
Bio Lingzhi


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Hỗ trợ tuổi thọ và sức khỏe lâu dài với nấm Lingzhi

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Thân quả và sợi nấm Lingzhi

Nấm Lingzhi là loại nấm ăn được và được sử dụng rộng rãi để hỗ trợ sức khỏe tổng thể.

Chức Năng

Tăng cường hệ miễn dịch

BIO-LINGZHI chứa polysaccharide và triterpenoid, có thể giúp cải thiện chức năng miễn dịch của cơ thể và bảo vệ khỏi các bệnh tật.

Điều chỉnh mức đường huyết

Sản phẩm này cũng chứa polysaccharide, có thể giúp điều chỉnh mức đường huyết và giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh tiểu đường.

Giảm mệt mỏi

BIO-LINGZHI đã được sử dụng truyền thống để giảm mệt mỏi và tăng cường năng lượng, điều này có thể do các đặc tính thích nghi của nó.

aHỗ trợ sức khỏe gan

Nấm Lingzhi được chứng minh có tác dụng bảo vệ gan, nghĩa là có thể giúp bảo vệ gan khỏi tổn thương và cải thiện chức năng gan.

Tác dụng chống viêm

Nấm Lingzhi chứa các hợp chất có thể giúp giảm viêm trong cơ thể, có lợi cho các bệnh như viêm khớp.


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Q: Lingzhi có tên gọi khác không?

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A :

Có, lingzhi còn được gọi là nấm reishi. Tên khoa học của nó là Ganoderma Lucidum. Tất cả các tên trên đều chỉ lingzhi.

Q: Phụ nữ mang thai và đang cho con bú có thể dùng BIO-LINGZHI không?

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A :

Không được khuyến cáo sử dụng.

Q: Khách hàng bị G6PD có thể dùng BIO-LINGZHI không?

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A :

Cho đến nay, chưa có cảnh báo hoặc tác hại đối với G6PD. Có thể sử dụng.

Q: Trẻ em có thể dùng BIO-LINGZHI không?

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A :

Đối với trẻ em trên 12 tuổi (với điều kiện cân nặng bình thường, nếu muốn dùng, liều lượng là 1/4 so với liều tối thiểu của người lớn, tức là 1 viên mỗi ngày).

Q: Những người đang lọc máu có thể dùng BIO-LINGZHI không?

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A :

Tùy thuộc vào mức độ nghiêm trọng của bệnh thận, nếu bệnh nhẹ đến trung bình, có thể dùng lingzhi. Đối với những người có bệnh thận nghiêm trọng, nên tránh sử dụng. Tránh dùng vào ngày lọc máu vì sẽ bị lãng phí.


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A :

BIO-LINGZHI là một loại thực phẩm chức năng chứa phần thân quả và sợi nấm lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) giúp tăng cường hệ miễn dịch.

Q: Thân quả là gì?

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A :

Thân quả là phần của nấm mà chúng ta nhìn thấy, giống như một cái ô. Phần này chứa lượng triterpene cao nhất trong tất cả các phần của nấm lingzhi.

Q: Sợi nấm là gì?

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A :

Sợi nấm của Ganoderma Lucidum là rễ của nấm, thường là phần mà chúng ta không thấy được. Sợi nấm chứa hàm lượng polysaccharide cao nhất so với các phần khác của Ganoderma Lucidum.

Q :What are the sign and symptoms that our immune system is weak?

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A :

Coughing, catch a cold easily (flu), tiredness, cut or wound very hard to recover, diarrhea.

Q :What is the history of lingzhi?

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A :

Lingzhi has been using for more than 2000 years in the medical history in China. It is known as the magical herbs in China,and it is said that we can live forever if we consume it. Medical Research has proven that is has the function of regulating human body, improving immune system and restore organ and cells.

Q :What are the difference between fruit body and mycelium parts of lingzhi?

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A :

Fruit body contains more triterpene that can help to reduce blood fat or cholesterol, reduce blood glucose, anti-inflammation and anti-cancer. Whereas, mycelium has higher content of polysaccharide which can help to enhance our immune system.

Q :What is Polysaccharide in lingzhi?

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A :

Polysaccharide (beta-glucan) is one of the active ingredient in lingzhi. It can help to regulate body's function, comprehensively improve human immune system and restore body's internal organ and cells.

Q :What is Triterpene in lingzhi?

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A :

Triterpene is another active ingredient in lingzhi. It can effectively prevent cardiovascular disease, lower LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol and prevent hypertension.

Q :What are the benefits of lingzhi?

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A :

Lingzhi is mainly increase immunity. Other than that, it also has potential cancer fighting properties, fight depression, prevent flu, protect against allergy asthma, help liver detox, anti-aging, anti-inflammation and help to maintain blood glucose level at a safe level.

Q :What is the specialty of BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

BIO-LINGZHI contains both fruit body and mycelium parts of lingzhi, which give both of the main active ingredients, which are polysaccharide and triterpene.

Q :Where is the ingredient in BIO-LINGZHI originate from?

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A :

The lingzhi used is from Hokkaido Japan.

Q :What is the composition of BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

BIO-LINGZHI contains 250mg of Ganoderma Lucidum extract powder.

Q :What is the recommended dosage of BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

1-2 tablets 3 times daily

Q :Can urticaria/hives take BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

Yes, lingzhi has anti-inflammatory effect and able to regulate immune system. Recommend to start at 2 tablets daily.

Q :Is BIO-LINGZHI a type of drug?

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A :

BIO-LINGZHI is a type of supplement, not medication nor drugs.

Q :Is BIO-LINGZHI safe to consume?

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A :

Yes, it is safe and good to consume. It is certified to free from microbes, heavy metals, preservative.

Q :Can patient after chemotherapy and radiotherapy take BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

Can, provided that it is 30 days after the surgery or until wound completely recover (depending on which comes later).

Q :How long shoud customer stop before going for operation or surgery?

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A :

Stop taking any supplements 2 weeks before operation or surgery.

Q :Is the spore of Ganoderma Lucidum are more effective than fruit body?

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A :

No. The major active ingredient in the spore of Ganoderma Lucidum is lipid which is very unstable after the spore is broken and this will be very problematic and complicated process. Moreover, spores are limited quantity, hence it is very hard to get large amount of lingzhi spore powder.

Q :Is wild lingzhi better than cultivated lingzhi?

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A :

No. When lingzhi is grown and gathered from wild, the age, environment, species and quality of it is unknown. Due to various factors, it is very hard to obtain a consistent quality of lingzhi. Hence, cultivated lingzhi is a better and safer as the environment factors can be control to provide an optimal condition for the cultivation.

Q :Is lingzhi poisonous?

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A :

No. According to Chinese Medical Pharmacopoeia, lingzhi is a superior quality herb that is non-toxic, neutral and able to promote good health (strengthen immune system), longevity and prevent aging.

Q :Can i take BIO-LINGZHI with other medication?

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A :

Yes, all medication prescribed by Doctor must still be taken when consuming lingzhi. Have a gap of 2 hours when taking BIO-LINGZHI with western medicine.

Q :Does a healthy person still need to take BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

A healthy person might feel that he/she is healthy however the person is unable to tell if the body is storing toxin or not, hence a healthy person will still need to take Ganoderma Lucidum to eliminate toxin and strengthen immune system.

Q :Does lingzhi has any side effects?

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A :

Lingzhi does not cause side effect, on the other hand, lingzhi helps to detoxify and strengthen immune system.

Q :Why don't I feel the effect of lingzhi?

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A :

Lingzhi is a type of supplement so the effect of lingzhi towards our body will not be as quick as medicine, whereas it require long term consumption to see the difference. Hence, a person will only feel the difference after 3-6months consumption at sufficient dosage.

Q :Can a person with iron deficiency anemia take Lingzhi?

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A :

Can take.

Q :Can someone who is on dialysis take BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

There are two types of dialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis. If a patient is undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis, he/she can take because the dialysis is done on everyday.If hemodialysis must be taken at a low dose, 1 tablet per day.

Q :Can a person with Rheumatoid Arthritis take BIO-LINGZHI? How can it benefit the person?

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A :

Can take. Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharide peptide reduced the ion of proinflammatory cytokines in activated rheumatoid synovial fibroblast.

Q :Can a person with low platelets take BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

Can take, however if platelet is too low, better not take. Too low platelet count predisposes to bruising and bleeding.

Q :Can patients with thalassemia take BIO-LINGZHI? How it benefits the person?

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A :

Can be taken but does not help in the condition of thalassemia as it is a genetic disorder.

Q :Does BIO-LINGZHI help in those who is having Psoriasis?

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A :

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease. Best supplement is BIO-LINGZHI. Start with low dose 1 tablet a day.

Q :What is recommended to someone with high white blood cells?

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A :

Both grape seed extract and Lingzhi can improve the immune system, Lingzhi is more known as immune modulator (adjust to normal). So try BIO-LINGZHI first, start with 2 tablets per day.

Q :Can a person with Hepatitis B take BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

Hepatitis B patient is suitable to take lingzhi, which helps to inhibit the replication of Hepatitis B virus, can start from 2 tablets a day.

Q :Are patients with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) suitable for taking BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

Yes, Lingzhi can be taken by SLE patients, and it may help improve the symptoms.Start with 2 tablets daily, can add on the dosage after 1-2 weeks if no healing crisis.

Q :Why does one experience nosebleed after consuming Lingzhi? Should one stop taking it?

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A :

This could be due to heatiness and cause the nose to bleed. A suggestion is to take one again 2 days after the bleeding stops. Drink more water.

Q :A customer has renal cysts in the kidney with excess amount of protein, can one consume BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

Yes, but lingzhi is not helpful in reducing the size of renal cysts.

Q :Can BIO-LINGZHI help in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

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A :

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is very common in men especially those over 50 years old. Currently, there are several study prove that Ling Zhi is helpful for prostate enlargement, but for now there is no any study has been proven to have the same effect on humans. Customers can try taking BIO-LINGZHI
, but the effect is not guaranteed.

Q :Can BIO-LINGZHI help in kidney stone?

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A :

Cannot. So far, there are no health supplements that can help to dissolve or shink kidney stones.

Q :Why does customer feel bloating and stomach discomfort after taking BIO-LINGZHI?

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A :

Bloating or stomach discomfort are one of the few side effects of taking Lingzhi. If the customer cannot tolerate it, stop taking it first and then reduce the dose.

Q :Can BIO-LINGZHI help to remove kidney stones out of the body?

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A :

Bio-LINGZHI cannot help to remove kidney stones, it also cannot disolve kidney stones.

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Bio Lingzhi


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