Returns & Refund Policy

At, we are committed to providing a fair and transparent return and exchange process to ensure customer satisfaction while maintaining product quality. Please review the following guidelines before making a purchase.



This policy applies to all regular-priced items and is valid for 7 days from the purchase date. Returns are only accepted for products that are defective or significantly misrepresented in our product descriptions.


To be eligible for a return, the item must be unused, in its original condition, and include all original tags and packaging. Returns are not applicable for items purchased during sales, promotional offers, or if the 7-day return window has passed.

Return Process

If your item qualifies for a return, please contact us at +(60)10 – 569 8668 to obtain the return address.

Shipping Costs

Return shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer and are non-refundable. We recommend using a trackable shipping method or purchasing shipping insurance, as exchanges will only be processed once we receive and verify the returned item.

Inspection & Confirmation

Upon receiving your return, we will inspect the item and notify you regarding the approval or rejection of your exchange request.


Exchange for Returns

Items returned under our return policy will be eligible for an exchange.

Stock Availability

If the requested exchange item is out of stock, you may choose to:

  • Exchange it for another available product.
  • Request a refund (only if eligible under our refund policy).

Price Difference

If the exchanged item is of lower value, no refund will be provided. If the replacement item is of higher value, you will need to pay the price difference.

Special Considerations

Exchanges that do not meet the standard criteria may be considered on a case-by-case basis. If approved, an additional RM10 fee will be charged for postage and handling.


Refund Conditions

Refunds are only applicable if the requested exchange item is out of stock. Refunds will be based on the original amount paid for the item. Shipping fees are non-refundable.

Processing Time

Approved refunds will be processed within 21 business days and credited to the bank account provided.

Refund Status

If you have not received your refund after 21 business days, please contact us for assistance.

We appreciate your cooperation in following our policies, which help us maintain high-quality standards for our products and services. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!