


Chức năng chính của Frusso

Giảm táo bón
Kích thích nhu động ruột

Chống hôi miệng
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Thành Phần

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Chất xơ từ cây cọ

Chất xơ không hòa tan trong nước. Có chức năng kết dính để tích lũy cholesterol, muối mật, chất béo, carbohydrate và độc tố, giúp đào thải chúng ra khỏi cơ thể.



Chất xơ hòa tan trong nước. Oligosaccharides tự nhiên, có thể dùng thay thế đường. Giúp tái tạo vi khuẩn có lợi trong ruột.

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Chất xơ ngô hòa tan trong nước. Thực phẩm bổ sung ít calo, chứa 90% chất xơ từ thực phẩm.


Vỏ hạt mã đề (Psyllium husk)

Chất xơ hòa tan trong nước. Chứa 80% chất xơ. Có lợi cho sự phát triển của men vi sinh đường ruột.

Chức Năng

Giảm táo bón

Chứa chất xơ thúc đẩy nhu động ruột đều đặn và giúp giảm táo bón.

Kích thích nhu động ruột

Thành phần tự nhiên kích thích nhu động ruột, hỗ trợ tiêu hóa và ngăn ngừa đầy hơi và khí.

Chống hôi miệng

Một số thành phần giúp chống hôi miệng bằng cách trung hòa vi khuẩn gây mùi trong miệng.

Tăng cường làm đẹp và trẻ hóa

Giàu vitamin và chất chống oxy hóa, giúp da, tóc và móng khỏe mạnh, mang lại vẻ ngoài trẻ trung hơn.

Hỗ trợ giảm cân lành mạnh

Ít calo và giàu chất xơ, là lựa chọn tuyệt vời để hỗ trợ giảm cân lành mạnh.

Điều chỉnh quản lý cân nặng

Cung cấp một lựa chọn ăn nhẹ lành mạnh và tiện lợi để tránh ăn quá mức và duy trì cân nặng hợp lý.


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Ai Cần Sử Dụng Frusso?



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Chứng nhận & Giải thưởng Sản phẩm

Lời chứng thực


Q: Frusso là gì?

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A :

Frusso là một loại nước uống giàu chất xơ và prebiotics, với chức năng chính là hỗ trợ đi tiêu và duy trì sức khỏe đường ruột.

Q: Thành phần chính của Frusso là gì?

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A :

Fibersol-2, vỏ hạt mã đề, inulin, fructose, maltodextrin, chất xơ từ cây cọ và chiết xuất từ cây cassia.

Q: Chất xơ thực phẩm là gì?

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Chất xơ thực phẩm là một loại carbohydrate, nhưng không được cơ thể tiêu hóa và hấp thụ như tinh bột hoặc đường, vì vậy nó không chứa calo.

Q: Chất xơ hòa tan trong nước và không hòa tan trong nước là gì?

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A :

Chất xơ thực phẩm được chia thành hai loại: hòa tan trong nước và không hòa tan trong nước. Chất xơ hòa tan trong nước có độ nhớt cao, có thể hấp thụ một lượng lớn nước trong ruột, tạo thành gel và kết hợp với phân trong ruột để cuối cùng được thải ra ngoài. Chất xơ không hòa tan giúp tăng khối lượng và trọng lượng của phân, tăng cường nhu động ruột và thúc đẩy quá trình đi tiêu.

Q: Lượng chất xơ thực phẩm khuyến nghị hàng ngày là bao nhiêu?

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A :

Theo Hướng dẫn Dinh dưỡng Malaysia, chúng ta cần tiêu thụ 20-30 gram chất xơ mỗi ngày, tương đương với 2-3 phần trái cây và 3-4 phần rau.

Q: Ngoài trái cây và rau, các nguồn chất xơ thực phẩm khác là gì?

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A :

Ngoài trái cây và rau, ngũ cốc và các loại hạt cũng giàu chất xơ thực phẩm. Tuy nhiên, khi bổ sung chất xơ thực phẩm, cần chú ý đến lượng calo. Do đó, không nên tiêu thụ nhiều ngũ cốc và hạt để đáp ứng nhu cầu chất xơ.

Q: Lượng calo trong 1 gói Frusso là bao nhiêu?

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Frusso chứa lượng calo rất thấp, một gói chỉ có 15-21 kcal (mỗi hương vị có lượng calo khác nhau), vì vậy người muốn kiểm soát lượng calo có thể yên tâm sử dụng.

Q: Prebiotic là gì?

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Prebiotic cũng là một loại chất xơ thực phẩm, là nguồn dinh dưỡng của lợi khuẩn giúp các lợi khuẩn phát triển trong ruột.

Q :What is the source of prebiotic?

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Foods rich in prebiotics include: garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, oats, etc.

Q :What are the functions of FRUSSO?

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FRUSSO is rich in dietary fiber and can accelerate bowel movements. FRUSSO also contains prebiotics that help probiotics grow in the intestines and keep the gut healthy, which in turn helps reduce the risk of colon cancer. In addition, dietary fiber in FRUSSO can also increase satiety, and taking it before meals can help control weight. Long-term consumption of dietary fiber can also control blood sugar and blood lipids to prevent chronic diseases.

Q :How to consume FRUSSO?

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Add a sachet of FRUSSO to 150 ml of room temperature water and mix well before drinking.

Q :What is the best time to consume FRUSSO?

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Customers are suggested to consume it before going to bed. so that he/she can go to the toilet for defecation in the next morning. In addition, customers who want to maintain their body or lose weight can also take it before meals to increase their satiety therefore reducing their food intake.

Q :Apart from plain water, can I mix FRUSSO with other drinks such as fruit juice, milk shake and yogurt?

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A :

It depends on personal preference. Mixing FRUSSO with juice or yogurt can further improve bowel movements. But make sure that FRUSSO is completely dissolved in the beverage.

Q :How long would it take to get the effects after consuming FRUSSO?

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Usually, customers will have bowel movements after 8 hours of consumption.

Q :Is there any healing crisis after consuming FRUSSO?

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A small number of people who take FRUSSO will have a healing crisis of detoxification, such as mild stomach cramps , but these symptoms will be resolved after defecation.

Q :Is it safe to consume FRUSSO in the long term? Would it cause any independence towards fiber?

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A :

It is safe to be consumed, because it is all natural and does not contain any drug, and does not cause any side effects or dependence.

Q :After long term consumption of FRUSSO, the problem of constipation has been resolved. Do I still need to continue consuming FRUSSO?

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A :

It is recommended to continue taking (1 sachet per day or 1 sachet per 2 days) to supplement the dietary fiber you need. FRUSSO's function is not only to help in defecation, but also to help maintain intestinal health and prevent chronic diseases such as colon cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and so on.

Q :Can people who want to gain weight consume FRUSSO? Would it cause any adverse effects?

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A :

Definitely can. To gain weight, firstly we need to make sure that the bowel function remains optimal for more effective absorption of nutrients in the food. FRUSSO helps remove unwanted residues from the gut and helps probiotics grow and create a good intestinal environment.

Q :Do FRUSSO have any certification for its quality?

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FRUSSO has safety certification, it does not contain heavy metals, microorganisms and preservatives.

Q :Can vegetarians consume FRUSSO?

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A :

Can. The ingredients of FRUSSO are all derived from plants, without any animal-based ingredients, so it is suitable for vegetarians.

Q :Can I consume FRUSSO together with other Wellous's?

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Yes, but it must be noted that most of Wellous' s are suggested to be consumed after meals, while FRUSSO is recommended to be consumed before bedtime.

Q :Can I consume FRUSSO with other supplements?

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If the customer is taking mineral supplements such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, or iron, they must be taken at least two hours apart because high fiber would reduce the absorption rate of minerals in the intestines.

Q :Can I consume FRUSSO with medicine? Would it cause any adverse effects?

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Not recommended. Customers must take FRUSSO and the drug separately for at least two hours to avoid affecting the absorption and effect of the drug.

Q :Can pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers consume FRUSSO?

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The ingredients of FRUSSO are natural and safe, however, there are no studies that have proved that it is safe for pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers. Therefore it is not recommended to them.

Q :Can children below 12 years old consume FRUSSO?

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Not recommended.

Q :Can diabetic patients consume FRUSSO?

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Can. FRUSSO does not contain sucrose or glucose, only a small amount of fructose, and fructose does not cause a spike of blood sugar, so taking 1 or 2 sachets of FRUSSO per day does not affect the blood sugar of diabetic patients. In addition, dietary fiber in FRUSSO can also help delay the absorption of sugar and prevent the sudden increase of blood sugar.

Q :Can people with hemorrhoids consume FRUSSO?

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Absolutely. Hemorrhoid patients should consume more dietary fiber because it helps to soften the stool and avoid constipation.

Q :Can people with colitis consume FRUSSO?

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Not recommended. Patients with colitis must avoid foods such as spicy food, high oil and high fiber, etc. Therefore, it is not recommended to take FRUSSO to avoid more stomach upset. After the recovery of colitis, customers can consume FRUSSO to help restore and maintain gastrointestinal health.

Q :What is the difference between FRUSSO and SPI2RO?

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Both FRUSSO and SPI2RO are for detoxification. In terms of function, FRUSSO focuses on intestinal health and disease prevention, while SPI2RO focuses on nutritional supplements after detoxification (as it contains spirulina and chlorella). FRUSSO contains high fiber (4.5 grams per sachet) and prebiotics, while SPI2RO contains less fiber. FRUSSO is a powder that needs to be mixed with water. SPI2RO is a chewable tablet. In addition, taking FRUSSO will make you feel full, but SPI2RO will not.

Q :Can I consume FRUSSO together with SPI2RO?

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A :

No problem, but customers are advised to take it according to their needs. Customers can take one SPI2RO and one pack of FRUSSO if necessary, but must take them separately. FRUSSO can be taken during day time, while SPI2RO can be taken before bedtime.

Q :Can people with gastric problems or excessive gastric juice ion consume FRUSSO?

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A :

Dietary fiber in FRUSSO is helpful for gastric problems or excessive gastric juice ions. However, if your stomach is sensitive, it is recommended to take it after meals.

Q :Can I consume FRUSSO with an empty stomach?

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No problem, but if your stomach is sensitive, it is recommended to take it after meals.

Q :Can patients with Helicobacter infection consume FRUSSO?

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Patients with helicobacter infection must be treated with antibiotics. Customers are recommended to take FRUSSO following recovery of the infection to help the growth of probiotics in the intestine.

Q :Can colorectal cancer patients consume FRUSSO?

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Yes, but FRUSSO cannot treat colorectal cancer. It is not recommended if the customer is suffering a critical stage of colorectal cancer.

Q :What is the suitable water temperature to mix with FRUSSO?

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Water at room temperature.

Q :Can FRUSSO help in appendicitis?

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The main cause of appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix as a result of bacterial infection. Although appendicitis is not directly related to dietary fiber, scientific research and clinical experiments have proven that long-term intake of high fiber can maintain normal bowel movements, can also help to soften stool, reducing the chance of feces remaining in the intestine, hence reducing the risk of appendicitis.

Q :Can I consume FRUSSO during menstruation?

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Can. FRUSSO does not contain any estrogen, so it can be taken during menstruation.

Q :FRUSSO originated from which country?

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A :

FRUSSO is manufactured by a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified factory in Malaysia. It contains palm fiber which is one of the unique plants in Malaysia. FRUSSO also contains other patented ingredients from Europe and Japan, including Fibersol-2, inulin, psyllium husk and dietary fiber, to provide the best effect of detoxification to the customers.

Q :Can FRUSSO replace a meal?

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FRUSSO is a low-carb and high-fiber health supplement, it is not advisable to consume it as a meal replacement or as a slimming.

Q :Can FRUSSO help people with hernia?

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The main causes of hernia are: (1) pressure in the intestine (2) intestinal muscles are weaken due to degeneration. Hernia is not directly related to dietary fiber, but high fiber intake helps in defecation, which can help to slow down muscle degradation in the intestine.

Q :Can patients with fibroid take FRUSSO?

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Can. Fibroids are benign tumors, and FRUSOSO is rich in dietary fiber, which will not affect each other.

Q :Can I take FRUSSO while I am undergoing dialysis treatment?

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Firstly, ask the customer whether the dialysis is done every day or every few days. Does the doctor limit the amount of water customers can drink. Taking detox or high-fibers requires drinking a lot of water. If the customer cannot get at least 2 liters of water in a day, it is not recommended to take FRUSSO.

Q :Can people with thalassemia take FRUSSO?

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20 gói mỗi hộp. Hướng dẫn sử dụng Frusso Pha một gói với 150ml nước, uống trước bữa ăn.



Chức năng chính của Frusso

Giảm táo bón
Kích thích nhu động ruột

Chống hôi miệng
Hỗ trợ giảm cân lành mạnh
Điều chỉnh quản lý cân nặng
Tăng cường làm đẹp và trẻ hóa

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