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Sirtmax(黑薑黃萃取物)由日本 常盤植物化學股份有限公司 它的還原氧化作用比白藜蘆醇強15倍,比一般黑薑黃強3倍。



“SOD更強大,它為人體提供了完整的防禦系統。” 100%天然專利SOD





Puredia Seaberry®

被譽為“聖果”,富含Omega 3、6、7、9、維生素、礦物質。



LIVEON 含有β-葡聚醣,這是一種天然成分,被認為有助於 刺激免疫系統,這可能有助於降低感染風險並改善整體健康。


番茄紅素是 LIVEON 中發現的一種抗氧化劑,可能有助於保護細胞免受自由基造成的損害,自由基會導致老化和疾病。


LIVEON 含有維生素 D3,對骨骼健康很重要,有助於身體吸收鈣和磷。


硒是 LIVEON 中的一種成分,在一些研究中被發現具有抗癌特性,也可能有助於支持免疫系統。


LIVEON 採用方便的小袋形式,易於服用並融入日常生活中。

與市場上現有 Liveon 產品的差異:

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誰需要 Liveon?

Liveon 適合以下人群

















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每天我們的細胞都會受到超過 10000 個自由基的轟炸。當自由基的累積或產生與體內抵抗自由基的抗氧化劑之間不平衡時,就會發生氧化損傷。我們的身體會產生自己的抗氧化劑,如穀胱甘肽過氧化物酶(GPx)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和過氧化氫酶(CAT),但隨著年齡的增長,它們會因內部和外部因素(如壓力、營養不良、不健康飲食、免疫系統弱、吸煙、飲酒等)而耗盡。如果長期不治療,這些有害的自由基會攻擊我們的身體細胞並引起慢性炎症,對我們的身體組織和器官產生負面影響。


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Q :LIVEON 的成分是什麼?

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LIVEON 的成分是Enzogenol 松樹皮萃取物、Sirtmax 黑薑黃萃取物、SOD B Extramel、Puredia SeaBerry omega 粉、虎杖(白藜蘆醇)、葡萄籽萃取物、綠茶萃取物、維生素C、薑黃素萃取物、蘆薈萃取物和巴西莓提煉。

Q :LIVEON是什麼口味的?

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LIVEON 是一種即飲植物飲料,具有混合水果口味,包括獼猴桃、山竹和桑葚。

Q:Enzogenol 是什麼?松樹皮萃取物?

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松樹皮萃取物是來自紐西蘭松樹(Pinus radiata)樹皮的 100% 天然萃取物。它由高度濃縮的類黃酮混合物組成,類黃酮是強大的抗氧化劑,其效力遠遠超過其他常見的抗氧化劑,如維生素A、C 和E。物質的條件下萃取,無需任何溶劑或其他殘留物。廣泛的研究表明 Enzogenol 具有促進健康的特性,尤其是抗衰老特性。 Enzogenol 透過保護和減緩細胞端粒縮短的速度來延緩細胞老化。

Q :SOD B Extramel是什麼?

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SOD B Extramel?是來自法國的哈密瓜 (Cucumis melo L.) 的萃取物。 SOD B Extramel?具有極高含量的超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD) (85-90%) 和其他類型的抗氧化劑。 SOD是穀胱甘肽過氧化物酶(GPx)和過氧化氫酶(CAT)之外的主要抗氧化劑之一,其作用與維生素A、C、E、白藜蘆醇和類黃酮等次要抗氧化劑不同。


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Sirtmax 是來自日本的黑薑黃 (kaempferia parviflora) 的萃取物。黑薑黃是泰國和寮國流行的草藥。 Sirtmax 富含一種有效的抗氧化劑,稱為山奈多甲氧基黃酮 (KPMF)。 KPMF 已被證明可有效調節葡萄糖和脂質代謝。 Sirtmax 也因其抗糖化特性而延遲老化相關疾病的發生。

Q:Puredia SeaBerry 是什麼?歐米伽粉?

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Q :我們的身體會產生抗氧化劑嗎?

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是的,我們的身體可以產生主要抗氧化劑,如超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、穀胱甘肽過氧化物酶 (GPx) 和過氧化氫酶 (CAT)。然而,我們的身體無法產生輔助抗氧化劑,如維生素A、C、E、白藜蘆醇等,但這些都可以從食物中獲得。

Q :抗氧化劑的協同作用是什麼?

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Q :LIVEON 是補充劑還是食品?

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Q :LIVEON 是補充劑還是食品?

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LIVEON 被 NPRA、KKM 歸類為食品類別,它不是補充劑。 LIVEON 是一種功能性飲料,含有大量來自多種植物萃取物的天然抗氧化劑,可為消費者提供多種健康益處。

Q :LIVEON的主要成分來自哪個國家?

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LIVEON 採用來自世界各地的優質專利成分配製而成。主要活性成分是紐西蘭的Enzogenol松樹皮萃取物、法國的SOD B Extramel、西藏的Puredia SeaBerry和日本的Sirtmax黑薑黃萃取物。

Q :LIVEON 是在哪裡配製的?

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LIVEON 是在新西蘭配製的。

Q :LIVEON 食用安全嗎?

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請放心,LIVEON 可以安全食用。每一批LIVEON產品都經過外部認可實驗室的嚴格重金屬和微生物測試品質檢查,以確保其安全和品質。我們所有的產品均在經過 GMP、HACCP 和 MeSTI 認證的工廠中精心製造。安全和品質是我們的首要任務,我們確保只向客戶提供最好的產品。

Q :服用LIVEON後可以觀察到什麼效果?

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LIVEON 富含抗氧化劑,有助於清除有害自由基,增強身體器官和系統的表現。一般來說,服用幾週後,你會感覺精力更充沛,不易疲勞,因為身體機能得到了改善。食用 LIVEON 後,您會發現膚色變好,因為它有助於減少自由基對皮膚的破壞作用。

Q :服用LIVEON後多久可以看到效果?

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LIVEON 的效果因人而異,取決於我們的生活習慣和潛在的醫療狀況。一般來說,顧客服用2-4週後即可擁有更好的膚色和感覺更有活力。


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Q :LIVEON的消費方式是什麼?

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每天一包,建議飯前 30 分鐘服用 LIVEON,以獲得最佳效果。

Q :服用LIVEON後有沒有副作用?

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迄今為止,LIVEON 不是藥物,因此尚無已知或報告的副作用。然而,在極少數情況下,人們可能會因高抗氧化劑消耗而經歷治療危機,例如發燒、頭痛、噁心、胃部不適或其他症狀。

Q :LIVEON 只適合女性嗎?適合男性食用嗎?

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LIVEON 適合女性和男性食用。

Q :隨著年齡的增長,我的皮膚開始變薄。 LIVEON可以幫助解決這個問題嗎?

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皮膚變薄是不可能逆轉的。隨著年齡的增長,這種情況會自然發生。然而,您可以服用 LIVEON 來改善皮膚的水合狀態,從而防止皮膚乾燥和損傷。

Q :我現在正在使用抗衰老護膚品。我是否需要服用抗衰老補充劑?

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抗衰老護膚品僅有助於改善臉部皮膚問題,如皮膚乾燥、皺紋和黑斑。同時,LIVEON 可為您的身體帶來由內而外的益處。它提供修復細胞、保護和維持器官功能以及延緩老化過程所需的營養。雖然LIVEON對皮膚的效果需要較長時間才能看到,但其對整體身體功能的影響更為全面且持久。

Q :How long will the effects last if I stop taking LIVEON?

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The effects of LIVEON would not stop immediately right after stop consumption. However, the antioxidant level in the body will reduce gradually if there is no more supply of antioxidants from the diet or supplement.

Q :Can LIVEON help to reduce weight?

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LIVEON is not a slimming product. However, ingredients in LIVEON such as Sirtmax black turmeric extract and Puredia SeaBerry Omega powder can help to regulate insulin levels and prevent storage of excess fat in the body. Hence, consuming LIVEON might indirectly help to reduce weight but this is not the main function.

Q :Can I take LIVEON together with other Wellous's products?

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Can. It provides synergistic effects as it improves your body functions.

Q :Can I take LIVEON with an empty stomach?

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Yes, you can. But if you have a sensitive stomach, you might need to take LIVEON after meals to avoid stomach discomfort.

Q :Can I consume 2 sachets of LIVEON per day?

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Of course, you can consume 2 sachets of LIVEON per day to achieve faster and better effects from LIVEON.

Q :Can I mix LIVEON with water or other beverages?

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Yes, customers can mix LIVEON with plain water, fruit juice, yogurt or other drinks. However, customers should avoid mixing with caffeine-containing beverages (eg: coffee, tea) and hot drinks to prevent affecting the efficacy of LIVEON.

Q :Can children below 12 years old consume LIVEON?

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Not recommended for children below 12 to consume LIVEON because it is mainly for anti-ageing, while children below 12 years old do not have the need yet to consume such a product.

Q :Can teenagers between 12 to 17 years old consume LIVEON?

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Teenagers between 12 to 17 years old can consume one sachet of LIVEON per two days. For those above 17 years old, they can consume 1 sachet of LIVEON per day.

Q :What is the best age to start consuming LIVEON?

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LIVEON is an anti-ageing, antioxidant and anti-glycation product. From around the age of 25, the first signs of ageing start to become apparent on the surface of our skin. To overcome this, it is good to start taking LIVEON as early as you hit 25 years old.

Q :Can I consume LIVEON after surgery?

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Avoid taking LIVEON 2 weeks before going for any kind of surgery. You may start to take LIVEON 1 month after the surgery is done, provided that the wound is completely healed and recovered (including removal of dressing).

Q :Can I consume LIVEON together with medicine?

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Please consult with your physician before taking LIVEON. We recommend customers to leave a gap of at least 1 hour before consuming LIVEON and other medicine(s) to avoid interference of absorption or efficacy.

Q :Can I take LIVEON during menstrual period?

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Can. LIVEON does not contain any hormone, hence it would not affect the menstrual period of the consumer.

Q :Is pregnant women suitable to consume LIVEON?

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Although the ingredients in LIVEON are from natural sources and safe for consumption, it is not recommended for pregnant women to consume LIVEON since there is no safety clinical study conducted.

Q :Can vegetarians or vegan consume LIVEON?

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Yes, all of the ingredients in LIVEON are from plant sources. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegan.

Q :Can people with kidney disease take LIVEON?

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Patients with stage 1 and 2 kidney disease can take LIVEON on alternate days. However, please consult with your physician before taking LIVEON. For patients with stage 3 and 4 kidney failure, it is not recommended to take any supplement or high nutrient functional food.

Q :Can customers with diabetes take LIVEON?

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Yes. Diabetic patients can take LIVEON as there is no added sugar. Besides that, Sirtmax® black turmeric extract helps to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism in the body, which is beneficial for diabetic patients.

Q :Is breastfeeding mother suitable to consume LIVEON?

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Although the ingredients in LIVEON are from natural sources and safe for consumption, it is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers to consume LIVEON since there is no safety clinical study conducted.

Q :Can people with gastritis or gastric disease take LIVEON?

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Can, it's recommended to take LIVEON after a meal for people with gastric disease.

Q :Can LIVEON delay menopause?

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Cannot, as LIVEON does not contain any synthetic or natural hormone that helps to regulate hormones in the body.

Q :Can LIVEON help in bone recovery?

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LIVEON cannot help to recover damaged bone. However, LIVEON can help to reduce joint inflammation.

Q :Can LIVEON help in gout?

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LIVEON cannot treat gout as it does not solve the root cause (uric acid). However, it can help to reduce joint inflammation.

Q :Can LIVEON help in back pain and soreness?

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Depends on the causes of back pain and soreness. For those who are having pain and soreness due to exercise or injury, LIVEON cannot help to relieve.

Q :Can someone who is taking blood thinner consume LIVEON?

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It is suggested to ask the doctor's opinion before taking LIVEON, or the customer can try to take one sachet per two days. If a customer experiences bruising or bleeding gums, then stop taking it. If the customer is taking Warfarin as blood thinner, it is not suitable to take LIVEON.

Q :Can stroke patients take LIVEON?

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Stroke patients can take LIVEON one month after surgery, provided that the wound is completely healed and recovered (including removal of dressing), and make sure there is no any bruise in the patient's brain.

Q :Can LIVEON help in skin whitening?

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Can, it is recommended to take LIVEON together with D-VINE for better whitening effect.

Q :Can LIVEON help in slimming?

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Cannot, LIVEON is not a slimming product. However, LIVEON can help to regulate metabolism, which indirectly can help to reduce body fat.

Q :Can diabetic patients with insulin injection take LIVEON?

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Can. Since insulin needs to be injected 30 minutes before meal, it is recommended to take LIVEON 30 minutes after insulin injection and right before meal.

Q :How can LIVEON help in diabetic patients?

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LIVEON can help to reduce the risk of diabetes complications such as retinopathy and neuropathy as it is high in antioxidants. LIVEON can also help in glucose and lipid metabolism. For diabetic patients with controlled and stable blood glucose, LIVEON can help to further lower the blood glucose level. However, LIVEON cannot be used as a replacement for insulin or other diabetes medicine.

Q :Can LIVEON replace other products of Wellous?

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LIVEON has a lot of different functions, however, it cannot be replaced by other Wellous's product, as its main functions are anti-ageing, antioxidant and anti-glycation.

Q :Would AGEs in the body be reduced after taking LIVEON?

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LIVEON can help to slow down the formation of AGEs, hence reducing the accumulation of AGEs in the body.

Q :Can LIVEON help to digest or excreted AGEs from food that we eat?

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LIVEON cannot help to digest AGEs from food, AGEs can be excreted from the body naturally.

Q :Would the oxidative stress in the body be reduced if glycation rate has been reduced?

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Yes, glycation and oxidative stress are interrelated. If the glycation rate has been reduced, oxidative stress in the body will also be reduced.

Q :What is the difference between LIVEON and D-VINE?

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LIVEON is an anti-ageing product, it helps to slow down ageing in terms of body function and skin condition. While D-VINE is a product mainly for skin health. D-VINE contains collagen which is the essential structure of our skin.

Q :Can cancer patients take LIVEON?

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Yes, but it depends on the diet restriction of the patient. If the patient is having diet restriction, it is suggested to start taking LIVEON after completing the diet restriction to avoid any possible food-drug interaction. Also, LIVEON does not help to cure cancer, it can just help to improve the quality of life of the patient, for example reduce physical and mental fatigue.

Q :Can people with benign tumours eg: cyst, fibroid take LIVEON?

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Can, but LIVEON does not help to reduce the size of tumour.

Q :LIVEON contains grape seed extract, what is the difference with BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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BIO-GRAPE Seed contains grape seed extract as its main and only bioactive ingredient. While LIVEON contains a minor amount of grape seed extract as a supportive ingredient. The main function of BGS is antioxidant, while LIVEON has the function of anti-ageing and anti-glycation as well.

Q :Can LIVEON help with sensitive skin?

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It is possible, but it depends on the causes that trigger skin sensitivity.

Q :Can LIVEON help someone with high uric acid?

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Yes, LIVEON can help to reduce inflammation caused by high uric acid. However, it cannot help to reduce uric acid in the body.

Q :Can someone who had uterus removal surgery take LIVEON?

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Yes, but it is recommended for her to take ISOduce first to regulate female hormone levels in the body.

Q :Can someone with low blood glucose take LIVEON?

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Q :Can LIVEON help in acne?

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Yes. High glycation rate in the body is one of the causes of acne problems. LIVEON can help to control acne formation by reducing glycation rate. However, customers might experience a healing crisis, which is having more acne production within the first few days after the consumption of LIVEON.

Q :Can LIVEON help in skin fungal infection?

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LIVEON cannot cure fungal infection as anti-fungal medicine is needed to treat it. However, LIVEON can help to enhance skin recovery after the infection has been cured.

Q :Can LIVEON help in psoriasis?

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Can be tried, but the effect is not guaranteed.

Q :Can LIVEON help in eczema?

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Can be tried, as LIVEON can help to reduce inflammation caused by eczema, but it would takes few months to see the effect.

Q :Can LIVEON help in anemia?

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For nutrient deficiency anemia, LIVEON can help to provide the nutrients needed. For other types of anemia such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, LIVEON could not help.

Q :Will LIVEON cause heatiness after consumption?

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Q :Can a patient who is undergoing dialysis take LIVEON?

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Patients who undergo dialysis are not recommended to take LIVEON, as the nutrients in LIVEON are going to be removed from the body after dialysis.

Q :Can LIVEON help with muscle cramping problems?

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It depends on the causes of muscle cramp. Muscle cramp can be caused by mineral deficiency. LIVEON contains minerals which help in muscle cramping problems.

Q :Can LIVEON help in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)?

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SLE is an autoimmune disease that causes multisystem inflammation. LIVEON cannot cure SLE, however, it can help to reduce inflammation and reduce complications of SLE.

Q :Can patients with cardiovascular disease take LIVEON?

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Can, LIVEON contains seaberry that is rich in omega-3, 6, 7 & 9, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Q :Can LIVEON speed up wound healing?

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LIVEON cannot speed up wound healing, however, LIVEON can help to reduce inflammation of wounds and prevent bacteria from worsening the wound.

Q :Can LIVEON help in headache and migraine problems?

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Headache and migraine can be caused by several factors. LIVEON might help to reduce the occurrence of headache and migraine by reducing the inflammation of nerves. However, it does not have an instant effect like painkillers, LIVEON takes a longer time to improve overall occurrence.

Q :Can a person with G6PD deficiency take LIVEON?

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People with G6PD can take LIVEON, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking LIVEON, to avoid any interaction with other food or medication.

Q :Can LIVEON help with numbness of limbs?

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Long term numbness of limbs is mostly caused by nerve damage. Nerve damage cannot be reversed, however, LIVEON possesses neuro-protective effects which can help to prevent further worsening of nerve damage.

Q :Can LIVEON help in Parkinson's disease?

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Parkinson's disease is a brain nervous system disorder that affects movement including tremor and rigid limbs. Oxidative stress is involved in the progression of Parkinson's disease. Enzogenol? Pine bark extract and SOD in LIVEON possess neuro-protective effects. Customers can consume LIVEON to protect the neuron in the brain and slow down the progression of Parkinson's disease.

Q :Can LIVEON help in Alzheimer's disease?

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Alzheimer's disease is a brain nervous system disorder that affects the brain's cognitive and memory. Oxidative stress and inflammation contribute to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Enzogenol? pine bark extract and SOD in LIVEON possess neuron-protective effects. Enzogenol is also clinically proven to be effective in supporting brain health in terms of memory and cognitive. In short, LIVEON can help to slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease by protecting neurons in the brain.

Q :Can LIVEON help in improving vision?

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Can, but it is recommended for the customer with vision problems to take E-VITE as it is a specific formulation for eye health.

Q :Can LIVEON help in hair loss?

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LIVEON contains vitamins and minerals which are essential nutrients for hair growth. However, it is recommended to take S-GLOW for hair loss problems.


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16 sachet per box. Direction for use Liveon. Drink 1 sachet per day after meal.






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