


Fungsi Utama ISOduce

  • Meningkatkan kondisi kulit
  • Menormalkan menstruasi
  • Meredakan nyeri haid
  • Meningkatkan tingkat kehamilan
  • Mengatur sistem endokrin
  • Detoksifikasi dan mengurangi lemak
  • Meningkatkan libido
  • Meredakan gejala menopause
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Pueraria Mirifica

Mendukung pembesaran payudara, mengatur hormon wanita, dan meningkatkan kesehatan serta kecantikan wanita.


Kacip Fatimah

Dikenal sebagai "Tongkat Ali untuk Wanita," membantu eliminasi kuman, meningkatkan tingkat kehamilan, mengatasi frigiditas, dan mengatur sistem endokrin wanita.



Menguatkan dinding vagina, mengembalikan kekencangan, dan meningkatkan libido.


Bubuk Oat

Kaya serat larut dan Vitamin E, membantu mengurangi kadar kolesterol darah dan mendukung pencernaan.


Bubuk Elderflower

Digunakan untuk mengobati pilek, flu, dan sembelit, serta meningkatkan produksi urin.


Asam Amino Sutra

Dikenal juga sebagai protein sutra, efektif melawan kelelahan, meningkatkan kualitas tidur, dan memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh.


Bubuk Kedelai

Kaya akan protein kedelai dan asam lemak tak jenuh, membantu menunda penuaan dan meningkatkan fungsi otak.


Membantu pertumbuhan, pemulihan, dan perbaikan otot

Isoduce mengandung protein berkualitas tinggi yang penting untuk pertumbuhan, pemulihan, dan perbaikan otot. Protein membantu memperbaiki dan membangun kembali jaringan otot serta mencegah kerusakan otot.

Mengandung bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi

Whey protein isolate dan casein protein adalah sumber protein berkualitas tinggi yang mudah dicerna dan bioavailable. Enzim pencernaan membantu memecah protein menjadi molekul yang lebih kecil sehingga lebih mudah diserap oleh tubuh.

Meningkatkan sintesis protein otot dan pelepasan asam amino yang berkelanjutan

Isoduce mengandung whey protein isolate, yang cepat diserap dan membantu meningkatkan sintesis protein otot, mendorong pertumbuhan dan perbaikan otot. Casein protein menyediakan pelepasan asam amino yang lambat, mencegah kerusakan otot, dan mendukung pemulihan otot dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama.

Memperbaiki pencernaan dan penyerapan nutrisi

Enzim pencernaan dalam Isoduce membantu meningkatkan pencernaan dan penyerapan nutrisi, memastikan bahwa tubuh dapat sepenuhnya memanfaatkan protein dan nutrisi lainnya dalam suplemen ini.


Isoduce details

Siapa yang Membutuhkan ISOduce?



Wanita dengan kondisi kulit


Wanita dengan ketidakteraturan menstruasi


Wanita dengan masalah kesuburan


Wanita dengan gangguan endokrin


Wanita dengan kadar lemak tubuh tinggi

Sertifikasi & Penghargaan Produk



Q: ISOduce dapat memperbesar payudara karena mengandung fitoestrogen, apakah ini akan menyebabkan obesitas?

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A :

Tidak. Salah satu penyebab obesitas adalah ketidakseimbangan hormon. ISOduce dapat menyeimbangkan hormon, sehingga tidak akan menyebabkan obesitas.

Q: Apakah ibu hamil boleh mengonsumsi ISOduce?

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Tidak disarankan. Alasannya adalah untuk mencegah gangguan kadar hormon pada ibu hamil, karena ketidakseimbangan hormon dapat menyebabkan keguguran.

Q: Apakah ibu menyusui boleh mengonsumsi ISOduce?

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Ibu menyusui boleh mengonsumsi. Kacip Fatimah secara tradisional digunakan untuk mempercepat pemulihan rahim dan mengencangkan vagina. Namun, jika Anda mengalami penurunan jumlah ASI, ketidaknyamanan pada bayi Anda, atau perubahan pola tidur, hentikan konsumsi ISOduce.

Q: Apakah ISOduce dapat mengurangi keputihan dan bau vagina? Bagaimana cara konsumsi ISOduce?

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A :

ISOduce dapat membantu. Jika siklus menstruasi normal dan teratur, Anda dapat mengonsumsinya setiap hari. Hentikan selama 4-5 hari saat menstruasi, dan lanjutkan setelah menstruasi selesai.

Q: Apakah ISOduce dapat mengembalikan kekencangan vagina?

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A :

Ya. ISOduce mengandung Kacip Fatimah yang dapat membantu mengencangkan vagina.

Q: Apakah saya bisa mengonsumsi ISOduce bersamaan dengan pil kontrasepsi?

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A :

Tidak disarankan. Karena keduanya memiliki efek mengatur menstruasi. Jika dikonsumsi bersamaan, dapat menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan hormon. Anda bisa mencoba ISOduce untuk perawatan rahim, dan menggunakan kondom untuk pengendalian kehamilan.

Q: Apakah pelanggan yang menggunakan suntikan kontrasepsi dapat mengonsumsi ISOduce?

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A :

Ya, dosis dalam suntikan kontrasepsi relatif stabil dan tidak akan terpengaruh.

Q: Apakah saya bisa mengonsumsi ISOduce bersamaan dengan obat menstruasi yang diresepkan oleh dokter?

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A :

Tidak. Anda bisa mencoba ISOduce, karena tidak akan menimbulkan efek samping atau membahayakan tubuh.

Q :Can hypothyroidism patients take ISOduce?

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Yes, but note the following symptoms: fatigue, swollen face, muscle weakness, muscle pain, weak but fast heart rate. The way we eat is based on the effects that we want to achieve.

Q :Can ISOduce be taken with Bak Foong pills (female pill)?

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Q :Can ISOduce be taken with Ba Zhen Soup (eight tonic tonic soup)?

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Q :Can supplement Evening primrose be taken with ISOduce?

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Evening primrose contains linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid to help balance the hormones and relieve menstrual discomfort and menopause. If you want to nourish and tighten your vagina, you can take it with ISOduce. Soy isoflavones contain phytoestrogens, which are very similar to human estrogen. If you want to get pregnant and help relieve menopausal symptoms, ISOduce is more effective. If taken with Evening primrose, the effect is better.

Q :Can diabetic patient take ISOduce?

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Q :Can patients with high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol take ISOduce?

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Q :Can customer who is taking psychotropic drugs (for depression) take ISOduce?

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Q :Does ISOduce cause body to be heaty?

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Any supplements will also cause heatiness. ISOduce contains herbs that will cause heatiness, so it is recommended to drink plenty of water.

Q :The main ingredient in ISOduce is soy isoflavones. Is it suitable for customer with uric acid?

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A :

Yes. We only extract the active ingredient soy isoflavones from soybeans that does not contain purine. Although ISOduce contains some soy flour, its composition is not high and does not cause uric acid.

Q :ISOduce has little herbal aroma, it tastes like a flower tea when taken. Can ISOduce be taken with another drink?

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Not recommended to drink with coffee or hot drinks.

Q :Can ISOduce be taken at any time?

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Yes, no problem. If you want to adjust the your menstruation timing, it is recommended to take it at the same time every day.

Q :Can ISOduce be taken with hot water?

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Not recommended to take with hot/boiling water, recommend to use warm water.

Q :Customers undergo menopause. Last month, customers found that there is a fibroid and she did surgery to remove her uterus and ovary. She wants to use Chinese Medicine to regulate her hormone level and does not want to take western medicine or drugs. Can she take ISOduce?

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A :

If the uterus is completely removed, you can take it. Can take one pack daily.

Q :Can the uterus prolapse take ISOduce?

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Of course, she needs it very much.

Q :Can ISOduce regulate the autonomic nervous system?

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ISOduce is able to regulate the hormonal imbalance caused by autonomic nervous disorders. However, it is impossible to cure autonomic nervous disorders, and most of the autonomic nervous disorders need to regulate mentality as treatment.

Q :The customer just finished taking a box of ISOduce, but the vaginal discharge is more serious than before. Is it a good reaction? Can you explain the principle?

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A :

ISOduce will discharge the leucorrhea and improve the reaction. Because estrogen has the deposition of glycogen in vaginal epithelial cells. These glycogens are broken down into lactic acid under Lactobacillus vaginalis, which increases the vaginal acidity and is conducive to the growth of Candida. If the vaginal discharge becomes more and more serious, it is necessary to take medicine.

Q :I have a headache during menstruation. Does ISOduce help?

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A :

Can give it a try. Before and after menstruation, the concentration of estrogen in the serum decreased, causing changes in intracranial and extracranial vascular tone, causing headache in some sensitive women. ISOduce soy isoflavones regulate estrogen levels and improve headaches. Take according to the 21-day consumption method.

Q :Does ISOduce generally feel a little tight in vagina after taking for a few packs?

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A :

It depends on individual, according to testimony it takes roughly 1 to 2 weeks to feel the difference.

Q :If you just had an abortion surgery, when is it better to start eating ISOduce? Take after wound is completely heal?

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A :

After the wound is recovered or healed, take according to the 21-day consumption method, ISOduce can help tighthen the uterus, and it is ok to take it. Just worried that the customer has internal injuries or bleeding. It is recommended to take after the wound is completely recover or heal.

Q :Can ISOduce help with pelvic inflammatory disease? How can it help?

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A :

Not recommended if you are on Warfarin.If you are on other blood thinner, it is best to consult doctor before taking it or take at low dose, 1 tablet daily. Stop taking if you experience gum bleeding or bruises.

Q :Can someone with benign sarcoma take ISOduce?

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A :

Do not take it if it is malignant. Customers can take it if it is bening.Menstruation irregular can take with 21 days method. Pregnancy preparation can take 7 days.

Q :Can ISOduce help with pelvic inflammatory disease? How can it help?

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A :

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a sexually transmitted infection. It is recommended that customers pay attention to her sexual partners and she is required to see the doctor to get antibiotics. Recommend to take medicine prescribed by a doctor before starting ISOduce.

Q :Can people with rheumatoid arthritis consume Isoduce for the purpose of pregnancy preparation?

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A :

Can. There are also studies that show that soy isoflavones has beneficial effects to rheumatoid arthritis.

Q :Can women with endometriosis take ISOduce? Can it help her to get pregnant?

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A :

You can take ISOduce. Endometriosis refers to the presence of active endometrial cells. Symptoms include dysmenorrhea and abnormal menstruation. Phytoestrogens in ISOduce have a bidirectional regulation of hormones. It can balance the hormones of the woman's body and improve the menstrual blood flow, hence it can improve the symptoms of endometriosis. ISOduce can help a woman to get pregnant, provided that the fallopian tubes are not blocked. If menstruation is abnormal, first adjust menstruation.Method of consumption: Avoid ISOduce from day 1 to day 4 of the menstrual cycle. On the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, take 1 pack of ISOduce daily for 21 days and then stop. Repeat the same method for the next menstrual cycle.After the menstrual cycle is normal, prepare for pregnancy according to the following methods.Pregnancy preparation method of taking ISOduce: Avoid taking ISOduce from the first day to the fourth day of the menstrual cycle. On the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, take 1 pack of ISOduce daily for 7 days and then stop. Repeat the same method of consumption until the next menstrual cycle. Stop taking ISOduce after pregnancy.

Q :Can I take ISOduce if I have endometrial cancer?

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A :

Endometrial cancer is not recommended because there are insufficient studies that says that soy isoflavone can help in treatment of cancer cells.

Q :Can dialysis patients take ISOduce?

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Can. All the ingredients in ISOduce are from plant extract. These ingredients will be washed off during dialysis, and will not harm the kidney.

Q :ISOduce is prepared for 7 days of pregnancy. The customer asks, can her partner ejaculate in her during these 7 days?

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Can. However these 7 days are not the right period to get pregnant as there is no ovulation. Normally after 7 days, ovulation will occur and there is a higher chance to get pregnant.

Q :Can we tell customers to take ISOduce as a contraceptive pills to avoid getting pregnant?

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ISOduce cannot function as a contraceptive pill as there are still chances of getting pregnant. This is not a contraceptive pill.

Q :Can I take ISOduce with weight loss?

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Can. There are no conflicts. Try to take it separately, eat one in the morning and one at night.

Q :Can I take ISOduce if I am allergic to soybeans?

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Can. Lab test report shows that ISOduce does not contain soy allergens.

Q :Can I take this to eliminate uterine fibroids? Do you have a testimony?

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Can be taken if you have fibroid. But cannot eliminate fibroid. However, clinically proven that plant hormones (soy isoflavones) do not cause fibroids, but also reduce the risk of fibroid growth, it has a protective effect on the uterus, reducing the risk of cancer.

Q :Can cervical edema take ISOduce?

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Cervical edema can take soy isoflavones. Cervical edema is a very common cervical inflammation. Cervical edema will cause an increase in white discharge, bloody white discharge or bleeding after sexual intercourse, often with back pain, abnormal menstruation, infertility and so on.

Q :Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), can I take ISOduce to help it?

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A :

Many women with systemic lupus erythematosus have irregular menstruation. Menstruation is early, delayed, reduced or significantly increased in amount. Most of the causes are irregular menstruation caused by drugs, which can be restored by adjusting the type and dosage of drugs. Women with systemic lupus erythematosus are not recommended to take ISOduce. Unless it is totally finished and will not reappear. Because there is not enough clinical study that proves soy isoflavones is safe for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Q :Is it helpful for immature follicles if I take ISOduce?

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In short, ISOduce can help ovulate. There are many reasons for the poor development of follicles. Common levels of polycystic ovary syndrome and estrogen/progesterone levels are low, and follicle stimulating hormone levels are low. The phytoestrogens in ISOduce stimulate the hypothalamus to produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn indicates the ion of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in the anterior pituitary. Follicle stimulating hormone promotes follicular development and maturation. The phytoestrogens in ISOduce also help mature follicles ovulate.

Q :Can customers with Trichomonas vaginalis take ISOduce and benefit from it?

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A :

Can. Trichomonas vaginalis is a sexually transmitted disease that requires antibiotics for treatment. His partner also needs treatment. ISOduce is a health care food that works to maintain the uterus and regulate hormones. It does not help trichomonas vaginalis.

Q :Uterus had been removed for 10 years. Is it helpful to take ISOduce? Is it suitable?

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Is the ovary being removed as well? If yes. It is highly recommended to take it because the body is not able to produce estrogen, the symptoms of menopause will come in early, the skin becomes rough, dull and so on. ISOduce helps regulate estrogen levels and helps delay menopause.

Q :Can polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) take ISOduce?ROBIOME?

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A :

Can be taken. The phytoestrogens in ISOduce stimulate the hypothalamus to produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn indicates the ion of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in the anterior pituitary. Follicle stimulating hormone promotes follicular development and maturation. The phytoestrogens in ISOduce can also help mature follicles ovulate and increase the chances of pregnancy.

Q :Can customers with fallopian tube obstruction take ISOduce? Will it help?

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Is the fallopian tube obstructing both sides? It is necessary to have an operation. If only one side is blocked, drinking ISOduce can help ovulate on the other side. If both sides are blocked, ISOduce cannot help.

Q :Is ISOduce suitable for people with hemorrhagic cyst, sarcomas, and cyst?

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A :

Sarcome cannot take, hemorrhagic cyst canno take, fibroid can take, cyst can take, tumour cannot take.

Q :The customer is on menopause, vagina feels pain during intercourse. Can ISOduce help her vagina to be watery?

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Can. Manjakani and pueraria help reduce vaginal dryness and increase moisture/watery. Kacip Fatimah can tighten the vagina.

Q :Taking ISOduce will promote sleep?

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It is a conditioning/regulating process, improve response. Everyone has a different improvement response. Some people will have a backache.

Q :The customer took the 5th pack of ISOduce. There was a brown colour discharge in the first 2 days. Until now, there are still abit of brown colour discharge. Does she need to stop taking ISOduce?

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Such symptoms occur during the conditioning/regulation period.

Q :The customer is taking the second box of ISOduce and is feeling itchy at the sexual part. Why is this happening?

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There are two possible reasons: 1- Soy can promote blood circulation, causing itching in certain parts, 2- It might be due to infection that causes itchy at certain parts.

Q :The customer had taken ISOduce for a week and found it to have brown discharge... similar to the color of the menstrual period... What is the reason?

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A :

Brownish physiological leucorrhea occurs mostly in women before and after menstruation and ovulation, and is a normal physiological symptom, which is a symptom of female ovulation bleeding. When the ovulation is over, the leucorrhea color will return to normal white. This customer is close to ovulation, so it is normal. Usually this phenomenon will not exceed 7 days.

Q :The customer said that after taking ISOduce there are some small granules discharged. Why?

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This is a healing crisis, taking the first box of ISOduce might be like this, the second box will not

Q :The customer just finished taking a box of ISOduce, but the vaginal discharge is more serious than before. Is it a good reaction? Can you explain the principle?

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A :

ISOduce will discharge the leucorrhea and improve the reaction. Because estrogen has the deposition of glycogen in vaginal epithelial cells. These glycogens are broken down into lactic acid under Lactobacillus vaginalis, which increases the vaginal acidity and is conducive to the growth of Candida. If the vaginal discharge becomes more and more serious, it is necessary to take medicine.

Q :I have a headache during menstruation. Does ISOduce help?

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A :

Can give it a try. Before and after menstruation, the concentration of estrogen in the serum decreased, causing changes in intracranial and extracranial vascular tone, causing headache in some sensitive women. ISOduce soy isoflavones regulate estrogen levels and improve headaches. Take according to the 21-day consumption method.

Q :Does ISOduce generally feel a little tight in vagina after taking for a few packs?

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A :

It depends on the individual, according to testimony it takes roughly 1 to 2 weeks to feel the difference.

Q :Will customer experiences stomachache and diarrhea immediately after taking PROBIOME?

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A :

Mostly no, except for some people who are allergic or sensitive to probiotics.

Q :If you just had an abortion surgery, when is it better to start eating ISOduce? Take after the wound is completely healed?

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A :

After the wound is recovered or healed, according to the 21-day consumption method, ISOduce can help tighten the uterus, and it is ok to take it. Just worried that the customer has internal injuries or bleeding. It is recommended to take it after the wound is completely recovered or healed.

Q :Can someone with benign sarcoma take ISOduce?

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A :

Do not take it if it is malignant. Customers can take it if it is benign.Menstruation irregular can take with 21 days method. Pregnancy preparation can take 7 days.

Q :Can ISOduce help with pelvic inflammatory disease? How can it help?

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A :

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a sexually transmitted infection. It is recommended that customers pay attention to her sexual partners and she is required to see the doctor to get antibiotics. Recommend to take medicine prescribed by a doctor before starting ISOduce.

Q :Can people with rheumatoid arthritis consume ISOduce for the purpose of pregnancy preparation?

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Can. There are also studies that show that soy isoflavones has beneficial effects on rheumatoid arthritis.

Q :Can people with goiter take ISOduce?

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Goiter is caused by an imbalance of thyroid hormone in the body. There are two types of thyroid hormone imbalance: hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Those with hyperthyroidism can consume Isoduce, but those with hypothyroidism cannot consume ISOduce.

Q :Can vegetarians take ISOduce? What is Silk Amino Acid?

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Basically, vegetarian can take ISOduce, but some vegetarian may worry about silk amino acids.Silk amino acids are extracted from silk, the silk is solidified by the secretion of the silk secreted when the cocoon is cooked.Our factory directly buys silk amino acid as the raw material. So, we are unsure whether the silk worm was harmed or not during the silk extraction process.

Q :Are stomach upset and discomfort side effects of taking ISOduce?

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ISOduce contains soy isoflavones, which can cause a few side effects such as stomach upset and discomfort. If the customer can tolerate the symptoms, then they can continue to take ISOduce.

Q :Can a person with G6PD deficiency take ISOduce?

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A person with G6PD deficiency needs to take notes when consuming ISOduce because it contains soy bean, but not everyone with G6PD deficiency cannot take soybean, it varies from person to person.

Q :Can people with fibroadenoma take ISOduce?

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People with fibroadenoma can take ISOduce.

Q :Can people who have ovarian cysts take ISOduce?

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Ovarian cyst is caused by hormonal changes in the body. ISOduce can help regulate female hormones, but it is not directly related to ovarian cyst. If the customer worries that the ovarian cyst will become larger, she is not recommended to take ISOduce. Because if the cyst becomes larger, customesr might blame on and think that it causes the cyst to become larger.

Q :Can patients with endometritis consume ISOduce?

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Yes, can.

Q :Is it normal if a customer experiences breast pain symptoms after consuming ISOduce?

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Breast pain after consuming ISOduce may be caused by fluctuations in hormones, which is a normal phenomenon. In addition, the Pueraria mirifica extract in ISOduce has the function of promoting blood circulation in the breast, and may also cause tightness and pain.

Q :Patients with thalassemia cannot consume beans, so can they consume ISOduce?

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A :

ISOduce contains soy powder, but one sachet of ISOduce contains less than 2g of soy powder. If a customer wants to consume, she has to seek advice from a doctor beforehand.

Q :Can young girls consume ISOduce when they first have their period?

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Not suggested. ISOduce is suitable for women above 18 years old to consume.

Q :Can breast cancer patients consume ISOduce?

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Breast cancer patients are not suggested to consume ISOduce.

Q :Is it normal to have irregular menstrual cycles after taking ISOduce?

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ISOduce contains soy isoflavones, a weak phytoestrogens. It can help to regulate estrogen in the body, thereby helping to maintain a regular menstrual cycle. However, during the first 1 to 3 months of taking ISOduce, customers may experience irregular menstrual cycles. This is because of the adjustment process, hormone levels may have some fluctuations, which can lead to irregular menstrual cycles.

Q :Will soy isoflavones in ISOduce cause weight gain?

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No, the soy isoflavones in ISOduce are natural phytoestrogens. Artificial hormones may cause weight gain, but natural plant hormones will not cause such side effects.

Q :Is it normal that vaginal discharge increases after consuming ISOduce?

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Some customers may experience increased vaginal discharge after consuming ISOduce. This is a sign of improvement caused by soy isoflavones in ISOduce. Soy isoflavone is a type of phytoestrogen, which causes glycogen to accumulate in vaginal cells, leading to increased vaginal discharge. However, this situation usually does not last long. If the situation worsens, it is recommended that the customer consult a doctor to check whether the customer has a vaginal infection.

Q :Can customers with Prolactinoma consume ISOduce?

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A :

Prolactinoma is a benign tumor that grows on the pituitary gland. It can cause excessive prolactin ion in the body, which in turn leads to a decrease of estrogen in the body. Decreased estrogen can lead to female hormonal imbalance and irregular menstruation, and the soy isoflavones in ISOduce can help to regulate the effects of estrogen in the body, regulate hormones and menstruation. However, ISOduce cannot cure prolactinoma.

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1 Box, 2 Box, 3 Box, 4 Box, 5 Box, 6 Box


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20 sachet per kotak. Petunjuk penggunaan ISOduce: Campurkan 1 sachet dengan segelas air hangat. Konsumsi kapan saja sesuai keinginan.



Fungsi Utama ISOduce

  • Meningkatkan kondisi kulit
  • Menormalkan menstruasi
  • Meredakan nyeri haid
  • Meningkatkan tingkat kehamilan
  • Mengatur sistem endokrin
  • Detoksifikasi dan mengurangi lemak
  • Meningkatkan libido
  • Meredakan gejala menopause
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