech dari Australia, ekstrak elderberry hitam Eldercraft® dari Italia, asam askorbat PUREWAY-C dari Amerika Serikat, dan ekstrak miselium jamur maitake.

Q: Apa rasa dari IMUGLO?

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A :

IMUGLO adalah minuman botani campuran buah dengan rasa jeruk, mentimun, dan lemon.

Q: Apa itu ekstrak rumput laut fucoidan mekabu organik Maritech dan fungsinya?

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A :

Ekstrak rumput laut fucoidan mekabu organik Maritech berasal dari rumput laut coklat mekabu (Undaria pinnatifida), yang diekstraksi menggunakan teknologi ekstraksi air bebas pelarut. Fucoidan adalah senyawa bioaktif kuat yang berfungsi dalam memodulasi sistem kekebalan tubuh. Fucoidan juga memiliki sifat anti-virus, anti-bakteri, anti-penuaan, dan anti-inflamasi.

Q: Berapa kadar fucoidan dalam ekstrak rumput laut fucoidan mekabu organik Maritech?

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A :

Ekstrak rumput laut fucoidan mekabu organik Maritech mengandung lebih dari 85% fucoidan.

Q: Apa itu Ekstrak ElderCraft European Black Elderberry dan fungsinya?

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A :

Ekstrak elderberry hitam ElderCraft European adalah ekstrak elderberry berkualitas tinggi dengan standar 14% antosianidin yang dibuat dari elderberry hitam Austria (Sambucus nigra L.). Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan teknologi filtrasi membran polifenol Iprona yang dipatenkan untuk mempertahankan kandungan fitonutrien maksimal. Fungsi utama ElderCraft adalah mendukung kekebalan tubuh, mengurangi risiko infeksi, dan meredakan gejala pernapasan atas.

Q: Kandungan ekstrak elderberry hitam dalam IMUGLO setara dengan berapa gram buah elderberry?

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A :

Ekstrak elderberry hitam ElderCraft European diekstrak dengan rasio 1:64. Oleh karena itu, 300mg ekstrak elderberry hitam dalam IMUGLO setara dengan 19.200mg buah elderberry.

Q: Apa itu PUREWAY-C asam askorbat dan fungsinya?

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A :

PUREWAY-C adalah bentuk vitamin C dengan bioavailabilitas tinggi. Dengan sistem SuperSorb Enhanced Delivery, PUREWAY-C memiliki tingkat penyerapan, pemanfaatan, dan efektivitas yang lebih baik. Retensi PUREWAY-C adalah 233% lebih tinggi dibandingkan bentuk vitamin C lainnya. PUREWAY-C efektif dalam menjaga fungsi kekebalan tubuh yang sehat dan mendukung fungsi imunomodulasi dalam tubuh manusia.

Q :What is maitake mycelium and its function?

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A :

Maitake mushroom is rich in beta-1,3-1,6 glucan which are potent immunomodulators that help to restore healthy immune balance. Moreover, it also contributes to anti-allergic properties that can improve body resistance against allergies.

Q :Is IMUGLO a supplement or a food?

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A :

IMUGLO is a functional food instead of a supplement. According to the food classification letter by NPRA, IMUGLO is not regulated by DCA (drug control authority), NPRA, it is under regulation by BKKM of the Ministry of Health.

Q :Why is immune health important?

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A :

Immune system is our body's security system and is significant to keep our living life to the fullest. It's a natural defense against harmful health challenges. So, if our immune system is weak, it might cause trouble fighting off health disease.

Q :Are children and teenagers below 18 years old suitable to consume IMUGLO?

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A :

IMUGLO is specially formulated for adult. For children's and teenagers' immune health, we highly recommend KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum to improve their immunity and overall health.

Q :How does IMUGLO supports older adult?

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A :

Our immune system is getting weaker as we grow older. The active ingredients in IMUGLO can help to modulate and boost the immune system, giving the body a stronger defence system to fight against harmful substances such as pathogens from the environment.

Q :Who are the targeted groups to take IMUGLO?

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A :

IMUGLO is suitable for people who are having weak immune systems and people who are at risk of low immunity, such as people who are taking certain medications or having certain diseases, poor nutrition, under long term stress, smoking and alcohol abuse.

Q :What are the signs and symptoms of a weakened immune system?

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A :

People with weakened immune systems frequently fall sick and easily get infection, slower in wound healing, experience declined digestive function, constant fatigue, etc,.

Q :Does IMUGLO contain Beta-Glucans?

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A :

Yes. Maitake mushroom mycelium extract in IMUGLO contains beta-1,3-1,6 glucan that can support general health and protect normal cellular functions.

Q :What is the best time of the day to take IMUGLO?

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A :

You can take IMUGLO at any time of the day. It is recommended to consume 1 sachet after a meal.

Q :How long can I see the obvious effect after taking IMUGLO?

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A :

For the immune, it would take a longer time to see the effect, as improvement of the immune system cannot be observed significantly in the short term. Instead of observing the time taken, customers are encouraged to observe their body condition after taking IMUGLO. Customers can observe lesser illness symptoms and faster recovery after falling sick. In the long term, customers can also observe a lesser frequency of falling sick.

Q :Other than the immune system, what can I observe after taking IMUGLO for a period of time?

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A :

Apart from immunomodulatory function, IMUGLO also exhibits other beneficial functions such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and improving gut health. After taking IMUGLO for 2 to 4 weeks, customers can feel more energetic, less tired and better bowel movement.

Q :Can I take IMUGLO with an empty stomach?

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A :

Yes, you can. But if you have a sensitive stomach, you might need to take IMUGLO after meals to avoid stomach discomfort.

Q :What is the recommended dosage of IMUGLO?

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A :

The recommended dosage for IMUGLO is one sachet per day.

Q :What is the best age to start consume IMUGLO?

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A :

IMUGLO is a functional food which focuses to enhance the immune system in our body. As we age, the immune system becomes weaker due to lifestyle activity such as smoking and stress. So, in order to maintain good health, it is good to start taking IMUGLO as early as you hit 18 years old.

Q :Can I consume IMUGLO after surgery?

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A :

You may start to take IMUGLO 1 month after the surgery is done, provided that the wound is completely healed and recovered (including removal of dressing). Recommended to seek advice from a physician before consuming.

Q :Can I consume IMUGLO together with medicine?

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A :

Please consult with your physician before taking IMUGLO. We recommend customers to leave gap of at least 2 hours before consuming IMUGLO and other medicine(s) to avoid interference of absorption or efficacy.

Q :Can vegetarians and vegans consume IMUGLO?

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A :

Yes, all of the ingredients in IMUGLO are derived from non-animal source (plant, algae and fungus). It is suitable for vegetarians and vegetarians to consume.

Q :Is a pregnant woman suitable to consume IMUGLO?

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A :

The ingredients of IMUGLO are derived from natural sources and safe for consumption, however, no studies have proven that it is safe for pregnant women. Therefore, it is not recommended for pregnant women to consume IMUGLO.

Q :Is breastfeeding mother suitable to consume IMUGLO?

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A :

The ingredients of IMUGLO are derived from natural sources and safe for consumption, however, no studies have proven that it is safe for breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, it is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers to consume IMUGLO.

Q :Can people with psoriasis take IMUGLO?

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A :

People with psoriasis can try to take IMUGLO. There are studies shown that oral consumption of fucoidan potentially helps in psoriasis by improving the immune system and gut environment.

Q :Can a person with immunodeficiency take IMUGLO?

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A :

Yes, IMUGLO can help to boost immunity. However, it is best to consult with a doctor before starting to consume.

Q :Can people who are taking blood thinner consume IMUGLO?

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A :

It is suggested to seek for doctor's advice before taking IMUGLO, or the customer can try to take one sachet every two days. If a customer experiences bruising or bleeding gums, then stop taking it. If the customer is taking Warfarin as blood thinner, it is not suitable for them to take IMUGLO.

Q :Can people who are taking immunosuppressant drug take IMUGLO?

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A :

It depends on the purpose of the patient taking immunosuppressant. If the patient is taking immunosuppressant after organ transplantation, then the patient should avoid taking IMUGLO. If the patient is taking immunosuppressant due to autoimmune disease, then IMUGLO can be taken.

Q :Can a patient who is undergoing dialysis take IMUGLO?

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A :

Patients who are undergoing dialysis can follow the following recommendations: If the customer is on hemodialysis (HD), it is recommended to take 1 sachet in the morning on the day of dialysis, the earlier the better. If the customer is on peritoneal dialysis (PD), they can take 1 sachet per day, but the effect of this may not be great.

Q :Can cancer patients take IMUGLO?

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A :

It depends on the cancer stage. Patients with cancer stage 1 and 2 can consume IMUGLO. However for those under chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment, it is not recommended to consume. Whereas for patients with cancer stage 3 and 4, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming.

Q :Can diabetes patients take IMUGLO?

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A :

Yes, diabetic patients can take IMUGLO. Each sachet of IMUGLO only contains 0.7g of sugar, and the sugar content in IMUGLO comes from natural fructose in fruit juice powder such as orange and lemon instead of added refined sugar. It is recommended for diabetes patient to take IMUGLO after a meal to prevent spiking of blood glucose.

Q :Can people with G6PD deficiency take IMUGLO?

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A :

People with G6PD deficiency can take IMUGLO, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking IMUGLO, to avoid any interaction with other food or medication.

Q :Who should not take IMUGLO?

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A :

People who have had an organ transplant and are taking immunosuppressant drugs should avoid taking IMUGLO. Besides, people who are taking warfarin blood thinner should avoid taking IMUGLO too. For those who are allergic to seaweed, elderberry and mushroom, they are also not suitable to take IMUGLO.

Q :Why should we take IMUGLO even when we are not sick?

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A :

Our immune system is constantly being challenged by pathogens everyday, if we only take IMUGLO when we start to have symptoms of illness, it means that our body has been defeated by the pathogen, and it is too late to avoid sickness at that time. That is why we should always enhance and maintain our immune system.

Q :How does IMUGLO differ from other immunity enhancers?

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A :

With four immuno-modulating ingredients, IMUGLO helps to enhance immunity naturally without overstimulating the immune system, which may be harmful.

Q :Can I take more vitamin C and receive the same benefits as I take IMUGLO?

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A :

Vitamin C is well-known for immune-boosting. However, IMUGLO is formulated with 4 types of immune-enhancing ingredients, including PUREWAY-C??vitamin C with higher absorption and retention rate compared to other forms of vitamin C in the market. Moreover, Maritech? organic fucoidan and ElderCraft? Elderberry extracts are also ingredients that help to modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation and relieve upper respiratory symptoms. In short, the health benefit of taking IMUGLO cannot be substituted by just taking higher dosage of vitamin C or other immune-boosting.

Q :Does IMUGLO need to be refrigerated?

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A :

IMUGLO is stable to be stored at a cool and dry place (room temperature). Hence, it does not need to be refrigerated.

Q :Can IMUGLO be taken by those suffering from autoimmune diseases (eg: type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus)?

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A :

Yes, IMUGLO is suitable for people who are suffering from autoimmune diseases. As a good immune-modulator, IMUGLO activates the immune cells appropriately while calming those involved in auto-immunity. The results of IMUGLO are enhanced by its anti-inflammatory effects. Customers can try to consume IMUGLO 1 sachet every 2 days and monitor the condition. If there is no adverse effect, customer may continue consuming IMUGLO cautiously. If symptoms get worse, please stop consuming IMUGLO and consult a doctor for further course of action.

Q :Can IMUGLO help to improve eczema?

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A :

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis is a type of inflammatory skin condition that may cause dry, redness, itchiness on the skin. Such a condition is caused by weakening of the skin barrier, hence the skin is less resistant against irritants and allergens. People with eczema can try to take IMUGLO to reduce inflammation of the skin and strengthen the skin barrier. However, IMUGLO cannot help to completely cure eczema.

Q :Can IMUGLO help to improve skin allergy?

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A :

Skin allergy happens when a person is in contact with an allergen that would trigger overreaction of the immune system, it may cause rashes, swelling, itchiness, bumps or other symptoms of skin. People with skin allergy can take IMUGLO to help modulate the immune system and reduce skin inflammation due to allergy. However, it is important to identify the specific allergen and avoid it to prevent the recurrence of skin allergy.

Q :Can consumers take IMUGLO during menstruation?

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A :

Can. IMUGLO does not contain any hormone, hence, it will not affect the menstrual cycle of the consumer.

Q :Can customers take IMUGLO when they fall sick?

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A :

Can, ingredients in IMUGLO can help to fight infections and help to recover faster. If the customer is taking medicine prescribed by the doctor, the customer should separate the consumption of IMUGLO and medicine for at least two hours in between, to avoid interaction.

Q :Can IMUGLO help consumers with food allergies?

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A :

Food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating certain food. It is possible to cause skin itchiness, swelling, wheezing, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, dizziness and even rapid pulse. Unfortunately, there is no medicine, supplement or functional food that can cure food allergy including IMUGLO.

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20 sachet per box. Direction for use Tigrox Imuglo. Drink 1 sachet per day after a meal



Fungsi Utama Imuglo

Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
Melawan infeksi

Mengurangi peradangan
Mendukung kesehatan pernapasan
Meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan

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