
Bio-Grape Seed


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Bio-grape seed giúp bảo vệ hệ tiêu hóa và giảm tác động của bức xạ.

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Hạt Nho

Chiết xuất hạt nho chứa các đặc tính chống oxy hóa, bảo vệ cơ thể khỏi tổn thương do các gốc tự do.

Chức Năng

Chất chống oxy hóa

Chiết xuất hạt nho là một chất chống oxy hóa mạnh mẽ, có thể giúp bảo vệ cơ thể khỏi căng thẳng oxy hóa, nguyên nhân liên quan đến nhiều bệnh mãn tính.

Chống viêm

Chiết xuất hạt nho có đặc tính chống viêm, có thể giúp giảm viêm trong cơ thể và làm giảm các triệu chứng của các bệnh như viêm khớp.

Reduce constipation

Probiotics có thể giúp làm mềm phân và cải thiện sự đều đặn của hệ tiêu hóa, giúp giảm các triệu chứng táo bón và khó chịu khi đi tiêu.

Cardiovascular support

Chiết xuất hạt nho có thể giúp cải thiện tuần hoàn máu và giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch bằng cách cải thiện chức năng mạch máu và giảm nguy cơ cục máu đông.

Sức khỏe da

Chiết xuất hạt nho có thể giúp cải thiện sức khỏe làn da bằng cách bảo vệ chống lại tác hại của tia UV và giảm các dấu hiệu lão hóa.

Brain health

Chiết xuất hạt nho có thể có tác dụng bảo vệ thần kinh, giúp cải thiện chức năng nhận thức và giảm nguy cơ mắc các bệnh thoái hóa thần kinh.


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Ai Cần Sử Dụng Bio-Grape Seed?



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Q: BIO-GRAPE Seed là gì?

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A :

BIO-GRAPE Seed chứa chiết xuất hạt nho được tiêu chuẩn hóa với 95% Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin (OPC).

Q: Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin (OPC) là gì?

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A :

OPC là chất chống oxy hóa mạnh nhất, với khả năng chống oxy hóa gấp 10 lần so với β-carotene, gấp 20 lần vitamin C và gấp 50 lần vitamin E. OPC tan trong nước và dầu, do đó dễ dàng hấp thụ và bảo vệ cơ thể chúng ta một cách toàn diện. Nó cũng có thể xâm nhập qua hàng rào máu não và bảo vệ thần kinh, não và mắt của chúng ta.

Q: Chúng ta có thể thu nhận OPC trực tiếp bằng cách ăn hạt nho không?

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A :

Không nhiều, thông thường chúng ta chỉ đơn giản loại bỏ hạt nho. Ngay cả khi ăn hạt nho, nó có thể làm hỏng răng và rất khó tiêu hóa.

Q: OPC được chiết xuất từ đâu? Nó có tác dụng phụ không?

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A :

OPC được chiết xuất từ hạt nho, là một thành phần lành mạnh không có tác dụng phụ.

Q: Khách hàng bị dạ dày axit (trào ngược axit) có thể dùng BIO-GRAPE Seed không?

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A :

Khách hàng bị trào ngược axit và viêm từ họng đến ruột. BIO-GRAPE Seed có thể giúp giảm viêm. Tuy nhiên, tác dụng sẽ chậm hơn so với thuốc. Khuyến nghị dùng probiotics cùng với BIO-GRAPE Seed và thuốc.

Q: BIO-GRAPE Seed có gây cảm giác lạnh hay nóng trong không?

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A :

BIO-GRAPE Seed không gây nóng trong hoặc cảm giác lạnh, phù hợp với mọi người.

Q: Khách hàng bị u xơ tử cung có thể dùng BIO-GRAPE Seed không?

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A :

Một trong những nguyên nhân gây u xơ tử cung là nồng độ estrogen quá cao. Proanthocyanidin trong BIO-GRAPE Seed có tác dụng điều hòa nội tiết tố nữ, ngăn chặn sự tiết estrogen quá mức và giảm khả năng phát triển u xơ tử cung.

Q: Lợi ích của BIO-GRAPE Seed đối với mắt là gì?

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A :

BIO-GRAPE Seed có nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe mắt. Nó đã được xác nhận có thể cải thiện thị lực ban đêm, ngăn ngừa bệnh võng mạc do tiểu đường và phòng ngừa đục thủy tinh thể. Một trong những nguyên nhân gây lão thị là do sự tích tụ quá nhiều lipid peroxide trong mắt, và hạt nho là chất chống oxy hóa rất hiệu quả. Hạt nho có thể thúc đẩy tuần hoàn máu trong mắt và chống lại các gốc tự do gây hại cho mắt. Chiết xuất hạt nho cũng có thể thúc đẩy tuần hoàn máu trong tai giúp cải thiện bệnh ù tai (tổn thương tai trong).

Q :Can BIO-GRAPE Seed help fade sweat spot on our face?

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A :

Sweat sports are due to fungal infections that leave a mark on our face. Try BIO-GRAPE Seed, it hasanti-fungal effect. Recommended dosage is 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Q :Can customers who are using Diagard take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Yes. BIO-GRAPE Seed extract helps lower blood sugar. The grape seed extract is an antioxidant, as well as helping in controling blood sugar level, it can also prevent diabetes complications such as heart disease, diabetes retinopathy and other diseases.

Q :Customer is having pain and feel tight at the back of the legs. It seems like psoriasis skin disease, can the customer take the BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Can try. The OPC in grape extract is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the skin from damage.

Q : Can patients with thyroid problems take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Yes. But customers need to continue taking medicines prescribed by the doctor. Antioxidants (OPC) in grape seed extract help the thyroid gland to fight oxidation and prevent thyroid disease from getting worse.

Q :Can BIO-GRAPE Seed help varicose veins?

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A :

BIO-GRAPE Seed can help blood circulation and reduce the varicose veins.

Q :Customers felt heatiness after consuming BIO-GRAPE Seed, and throat feels dry and always coughing. Why does this happen to customer?

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A :

Cough and sore throat are some minor side effects to grape seed extract. Customers are advised to drink plenty of water.

Q :Can patients with kidney stone take BIO-GRAPE Seed? How can it help?

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A :

Polyphenols in the grape seed extract help to reduce corrosion of stones as they have antioxidant properties and protect the kidneys. Consumers are advised to eat lesser foods that contain oxalic acid, such as spinach, celery, tea, espresso, and so on. Otherwise, it will lead to kidney disease, which will also affect the treatment for kidney stone.

Q :Customer is having eye stone and had to see an eye specialist once every half a year. Can BIO-GRAPE Seed help in eye stones disease?

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A :

Currently there are no studies have been confirmed that grape seed extracts can help eye stone disease. The eye stone is a white-yellow tuberculosis located beneath the upper epidermis or lower internal inner eyelids, most of it are caused by dry eyes. Anyone with an eye stone will need to use eye drop water or surgery to remove it.

Q :Can patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Highly recommended. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a disease of the immune system, it is a disease in which the immune system attack its own cells. BIO-GRAPE Seed has antioxidants, which reduce inflammation, sensitivity and help the immune system and reduce attacks on the cells themselves. Avoid seizures / recovery reactions, starting with low doses, 1-2 capsules per day. If body is able to adapt to it, then can increase dosage.

Q :Can grape seeds help or improve glaucoma?

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A :

Grape seeds can slow down glaucoma degradation. Grape seed extracts have antioxidants that effectively reduce intraocular pressure. It also strengthens the microvascular, thereby reducing bleeding and vascular damage.

Q :Can people with eczema take BIO-GRAPE Seed? Can it help?

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A :

Yes. Grape seeds have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects and are rich in antioxidants, which help relieve itchiness caused by eczema. Start with 2 tablets.

Q :Can people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Yes. Hormone imbalance in patients with PCOS syndrome increases the amount and bad cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease. BIO-GRAPE Seed can help lower cholesterol. It is also recommended to take ISOduce to help control the menstrual cycle, help in ovulation and increase the chance of pregnancy.

Q :What is high intraocular pressure? Can BIO-GRPAE Seed help in this problem?

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A :

High intraocular pressure refers to the high internal pressure of the eyeball, which often causes damage to the optic nerve and leads to glaucoma. BIO-GRAPE Seed has an antioxidant that effectively reduces ocular hypertension caused by glare. Grape seeds also have the effect of protecting blood vessels.

Q :Can BIO-GRAPE Seed help plantar fasciitis (pain sensation on the foot)?

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A :

Can relieve inflammation and pain in the heels but can not cure it.

Q :Can prostate cancer patients take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Yes. BIO-GRAPE Seed can prevent prostate cancer

Q :Customers with macular plaque lesions can take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Yes, high doses of 2 tablets, 3 times a day. It can cause high apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells and antioxidants to reduce cell damage caused by chemotherapy.

Q :Can breastfeeding mother take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Not recommended as there is no study to confirm that breastfeeding mothers can take it.

Q :Can pregnant mothers take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Not suitable for pregnant mother. Because grape seed extract has a blood thinning effect, it is likely to cause excessive bleeding / blood in the uterus.

Q :Does BIO-GRAPE Seed help cough problems caused by tracheal-sensitive (dry-cough)?

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A :

Grape seed extract is able to help organ sensitive issues. Long term usage can reduce inflammation of the trachea. Dry cough can be due to various of reasons, it depends on the cause.

Q :Can pneumonia patients take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Can try, grape seed extract provide anti-inflammatory effect but it is not guaranteed to help.

Q :Can a person take BIO-GRAPE Seed if his/her heart is too slow and weak?

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A :

Yes. Start taking BIO-GRAPE Seed with 2 tablets.

Q :50 year old customer with Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) are too high. Can BIO-GRAPE Seed help reduce ESR?

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A :

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) shows inflammatory responses. If the index is high, the body may be inflamed, infected, anemia, tumors, and others. BIO-GRAPE Seed can be taken to reduce body inflammation and increase resilience. Take 1 tablet daily.

Q :Can BIO-GRAPE Seed help those with diabetes?

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A :

Grape seed extracts can improve insulin resistance while controlling blood sugar. OPC can reduce oxidation and can help prevent diabetes complications such as diabetic retinopathy and nerve damage.

Q :Can BIO-GRAPE Seed help bone cancer?

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A :

OPC in BIO-GRAPE Seed can reduce oxidation and protect cells.

Q :Does BIO-GRAPE Seed contain maltodextrin?

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A :

No, it does not contain maltodextrin.

Q :Is BIO-GRAPE Seed a type of drug or medicine?

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A :

No. OPC grape seed is a hormone-free plant extract and its antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals and provide health benefits. It is safe for long term use and has no drug dependency.

Q :Is BIO-GRAPE Seed suitable for children?

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A :

It is not recommended for children. It is recommended for adults over the age of 18 to take.

Q :Is BIO-GRAPE Seed safe to take?

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A :

Yes, it is safe to take. OPC is classified as safe by the US authorities. However, it is not recommended if you are on Warfarin.If you are on other blood thinner, it is best to consult doctor before taking it or take at low dose, 1 tablet daily. Stop taking if you experience gum bleeding or bruises.

Q :Why do we need BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

We are always exposed to free radicals (pollution, UV, radiation, inflammation, smoking), so the body needs antioxidants to neutralize free radicals.

Q :Can a person with low platelets take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Can take, however if platelet is too low, better not take. Too low platelet count predisposes to bruising and bleeding.

Q :Can patients with thalassemia take BIO-GRAPE Seed? How it benefits the person?

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A :

Can be taken for health care purpose but does not help in the condition of thalassemia as it is a genetic disorder.

Q :Can a person with iron deficiency anemia take BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Not recommended. Because grape seed extract contains polyphenol that will reduce the absorption in intestine, which reduce the utilization of heme iron and reduce in amount of red blood cells.

Q :Can a person with low blood pressure take BIO-GRAPE Seed ?

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A :

Grape seed extract can lower blood pressure. Can take BIO-GRAPE Seed, but start with low dose. Increase to normal (recommended dose) if blood pressure is OK.

Q :Can a girl take BIO-GRAPE Seed when she is on her period?

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A :

Can take.

Q :Can Bio-Grape seed improve Spondylosis cervical (nerve issues) condition?

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A :

There are many types of Spondylosis cervical conditions. Patients with serious root nerve or spinal cord compression can undergo a surgery if necessary. Other treatment methods include massaging, physiotherapy, application of a heat pack etc. BIO-GRAPE Seed is unable to relieve Spondylosis cervical directly, it only protects the nerves from damage.We also sugggest to consume Vitamin B12 to repair the nerves.

Q :Why there are some people having backache and soreness after taking BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Backacne and soreness are kind of healing crisis, usually this will happen when a person consume high-antioxidant supplement. For certain people, the process of body recovery will spend a lot of energy and make the people feel extremely tired. However, the tiredness is only temporary, once the recovery process end, the body will back to its normal energy level. If the condition lasts for long period, or the customer cannot bear with the condition, it is suggested that to reduce the dosage to 1-2 tablets per day. The normal dosage can be continue after the condition has been improved.

Q :Can people with hyponatremia (low blood sodium level) take Bio-Grape Seed?

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Q :Can diabetic patients who are on insulin injections consume BIO-GRAPE Seed?

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A :

Yes, can. Consume according to the normal suggested dosage (2 tablets after meal, 3 times a day). However, BIO-GRAPE Seed is not drug, and it cannot replace insulin.

Q :Can patients with hyperthyroidism comsume grape seeds?

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A :

Yes, can. Hyperthyroidism happens when excessive hormone is produced by the thyroid gland in the body. Proanthocyanidins (OPC) in grape seeds are effective antioxidants, which can help to reduce the oxidative stress of the thyroid, thereby preventing the deterioration of thyroid diseases.

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Bio-Grape Seed


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