
Tigrox Livetal


Fungsi Utama
Meningkatkan kesehatan hati
Mendukung detoksifikasi hati

Melindungi hati dari kerusakan
Memperbaiki fungsi hati
Mengandung bahan-bahan yang mendukung kesehatan hati, seperti milk thistle dan dandelion
Diformulasikan untuk individu dengan kekhawatiran kesehatan tertentu atau gaya hidup spesifik

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Antrodia Cinnamomea

Antrodia Cinnamomea berasal dari batang dalam yang membusuk dari pohon Cinnamomum kanehirai. Kaya akan senyawa aktif seperti triterpenoid, polisakarida, dan superoksida dismutase (SOD), Antrodia Cinnamomea membantu meningkatkan fungsi hati dan memperbaiki metabolisme obat dalam tubuh. Bahan ini juga meredakan gejala hepatitis kronis, seperti pusing, kelelahan, dan lainnya.


Ekstrak Kunyit

Ekstrak kunyit kaya akan nutrisi, vitamin, dan serat pangan. Bahan ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan hati dalam memecah racun dalam tubuh, melindungi hati dari kerusakan, dan mengurangi kandungan lemak di hati untuk mencegah penyakit hati berlemak.


Ekstrak Akar Radix Bupleuri

Ekstrak akar Radix Bupleuri melindungi hati dari cedera dengan mengatur kadar kalsium di dalam sel.


Ekstrak Akar Astragalus Membranaceus

Ekstrak akar Astragalus Membranaceus meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, bertindak sebagai antioksidan, dan membantu melawan invasi radikal bebas.


Meningkatkan kesehatan hati

Tigrox Livetal dirancang untuk mendukung dan mempertahankan kesehatan hati yang optimal dengan menyediakan nutrisi khusus yang bermanfaat bagi fungsi hati.

Mendukung detoksifikasi hati

Hati memiliki peran penting dalam mendetoksifikasi tubuh, dan Tigrox Livetal mengandung bahan-bahan yang mendukung proses ini dengan membantu menghilangkan racun berbahaya dari tubuh.

Melindungi hati dari kerusakan

Beberapa bahan dalam Tigrox Livetal, seperti milk thistle, memiliki sifat antioksidan yang membantu melindungi hati dari kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas dan zat berbahaya lainnya.

Memperbaiki fungsi hati

Tigrox Livetal diformulasikan untuk membantu meningkatkan fungsi hati, termasuk produksi dan aliran empedu, yang penting untuk pencernaan dan penyerapan lemak serta vitamin yang larut dalam lemak.

Mengandung bahan-bahan yang mendukung kesehatan hati, seperti milk thistle dan dandelion

Kombinasi bahan dalam Tigrox Livetal termasuk milk thistle dan dandelion, yang keduanya terbukti memiliki efek positif pada kesehatan hati.

Diformulasikan untuk individu dengan kekhawatiran kesehatan tertentu atau gaya hidup spesifik

Tigrox Livetal dirancang untuk individu yang mungkin memiliki masalah kesehatan atau gaya hidup yang dapat memengaruhi fungsi hati, seperti mereka yang rutin mengonsumsi alkohol atau memiliki pola makan tinggi lemak dan makanan olahan.


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Siapa yang Membutuhkan Tigrox Livetal?



Sering tidur larut malam atau mengalami insomnia


Mudah merasa lelah


Memiliki masalah dengan hati


Mengalami hati berlemak




Mengalami masalah mabuk alkohol


Memiliki kulit kekuningan

Sertifikasi & Penghargaan Produk



Q: Apa itu LIVETAL?

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A :

LIVETAL adalah minuman botani siap minum dengan kombinasi unik dari berbagai herbal yang diformulasikan terutama untuk meningkatkan fungsi hati, mendukung detoksifikasi, dan melindungi hati dari kerusakan. LIVETAL dikemas dalam bentuk sachet individu yang praktis untuk dikonsumsi langsung.

Q: Apa saja bahan-bahan dalam LIVETAL?

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A :

Bahan-bahan dalam LIVETAL meliputi ekstrak Antromax® Antrodia cinnamomea, ekstrak radix bupleuri, ekstrak astragalus, dan ekstrak kunyit.

Q: Apa rasa dari LIVETAL?

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A :

LIVETAL adalah minuman botani siap minum dengan rasa buah alpukat dan mangga.

Q: Apa itu Antromax Antrodia Cinnamomea dan apa fungsinya?

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A :

Antromax® Antrodia Cinnamomea adalah jamur unik dari Taiwan yang diekstraksi melalui teknologi budidaya yang dipatenkan dan mengandung lebih banyak senyawa triterpenoid dibandingkan Antrodia Cinnamomea liar berusia 3 tahun. Selain itu, jamur ini bebas dari pestisida, logam berat, dan plasticizer. Ekstrak Antromax® Antrodia Cinnamomea telah terbukti secara klinis dapat mendukung fungsi hati, meningkatkan proses detoksifikasi, dan melindungi hati dari kerusakan.

Q: Apa fungsi Radix Bupleuri?

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A :

Radix bupleuri dikenal sebagai tonik hati dengan potensi detoksifikasi tinggi selama lebih dari 2000 tahun. Akar tanaman ini sering digunakan sebagai obat karena mengandung berbagai senyawa aktif seperti saponin, poliasetilena, dan flavonoid yang membantu melindungi hati dari kerusakan, meredakan ketegangan hati, dan meningkatkan energi.

Q: Apa fungsi Astragalus?

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A :

Astragalus, juga dikenal sebagai huang qi, adalah akar herbal kuno yang telah digunakan selama berabad-abad untuk mengobati berbagai kondisi kesehatan. Berbagai senyawa aktif dalam tanaman ini, seperti flavonoid dan saponin, terbukti meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan di hati kita dan memperbaiki fungsi jantung.

Q: Apa fungsi Kunyit?

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A :

Ekstrak kunyit dalam LIVETAL adalah kualitas premium dari akar kunyit yang dipanen di lingkungan bersih di India Selatan dan bersertifikat organik. Kunyit ini mengandung kurkuminoid (senyawa bioaktif dalam kunyit) yang memiliki bioavailabilitas 24 kali lebih tinggi dalam tubuh kita dan terbukti secara klinis membantu mengurangi peradangan hati, mengurangi penumpukan lemak, dan mempertahankan kadar enzim detoksifikasi yang normal.

Q: Dari negara mana asal bahan utama dalam LIVETAL?

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A :

Ekstrak Antromax® Antrodia Cinnamomea berasal dari Taiwan.

Q :Can liver cancer patients take LIVETAL?

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A :

It depends on the cancer stage. Patients with cancer stage 1 and 2 can consume LIVETAL. However, for patients with cancer stage 3 and 4, they are not recommended to take any supplements. Please refer to your physicians before taking LIVETAL.

Q :Can vegetarians take LIVETAL?

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A :

Yes, all of the ingredients in LIVETAL are derived from plants. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegan

Q :What is the dosage of LIVETAL?

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A :

The recommended dosage is taking 2 sachets daily after a meal.

Q :Does LIVETAL have any side effects?

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A :

To date, there are no known or reported side effects of LIVETAL. However, the effect may vary between individuals.

Q :Does LIVETAL have a MAL number?

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A :

No, LIVETAL is a functional beverage regulated under Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health, not under NPRA.

Q :Can a patient who is undergoing dialysis take LIVETAL?

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A :

People undergoing dialysis can follow the following recommendations:If the customer is on hemodialysis (HD), it is recommended to take 1 sachet in the morning on the day of dialysis, the earlier the better. If the customer is on peritoneal dialysis (PD), they can take 1 sachet per day, but the effect of this may not be great.

Q :Can a patient who is undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy take LIVETAL?

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A :

Customers undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy cannot take LIVETAL. Recommended to seek advice from your physician before consumption.

Q :What is fatty liver?

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A :

Fatty liver or also known as hepatic steatosis happens when excessive fat builds up in the liver, it can lead to health problem. There are two main types of fatty liver disease: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD). NAFLD occurs when fat builds up in the liver of people who don't drink a lot of alcohol, while AFLD is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol that results in liver damage.

Q :Is fatty liver reversible?

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A :

Fatty liver is reversible if detected early and the root cause is treated (e.g. stop drinking alcohol, treat metabolic syndrome). However, if it progresses and the liver is inflamed, this can lead to permanent damage.

Q :Can LIVETAL help with fatty liver?

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A :

There are a few causes of fatty liver disease including obesity, consuming food high in fat and sugar, hypertension, etc. Moreover, having type-2 diabetes or high cholesterol can increase the risk. Antrodia cinnamomea and Curcumin in LIVETAL has been shown to decrease and control the excess fat content in the liver, hence might reduce NAFLD severity (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease).

Q :Can someone with G6PD deficiency take LIVETAL?

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A :

A person with G6PD deficiency can take LIVETAL as it does not contain any ingredient that can cause hemolytic anemia. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking LIVETAL.

Q :Can pregnant and breast-feeding mothers consume LIVETAL?

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A :

Although the ingredients in LIVETAL are derived from natural sources and safe for consumption, it is not recommended for pregnant women or lactating mothers to consume LIVETAL since there is no safety clinical study conducted.

Q :Can children below 12 years old take LIVETAL?

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A :

Children below 12 years old are not recommended to consume LIVETAL because it is specially formulated for adults.

Q :How do I consume LIVETAL?

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A :

For maintenance of liver health, we recommend 1-2 sachet(s) after meals. If you wish to not get drunk easily, we recommend 1 sachet before drinking. To reduce hangover duration and symptoms, we recommend 1-2 sachet(s) after drinking.

Q :What are the symptoms of an overworked liver?

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A :

Liver disease is asymptomatic until the liver is severely damaged over a long period of time. However, we can detect the early signs of overworked liver such as loss of appetite, chronic fatigue, nausea or vomiting, yellowish skin and eyes, itchy skin and dark urine color. So, if you have any of these symptoms, it is best to consult your doctor for further course of action.

Q :Is LIVETAL safe for consumption?

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A :

Rest assured LIVETAL is safe for consumption. Every batch of LIVETAL ion undergoes stringent quality checking for heavy metal and microorganism tests from external accredited laboratories to ensure its safety and quality. All our s are carefully manufactured in a GMP, HACCP and MeSTI certified facility. Safety and quality are our utmost priority and we assure only the best s reach our customers.

Q :How can LIVETAL help to keep my liver healthy?

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A :

All the ingredients in LIVETAL work synergistically to support the normal functions of a healthy liver by maintaining the integrity of your liver cells through anti-inflammation and antioxidant protection. It also helps to support your normal metabolic processes thus keep your liver healthy and maintain its optimum function.

Q :Who are the targeted customers to consume LIVETAL?

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A :

LIVETAL is suitable for people who always consume greasy and unhealthy foods, heavy drinkers, and people who stay up late at night. Moreover, LIVETAL is the best choice for those who want to maintain their liver health and functions.

Q :Can I consume LIVETAL together with medicine?

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A :

Please consult with your physician before taking LIVETAL. We recommend customers to leave a gap of at least 1 hour before consuming LIVETAL and other medicine(s) to avoid interference of absorption or efficacy.

Q :Can fatty liver be treated?

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A :

Fatty liver is reversible if detected early and the root cause is treated. However, if it progresses and the liver is inflamed, this can lead to permanent damage. You can also reduce the risk of getting fatty liver through a balanced and healthy diet, active lifestyle, stop smoking, etc.

Q :Can people with auto-immune disease take LIVETAL?

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A :

Not recommended. Bupleuri and astragulus in LIVETAL might cause the immune system to become more active, so it could increase symptoms of auto-immune diseases.

Q :Can diabetic patients take LIVETAL?

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A :

Yes. Diabetic patients can take LIVETAL as there is no added sugar.

Q :Can a person taking blood thinner take LIVETAL?

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A :

Radix bupleuri extract and tumeric extract in LIVETAL have mild blood thinning effects. It is suggested to ask the doctor's opinion before taking LIVETAL, or the customer can try to take one sachet per two days. If a customer experiences bruising or bleeding gums, then stop taking it. If the customer is taking Warfarin as blood thinner, it is not suitable for them to take LIVETAL.

Q :How is LIVETAL different from others in the market?

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A :

LIVETAL is specially formulated with potent ingredients for liver health. Unlike any other s in the market, LIVETAL contains Antromax? Antrodia Cinnamomea extract with high triterpenoids content as well as other powerful ingredients like Astragulus, Bupleuri and turmeric extracts that work synergistically to support healthy liver functions and detoxification. Besides that, LIVETAL is free from added sugar and colouring agents.

Q :What is liver cirrhosis?

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A :

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver that happens because of chronic liver disease. The most common causes are alcohol abuse, viral hepatitis infection and fatty liver.

Q :Can liver damage be reversed?

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A :

Liver is the only organ in the body that is able to regenerate. It will replace the damaged tissue with new cells and repair completely if no complications arise. So, LIVETAL can actually help to fasten the process.

Q :Can LIVETAL help to relieve hangovers?

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A :

Yes, LIVETAL contains Antromax Antrodia Cinnamomea extract which can assist to reduce hangover duration by increasing the metabolism and excretion of ethanol and acetaldehyde. Besides that, LIVETAL also helps to ease your hangover symptoms such as headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Q :Does LIVETAL need to be refrigerated?

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A :

LIVETAL is stable to be stored at room temperature. Hence, no need to be refrigerated.

Q :Can I consume LIVETAL after surgery?

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A :

Avoid taking LIVETAL 2 weeks before going for any kind of surgery. You may start to take LIVETAL 1 month after the surgery is done, provided that the wound is completely healed and recovered (including removal of dressing).

Q :Can a heavy drinker take LIVETAL?

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A :

LIVETAL is suitable for heavy drinkers as it contains Antromax? Antrodia Cinnamomea extract which has been reported to have hepatoprotective properties that can help to protect from liver injury such as alcohol liver disease (ALD).

Q :What can I eat if I have liver disease?

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A :

Try making changes in your diet including limiting the consumption of fats and sugars while increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables. A great lifestyle can help your liver to function at its fullest potential.

Q :Can I take LIVETAL more or less than recommended dosage?

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A :

For optimum liver health, we recommend consuming 2 sachets per day. For maintenance of liver health, we recommend consuming 1 sachet per day.

Q :Can I take LIVETAL during menstruation?

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A :

Can. LIVETAL does not contain any hormones. Hence, it will not affect the menstrual cycle of the consumer. However, radix bupleuri extract and tumeric extract in LIVETAL have mild blood thinning effects, hence in some exceptional cases, those with heavy flow are required to monitor their menstruation while taking LIVETAL to avoid excessive loss of blood.

Q :What is the factor that contributes to overworked liver?

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A :

There are various factors of overworked liver including over consumption of high fatty foods, excessive alcohol consumption, stressful or unhealthy lifestyle, smoking and etc.

Q :Can patients with benign liver tumors take LIVETAL?

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A :

If the tumor is benign, LIVETAL can be taken. However, LIVETAL cannot help in shrinking the tumor.

Q :Customer's liver enzyme (AST, ALT, GGT) level exceeds the normal level, can LIVETAL help to improve this condition?

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A :

When the AST, ALT and GGT level are higher than normal range, indicating that the liver is in severe inflammation. Antrodia cinnamomea and turmeric extract in LIVETAL can help protect the liver, improve liver damage and reduce liver inflammation, thereby helping to regulate the liver enzyme level.

Q :Can patients with liver cirrhosis take LIVETAL?

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A :

Patients with liver cirrhosis can take 2 sachets LIVETAL per day. However, cirrhosis is a late stage liver disease that cannot be reversed.

Q :Is LIVETAL suitable for customers with sensitive stomachs?

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A :

Can, but it is recommended for the customers to take LIVETAL after meals.

Q :Is LIVETAL suitable for customers who are allergic to mango?

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A :

LIVETAL contains mango powder. If the customer is severely allergic to mango, it is not recommended for him/her to take LIVETAL.

Q :Can patients with hepatitis B take LIVETAL?

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A :

Yes. The main function of LIVETAL is to protect the liver, reduce liver inflammation, and strengthen the liver against the damage caused by the hepatitis virus. Nevertheless, patients with hepatitis B need to take antiviral drugs. LIVETAL is a functional food and cannot replace drugs.

Q :Can patients with epilepsy take LIVETAL?

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A :

If the customer's epilepsy has been controlled and no seizures have occurred recently, they can take LIVETAL.

Q :Customers feel very energetic and even have insomnia after taking LIVETAL. Why is it happening?

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A :

LIVETAL contains Astragalus, which can help replenish qi. Some people may suffer from insomnia if he/she takes Astragalus at night. If the customers suffer from insomnia when taking LIVETAL at night, it is recommended to take it during day time. If the customer is already taking it during day time, it is recommended that the customer reduce the dosage first, which is one sachet per every two days.

Q :Customers blush easily after drinking alcohol, can LIVETAL help with this condition?

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A :

People who blush easily after drinking alcohol are because their body lacks an enzyme that helps to digest alcohol, which is aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 produced in the liver. Lack of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 is mostly related to genes and is not caused by impaired liver function. Antrodia cinnamomea in LIVETAL can help to increase the efficiency of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 in the body and increase the speed of alcohol digestion. In theory, it can help reduce the blushing reaction after drinking alcohol.

Q :Can LIVETAL help to improve bad breath?

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A :

Bad breath is one of the symptoms of poor liver function, but there may be other reasons. Customers can try to take LIVETAL to help improve liver function. The main function of LIVETAL is to protect the liver, reduce liver inflammation, help detoxification, and so on.

Q :Can patients with jaundice take LIVETAL?

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A :

Jaundice is mainly caused by the liver's inability to process bilirubin (a yellowish metabolite), which accumulates in the body for a long time and causes the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. Customers can try to take LIVETAL to help improve liver function, but it is not guaranteed for the effect, because there are other factors that can cause jaundice.

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20 sachet per kotak. Petunjuk penggunaan Tigrox Livetal. Minum 1 sachet per hari setelah makan.

Tigrox Livetal


Fungsi Utama
Meningkatkan kesehatan hati
Mendukung detoksifikasi hati

Melindungi hati dari kerusakan
Memperbaiki fungsi hati
Mengandung bahan-bahan yang mendukung kesehatan hati, seperti milk thistle dan dandelion
Diformulasikan untuk individu dengan kekhawatiran kesehatan tertentu atau gaya hidup spesifik

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