
Tiger Milk King (Mango)


Fungsi Utama
Meredakan batuk
Melindungi dan menutrisi paru-paru

Mengurangi sensitivitas hidung dan hidung tersumbat
Memperbaiki alergi pernapasan
Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap virus dan kemampuan perlindungan diri


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Tiger Milk King Botanical Beverage


Jamur Susu Harimau

Jamur Susu Harimau

Senyawa yang secara ilmiah terbukti bermanfaat bagi sistem kekebalan tubuh, serta menciptakan lingkungan internal yang mendukung kesehatan pernapasan jangka panjang. Setiap sachet mengandung 625mg jamur susu harimau.


akar manis

Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, bermanfaat bagi sistem pencernaan dan pernapasan. Meredakan batuk, flu, dan sakit tenggorokan.

Untitled design 60

Vitamin C

Memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah pilek. Mendukung kesehatan kulit dan mencegah penyakit kardiovaskular serta kekurangan kekebalan tubuh.

Untitled design 54 1


Membersihkan dahak dan lendir, memberikan kelegaan dari gangguan pernapasan.


Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh

Mengandung berbagai vitamin dan mineral seperti vitamin C yang dapat membantu mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh. Sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lebih kuat dapat melindungi tubuh dari penyakit dan infeksi.

Meningkatkan tingkat energi

Mengandung nutrisi seperti vitamin B12 yang dapat membantu meningkatkan energi. Ini bisa membantu melawan kelelahan dan meningkatkan produktivitas secara keseluruhan.

Menyediakan vitamin dan mineral penting

Mengandung berbagai vitamin dan mineral esensial yang penting untuk kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan. Misalnya, kalsium penting untuk tulang dan gigi yang sehat, sementara vitamin A penting untuk penglihatan yang baik.


Web Differentiate 2 01

Siapa yang Membutuhkan Tiger Milk King (Mango)?

Tiger Milk King (Mango) COCOK UNTUK ORANG YANG:


Orang yang mengalami batuk


Orang dengan sensitivitas hidung


Orang dengan bronkitis kronis


Orang dengan alergi pernapasan




Orang yang terpapar asap rokok (perokok pasif)


Orang yang terpapar lingkungan tercemar dalam jangka waktu lama




Orang dengan kondisi tubuh yang lemah

Sertifikasi & Penghargaan Produk



Q: Apa itu Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King is a Wellous containing Tiger Milk Mushroom. The main function of Tigrox Tiger Milk King is to strengthen the lungs and to relieve the discomfort of the respiratory tract.

Q: Apa saja bahan-bahan dalam Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King contains tiger milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerus), licorice extract, calamansi and vitamin C.

Q: Mengapa disebut Jamur Susu Harimau?

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A :

Menurut legenda, setelah melahirkan anak-anaknya, susu harimau betina menetes ke tanah dan berinteraksi dengan udara, memperoleh nutrisi dan esensi dari matahari, susu, dan tanah, hingga akhirnya tumbuh menjadi jamur susu harimau.

Q: Apa fungsi utama Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Fungsi utama Tigrox Tiger Milk King adalah menjaga kesehatan paru-paru, mengurangi masalah pada sistem pernapasan, meningkatkan fungsi sistem pernapasan, memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh, meningkatkan daya tahan dan vitalitas, serta mengurangi reaksi alergi.

Q: Kelompok mana yang cocok mengonsumsi Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King cocok untuk semua usia, terutama bagi mereka yang sering batuk, memiliki bronkitis, dan yang sering merasa tidak enak badan.

Q: Bagaimana cara konsumsi Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Minum satu sachet per hari setelah makan.

Q: Apakah anak-anak boleh mengonsumsi Tigrox Tiger Milk King? Pada usia berapa anak-anak bisa mulai mengonsumsinya?

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A :

Anak-anak di atas usia 7 tahun dapat mengonsumsi satu sachet Tigrox Tiger Milk King.

Q: Apakah ibu hamil boleh mengonsumsi Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Tidak disarankan bagi ibu hamil untuk mengonsumsi Tigrox Tiger Milk King.

Q :Can a breastfeeding mother take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Not recommended for breastfeeding mothers to take Tigrox Tiger Milk King.

Q :What is the active ingredient in Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Tiger Milk Mushroom used in Tigrox Tiger Milk King is a polysaccharide containing up to 50% Beta-Glucan, mainly to boost up immunity.In addition, Tiger Milk Mushroom also contains other active ingredients such as caffeic acid and coumaric acid, which provide antioxidant effects.

Q :Is the Tiger Milk Mushroom in Tigrox Tiger Milk Mushroom grown in the wild?

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A :

No, the Tiger Milk Mushroom in the Tigrox Tiger Milk King is cultivated.

Q :Why choose cultivated Tiger Milk Mushroom rather than wild Tiger Milk Mushroom?

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A :

Firstly, the wild Tiger Milk Mushroom is very rare, and the amount can be obtained is not much.Cultivated Tiger Milk Mushroom is better than the wild, because the planting process is completely controlled to ensure the best hygiene, quality, yield and stability of Tiger Milk Mushroom. Free from microorganisms, heavy metals and pollution.

Q :What is the specialty of Tiger Milk Mushroom?

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A :

Tiger Milk Mushroom is one of the national treasures in Malaysia and is distributed in the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia.Dr. Mahathir Mohamad also used Tiger Milk Mushroom to improve cough and lung problems.

Q :Can Tigrox Tiger Milk King be taken with Western medicine?

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A :

At the moment, there is no research showing that there is a conflict/interaction between Tiger Milk Mushroom and the drug, but we still recommend taking it at least 2 hours apart from the other medicine.

Q :Should a healthy person take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

A healthy person can also take Tigrox Tiger Milk King, because it can boost the immunity and reduce the risk of getting sick.In addition, air pollution and haze are very common in Malaysia, and Tiger Milk Mushroom can provide protection for the lungs and help in breathing difficulties.

Q :What are the possible healing crisis after taking Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

This can vary from person to person, and most people will not have a healing crisis, however some people might develop symptoms such as an increase in phlegm, as phlegm is a way of detoxification.

Q :Does Tiger Milk Mushroom cause side effects?

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A :

Tiger Milk Mushroom will not cause side effects.

Q :Can Tigrox Tiger Milk King be taken with other Wellous health supplements?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King can be taken with other Wellous health supplements.

Q :What food should I avoid when taking Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

When taking Tigrox Tiger Milk King, try to avoid taking it with sour and spicy food. Because sour and spicy food might reduce the nutritional value of Tiger Milk Mushroom.

Q :Is Tigrox Tiger Milk King a drug/medicine?

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A :

No, Tigrox Tiger Milk King is a food health supplement that needs to be taken for long periods of time to achieve optimal results.

Q :Can Tigrox Tiger Milk King be taken with blood thinning medicine?

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A :

Lab studies show Tiger Milk Mushroom has anticoagulant & fibrinolytic actions (both increase risk of bleeding) - so must be cautious in ppl who take blood thinner. But no human study has been done, so we don't know what dose will cause that. Licorice (high dose) - known to reduce the effect of warfarin (blood thinning drug), but the dose in TMK is low. Also, these effects of TMM and licorice are opposite. Hopefully they cancel out. Can take at recommended dosage - not to exceed 1 sachet daily.

Q :Can customers on dialysis take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Tidak disarankan untuk dikonsumsi.

Q :Is Tigrox Tiger Milk King safe to be consumed?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King is safe to be consumed and free from microbes and heavy metals.

Q :Can customers with systemic lupus erythematosus take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Customers with systemic lupus erythematosus can take Tigrox Tiger Milk King.Provided that customer is not taking any medicine that regulates the immune system, such as immunosuppressants.

Q :Can people with asthma take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Customers with asthma are suitable to take Tigrox Tiger Milk King, it can help improve respiratory diseases, including asthma.Tiger Milk Mushroom acts as a supplement for standard treatments and Tiger Milk King may help in speeding up the recovery.

Q :What are the different parts in Tiger Milk Mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerotis)?

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A :

Tiger Milk Mushroom is divided into three parts, stem, cap and sclerotium. The sclerotia part is used in Tigrox Tiger Milk King.

Q :Why does Tigrox Tiger Milk King choose to use the sclerotium part of Tiger Milk Mushroom?

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A :

The sclerotia of the tiger milk mushroom is usually hidden in the soil and it is the most nutritious part of the tiger milk mushroom.

Q :Why does Tigrox Tiger Milk King choose to use low-nitrogen tiger milk mushrooms?

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A :

When the body is high in nitrogen, it will cause an increase in uric acid, which causes crystals to build up in the joints and lead to arthritis.Therefore, we choose low-nitrogen tiger milk mushroom, which is suitable for customers with high uric acid.

Q :What is the difference between Tiger Milk Mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerotis) and Lingzhi (Reishi/Ganoderma Lucidum)?

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A :

Tiger milk mushroom and lingzhi are classified as fungi, but these two mushrooms are different.Both tiger milk mushroom and lingzhi can effectively promote the immune system. The difference is that lingzhi can help protect the liver, while tiger milk mushroom can help protect the lungs.

Q :Is Tigrox Tiger Milk King in the form of a tablet?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk is not a tablet form. This is Wellous first liquid which is in a sachet and it is ready to drink.

Q :Why produce a liquid form of Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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In order to ease the modern busy lifestyle, we choose to produce liquid that are easily taken. Tigrox Tiger Milk King can be taken directly.

Q :Can customers with diabetes take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

People with diabetes can take Tigrox Tiger Milk King as there is no added sugar.

Q :Can customers who are undergoing electrotherapy,chemotherapy or radiotherapy take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

It is not recommended to take when a customer is undergoing electrotherapy,chemotherapy or radiotherapy. You can take it after you complete the treatment.

Q :Does Tigrox Tiger Milk King have a registered MAL number?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King is classified as functional food, so there is no need to register MAL.

Q :Will Tigrox Tiger Milk King cause dependency effect?

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A :

No, Tigrox Tiger Milk King can be taken for a long time.

Q :What is the taste of Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King is calamansi in flavor with herbs and a mild sour taste.

Q :What is the difference between Tigrox Tiger Milk King and other markets?

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A :

Other than Tiger Milk Mushroom in Tigrox Tiger Milk King, it also contains licorice and calamansi that can help in respiratory discomfort. Plus vitamin C that can enhance the body's immunity. Tigrex Tiger Milk King is Malaysia's first liquid tiger milk mushroom . It contains the highest content of tiger milk mushroom.

Q :Can customers with psoriasis take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Can take Tigrox Tiger Milk King.

Q :Is Tigrox Tiger Milk King suitable for those who get allergic reactions easily?

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A :

Suitable for take. Tiger Milk Mushroom can enhance the immune system against allergens.

Q :Tigrox Tiger Milk King contains how much of Tiger Milk Mushroom?

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A :

Tigrox Tiger Milk King contains 625mg of tiger milk mushroom.

Q :How does Tigrox Tiger Milk King help lung health?

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A :

Tiger Milk Mushroom can help in respiratory system problems, improve respiratory system function, relieve nasal allergy reaction and nasal congestion, relieve coughing, and improve respiratory allergies.

Q :Why do fever and constipation symptoms appear after taking Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

These symptoms are not a side effect reaction, it is a conditioning reaction or also known as healing crisis.It is recommended that the customer stop taking it for the meantime. Continue when symptoms are reduced or relieved with intake of plenty of water.

Q :Can TMK help in tonsillitis?

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A :

Tonsils are located behind the throat and their primary function as an immune organ is to protect the body from infection. When the tonsils are infected, they become inflamed and cause redness and swelling, causing sore throat and difficulty in swallowing. Most tonsil inflammations occur as a result of bacterial infections, so the patients need to take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. TMK can soothe the symptoms caused by tonsillitis. According to scientific evidence, TMK and licorice in TMK possess anti-inflammatory ability, and calamansi in TMK can also help to relieve discomfort caused by tonsillitis.

Q :Can TMK help solve the snoring problem?

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A :

Snoring is caused by vibration as the air is being blocked when inhaled through the nose or the mouth. There are different reasons for obstruction of the respiratory tract, such as sleeping position, obesity and stuffy nose. TMK can't help solve the snoring issue.

Q :Can people with G6PD (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) deficiency consume Tigrox Tiger Milk

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A :

LingZhi and Tiger Milk Mushroom are fungus, so people with G6PD deficiency can consume Tigrox Tiger Milk King. Besides, in the list of prohibited medicine of G6PD deficiency, licorice is not included in the prohibited list, so it is safe to be consumed.

Q :Can cancer patients consume Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Patients CAN consume TTMK under the following circumstances: if one does not undergo chemotherapy or electrotherapy, 2 weeks prior to chemotherapy or electrotherapy treatment, 1 month after chemotherapy and electrotherapy treatment (consume after the wound recovers).

Q :A customer relies on inhalers to help dilate his/her trachea from shrinking. How can TMK help?

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A :

The customer can consume TMK, but he/she has to remain using inhalers. Inflammation causes the trachea to shrink, further causing difficulty in breathing. TMK has anti-inflammatory properties and is able to prevent the trachea from shrinking, gradually improving the condition.

Q :Can a person with eczema take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Of course, Tiger Milk King has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Q :Can a person with Pleural effusion take Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

A better suggestion is to consume after the fluid in the lungs is being eliminated.

Q :Can a chronic cough patient taking cough syrup consume Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Yes, Tiger Milk King relieves cough. We suggest taking TMK and cough syrup with a 2-hour interval in between.

Q :Can a pneumonia patient with haemoptysis (coughing up blood) consume Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

Yes, if it's only a pneumonia cough. If the patient coughs up blood, he/she has to reduce inflammation first before consuming any health.

Q :Can a patient with sinusitis consume Tigrox Tiger Milk King?

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A :

If the sinusitis is caused by infection in the upper respiratory tract, the patient can try consuming TMK. For a patient with a more serious condition, he / she has to undergo a surgery or take antibiotics.

Q :Tigrox Tiger Milk King contains how many grams of Vitamin C?

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Q :Can people with lung sclerosis consume Tigrox TMK? How does Tigrox TMK help in lung sclerosis?

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A :

Traditionally, tiger milk mushroom is suitable for all lung diseases, including lung sclerosis. Studies have shown that tiger milk mushrooms can reduce multiple inflammatory markers (inflammation). Therefore, it may help to reduce lung sclerosis, however, it does not ease the situation as the lungs have hardened.

Q :Can Tiger Milk King help with nasal polyps (sometimes losing sense of smell)?

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A :

Most people with nasal polyps have a lot of mucous membranes, which can cause inflammation. TMK has anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce inflammation. However, TMK can't help to solve the problem of losing the sense of smell, because TMK can't make nasal polyps smaller, and nasal polyps block the odor from entering the nose causing loss of smell.

Q :Customer is having bronchitis, having problem in coughing and hard to breath, can Tigrox TMK help to reduce these problems?

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A :

Bronchitis is an inflammation happening on the bronchial tube (airway in the respiratory system).Tiger milk mushroom can provide anti-inflammation property and prevent inflammation of bronchial tube and may aid to reduce symptoms like coughing and difficulty breathing.Take 1 sachet daily. Please remind the customer that she must continue to consume the medication prescribed by the doctor. Have a gap of at least 2 hours between TMK & western medicine.

Q :Can Tigrox TMK help those who are having Bronchiectasis?

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A :

Bronchiectasis normally is caused by infection, allergy to certain fungi, and immune system problems. Treatment is to relieve the symptoms like mucus thinning medication to clear mucus, antibiotic to treat infection. There is no study showing tiger milk mushroom can directly help bronchiectasis.

Q :Can TMK help to prevent influenza A?

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A :

People with weak bodies and poor immune systems are at high risk for getting influenza A infection.TMK can strengthen the body's immune system against viruses, but there is no guarantee that you won't get infected if you take it, because this is not a vaccine.

Q :What is Tiger Milk King with loquat flavor?

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A :

Tiger Milk King with loquat flavor is an advanced formula of Tiger Milk Mushroom botanical drink with added loquat and crystal pear.

Q :Which part of loquat is used in Tiger Milk King with loquat flavor?

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A :

Tiger Milk King with loquat flavor uses whole plants which include fruit and leaf.

Q :What are the benefits of loquat?

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A :

Loquat is a plant with high medicinal value that has been used historically as folk medicine for thousands of years. Loquat extract has been used to relieve cough and sore throat in Chinese folk medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that loquat has the effects of nourishing the lungs, relieving cough, and quenching thirst.

Q :What are the benefits of crystal pear?

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A :

According to traditional Chinese medicine, crystal pear can help to reduce swollen throat, soothe irritation at the throat, reduce cough, prevent dehydration of respiratory tract and clear phlegm.

Q :Is TMK suitable for pet's (dog, cat) consumption?

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A :

Wellous are specially formulated for humans, there's no study showing that they are suitable for pet's consumption. Therefore, TMK is not suitable for pets.

Q :Is it normal if a child experiences symptoms of heatiness after taking TMK?

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A :

In the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, children's body type is easy to get heaty and Tiger Milk Mushroom is a tonic herb.If a child develops symptoms of heatiness, he/she is recommended to stop taking TMK for the moment. It is suggested for the child to drink some herbal tea/drinks first, after that only take TMK at a low dose, 1 sachet in 2-3 days.

Q :Can patients with otitis media take TMK?

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A :

Otitis media is a bacterial or viral infection in the ear.Antibiotics are mostly taken as the treatment.Can take TMK but it might not help much in this condition.

Q :Can a customer take TMK because of a broken rib and difficulty breathing?

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A :

Tiger milk mushroom is known to enhance a person's immunity and a strong immunity is essential when fighting against viral infection.However, we recommend the covid patient to get proper treatment and isolation to treat him or her before taking TMK.

Q :Can a customer take TMK after a kidney transplant?

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A :

Most people who have undergone any organ transplant will take immunosuppressive medicine to prevent the body's immune system from attacking the organs. In this case, we do not recommend taking TMK.

Q :Can TMK reduce the snoring problem?

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A :

It can be taken, but TMK is not mainly to reduce snoring.There are many reasons for snoring, such as obesity, drinking alcohol, and a narrow respiratory tract.This may help if the customer has a narrow respiratory tract due to an allergen. If snoring is caused by other reasons, Tiger Milk Mushroom cannot help.

Q :Can customers take TMK if they have benign uterine fibroids?

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A :

Benign tumors can take TMK.

Q :Can a person with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis take TMK?

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A :

Can try. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a type of chronic scarring of lungs which is mostly irreversible. Customer can take but it might not improve on lung function as the damage is permanent.

Q :After taking TMK for a long time, customers experience stomach ache. What is the problem?

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A :

In the view of Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective, stomachache is a symptom of excessive moisture. It is recommended that customers expel the moisture first.You can buy moisture-removing formulas or drink barley water at a TCM store.You can continue to take it, but it is recommended to reduce the amount to 1 sachet in 2-3 days.

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20 sachet per box. Direction for use Tigrox Tiger Milk King (Mango) Drink 1 sachet per day after meal.

Tiger Milk King (Mango)


Fungsi Utama
Meredakan batuk
Melindungi dan menutrisi paru-paru

Mengurangi sensitivitas hidung dan hidung tersumbat
Memperbaiki alergi pernapasan
Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap virus dan kemampuan perlindungan diri


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