


Chức năng chính của Spi2ro

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Loại tảo giàu dưỡng chất này hỗ trợ sức khỏe hệ tiêu hóa bằng cách thúc đẩy sự phát triển của vi khuẩn có lợi trong đường ruột, hỗ trợ tiêu hóa và tăng cường hấp thu chất dinh dưỡng. Spirulina cũng có đặc tính chống viêm, giúp làm dịu đường tiêu hóa.



Chlorella giàu chất diệp lục, giúp thanh lọc hệ tiêu hóa và thúc đẩy nhu động ruột đều đặn. Hàm lượng chất xơ cao của Chlorella hỗ trợ tiêu hóa khỏe mạnh và giúp loại bỏ độc tố khỏi cơ thể.


Rau chân vịt (Spinach)

Rau chân vịt chứa nhiều chất xơ và chất chống oxy hóa, giúp cải thiện tiêu hóa và hỗ trợ sức khỏe đường ruột. Chất xơ trong rau chân vịt giúp điều hòa hệ tiêu hóa, trong khi các chất dinh dưỡng của nó giúp giảm viêm và hỗ trợ sức khỏe tiêu hóa tổng thể.

Chức Năng

Thải độc

Chức năng thải độc của Spi2ro giúp cơ thể loại bỏ độc tố và các chất cặn bã, cải thiện sức khỏe tổng thể. Chức năng này giúp giảm viêm, thúc đẩy sức khỏe tiêu hóa và tăng cường các con đường thải độc tự nhiên của cơ thể.

Bổ sung dưỡng chất toàn diện

Spi2ro cung cấp một loạt các vitamin, khoáng chất và dưỡng chất thiết yếu để hỗ trợ nhu cầu dinh dưỡng hàng ngày của cơ thể. Việc bổ sung dưỡng chất toàn diện của Spi2ro hỗ trợ sản xuất năng lượng, chức năng hệ miễn dịch và sức khỏe tổng quát.

Làm đẹp và trẻ hóa

Chức năng làm đẹp và trẻ hóa của Spi2ro nhắm vào sức khỏe và vẻ ngoài của da, tóc và móng. Chức năng này giúp cải thiện độ đàn hồi của da, giảm các dấu hiệu lão hóa, tăng cường sức mạnh cho tóc và móng, và cung cấp các dưỡng chất cần thiết cho làn da khỏe mạnh.


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Người có mức độ độc tố trong cơ thể cao.


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Tìm kiếm phương pháp thải độc tự nhiên và nhẹ nhàng.


Muốn nhắm đến nhiều cơ quan và hệ thống khác nhau để thanh lọc toàn diện.


Hỗ trợ sức khỏe tiêu hóa và thúc đẩy nhu động ruột đều đặn.


Cung cấp dưỡng chất thiết yếu cho cơ thể trong quá trình thải độc.


Ưu tiên sản phẩm thải độc được phát triển bởi các chuyên gia y tế và dựa trên nghiên cứu khoa học.

Chứng nhận & Giải thưởng Sản phẩm

Lời chứng thực


Q: Spi2ro là gì?

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A :

SPI²RO là thực phẩm chức năng kết hợp các chức năng thải độc, phục hồi và trẻ hóa. SPI²RO chứa các thành phần như rau chân vịt, spirulina, chlorella và các chất khác để giúp loại bỏ độc tố, phóng xạ và kim loại nặng, điều hòa và phục hồi chức năng tế bào đường ruột, thúc đẩy tiêu hóa và cải thiện sức khỏe hệ miễn dịch.

Q: Thành phần của SPI2RO là gì?

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A :

Bột chanh, chất xơ hòa tan, bột rau chân vịt, spirulina, chlorella, xylitol, bột bạc hà.

Q: Chức năng của SPI2RO là gì?

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A :

Giúp thải độc cơ thể và loại bỏ kim loại nặng, cải thiện hệ tiêu hóa, giảm bức xạ có hại, cung cấp dưỡng chất toàn diện cho cơ thể, tăng cường hệ miễn dịch, chống bệnh tật, hỗ trợ sức khỏe da, thúc đẩy trao đổi chất, giúp giảm cân, tăng độ nhạy insulin, tăng cường hoạt động chất chống oxy hóa, cân bằng độ pH cơ thể.

Q: Tại sao chúng ta cần thải độc?

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A :

Quá trình thải độc có thể làm sạch cơ thể một cách triệt để, tái cấu trúc hệ thống cơ thể, giúp chống lão hóa, cân bằng chức năng cơ thể và tăng cường sức khỏe tổng thể.

Q: Tại sao cơ thể người có độc tố?

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A :

Độc tố thực chất là chất thải từ thực phẩm dư thừa. Có hai nguồn chính: chất thải chuyển hóa từ quá trình tiêu hóa và hấp thụ thực phẩm, các chất ô nhiễm từ môi trường được tích tụ trong cơ thể. Cơ thể khỏe mạnh khi có thể loại bỏ độc tố nhanh chóng. Nếu có quá nhiều chất thải vượt quá khả năng loại bỏ của cơ thể, nó sẽ trở thành một trở ngại cho sức khỏe.

Q: Làm sao tôi biết cơ thể mình có nhiều độc tố?

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A :

Nếu cơ thể bạn có nhiều độc tố, sẽ xuất hiện các triệu chứng như: táo bón, béo phì, da xấu, hơi thở có mùi, mất ngủ, dị ứng, rối loạn nội tiết, đau bụng kinh, mùi cơ thể, đau lưng, v.v.

Q: Cách sử dụng SPI2RO như thế nào?

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A :

Liều lượng khuyến nghị là 2 viên mỗi ngày và uống trước khi đi ngủ.

Q: Điểm đặc biệt của SPI2RO là gì?

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A :

Được làm từ các thành phần tự nhiên. Thành phần bao gồm spirulina, rau chân vịt, chlorella, giàu dưỡng chất, chất xơ và chất chống oxy hóa. Có thể thấy và cảm nhận hiệu quả thải độc sau 8-10 giờ sau khi sử dụng. Không có tác dụng phụ và cung cấp các bước thải độc, phục hồi và trẻ hóa. Đây là viên thải độc đầu tiên trên thế giới, không cần pha với nước, có thể uống trực tiếp mà không cần uống nước. Dễ dàng, tiện lợi và có thể mang theo mọi lúc. Thương hiệu đã đạt được nhiều giải thưởng như Giải thưởng Thương hiệu Chăm sóc Sức khỏe Tốt nhất, Giải thưởng Quốc tế Uy tín, Giải thưởng Thương hiệu Siêu Sức khỏe Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương, v.v.

Q :Is SPI2RO effective? How long can I see the effect?

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A :

It usually takes 8 hours to see the effect of detox (going to the toilet).

Q :When is the best time to take SPI2RO?

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It is recommended to take SPI?RO before bedtime. From 10pm-6am, as the body is resting and in a repairing condition, the body usually takes 6 to 8 hours to undergo a repair after taking SPI2RO, so it will not affect your quality of life.

Q :If some people are taking a lot of supplements/medicine at night, can they take SPI2RO in the morning?

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A :

Of course, the time of consumption can vary from person to person: Everyone's routine and working hours are different, and they might be taking some other supplement/medicine too. In general, customers can see the effects of relief of gastrointestinal discomfort, constipation and detoxification at about 8 to 10 hours after taking SPI2RO.

Q :What are the ingredients that help to detox?

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A :

Fiber in SPI2RO helps in the removal of faeces and toxins. SPI2RO is free from laxative components.

Q :After taking SPI2RO for several weeks, the frequency of defecation is decreasing, is it because detoxification is getting less effective?

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A :

Reduce in defecation does not mean reduction in detox function. It may be due to the body has detoxed most of the toxin or the body contains little toxin. This will increase metabolism and reduce the absorption of toxins.

Q :Is taking SPI2RO for a long time safe? Does it have side effects?

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A :

SPI2RO is safe to take for a long period of time as it contains natural ingredients, free from pharmaceutical drugs and will not cause side effects or addiction/dependency.

Q :Is it safe for women to take SPI2RO during menstruation?

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A :

Yes, because SPI2RO is free from hormones, but a woman may feel more fatigue if she takes SPI2RO during menstruation.

Q :Is SPI2RO effective in losing weight?

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A :

SPI2RO can not be considered as a weight loss because it does not contain senna, but it can help in losing weight. There are many factors why obesity may occur including genetics, edema, overeating, hormonal imbalance, indigestion or constipation.If the body is high in toxin or indigestion, SPI2RO can help to eliminate it including excess fat, which may help a person to lose weight. SPI2RO contains fibers that will slow down empty stomachs, thereby reducing appetite and this can help in controlling weight.

Q :Can a person who wants to gain weight take SPI2RO? Can detox help weight gain?

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A :

Of course, our body can absorb more nutrients after detoxification, hence it helps to increase weight after detox.

Q :Is it safe to take SPI2RO together with other supplements?

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A :

Yes SPI2RO will help other supplements to strengthen the body.

Q :Is it safe to take SPI2RO and other medicines?

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A :

SPI2RO only contains natural ingredients, therefore it will not cause severe side-effects with drugs. It is recommended that people with a health problem take SPI2RO at a low dose, which is one tablet a day. However, if a person undergoes treatment or takes medicines for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or heart diseases, is it better if they refer to the doctor before taking SPI2RO.

Q :Why should I drink plenty of water while taking SPI2RO?

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A :

Water is the best medium to get rid of toxins so if the body is well hydrated, toxins will be easily excreted. Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water a day.

Q :Is there another way to see the effectiveness of SPI2RO faster?

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A :

It is recommended that a person eat more fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to help in the detoxification process. Avoid eating oily foods and overeating, as this may affect the detox process. Exercise can also help in detox, as the toxins will be removed from the body through sweat.

Q :Is it safe for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers to take SPI2RO?

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A :

Although the ingredients in SPI2RO are natural and safe to use, there is no sufficient evidence on the safety of pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers. Therefore, it is not recommended to take as there is a chance that the toxins will be transferred to the baby, and there is a risk of dehydration.

Q :Is it safe for diabetic patients to take SPI2RO every day?

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A :

Yes of course, SPI2RO does not contain sugar, SPI2RO sweetness comes from sweeteners, which is safe for diabetic patients.

Q :How can SPI2RO help customers with diabetes?

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A :

Spirulina in SPI2RO can help control blood sugar level and improve insulin function. Fiber can also reduce blood sugar to spike after meals.

Q :Can 6-8 year old children take SPI2RO?

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A :

1 tablet of SPI2RO is suitable for adults, so it is not recommended for children under 12 years old to take SPI2RO.

Q :Can patients with heart disease take SPI2RO?

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A :

We recommend you to consult your doctor before taking SPI2RO.

Q :SPI2RO contains lemon powder. Can someone with gastritis take SPI2RO?

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A :

This depends on the individual. Basically, patients with gastric problems can take SPI2RO. Lemon powder is not the only SPI2RO ingredient. It combines highly alkaline botanical ingredients (spinach, spirulina and chlorella) to effectively neutralize the acidity of lemon. There is no evidence that lemon can cause gastritis, in fact, lemon juice has been proved good for gastritis. Lemon mixed with water - During the digestion process, fresh lemon will become alkaline in our body. In short, for patients with mild gastritis, we recommend taking SPI2RO with an empty stomach. For chronic gastritis patients (serious), it is recommended to take SPI2RO after meals.

Q :Which is the manufacturing country for SPI2RO?

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A :

SPI2RO is formulated in the United States, but is manufactured and repacked in Malaysia by a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified factory.

Q :Does SPI2RO have a quality check?

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A :

Yes, SPI2RO certified as safe and does not contain heavy metals, microorganisms, preservatives or chemicals.

Q :After taking SPI2RO, a customer commented that he has a lot of phlegm in his throat. Is this normal?

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A :

Yes, this is a common reaction, it is a sign that the body contains toxic substances. (The body will produce mucus to protect itself from harmful substances) Some people will cough during the detoxification period.

Q :Will a person who has uric acid become worse after taking SPI2RO?

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A :

Uric acid is caused by excessive purine food intake such as seafood, viscera, etc. The acidic body also causes the body to not excrete uric acid. Someone who experiences this condition needs SPI2RO to detoxify, detoxifying can help to regulate the body, and helps eliminate uric acid.

Q :Can someone with rheumatoid arthritis take SPI2RO?

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A :

High antioxidant foods such as spinach can help reduce systemic inflammation that causes rheumatoid arthritis. Independent radicals have the ability to destroy healthy cells, and antioxidants can eliminate free radicals.When taking SPI2RO, joints may be painful due to detoxification, it is a normal healing effect.

Q :Can G6PD patients take SPI2RO?

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A :

Yes. G6PD patients should not take fava beans, sulphites, vitamin k and so on. SPI2RO does not contain these substances, so the G6PD patients can take SPI2RO.

Q :Can someone with Thalassemia take SPI2RO?

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A :

Yes, you can take it.

Q :For skinny people, if they want to detoxify, do they have to take SPI2RO every day?

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A :

Yes. Skinny people need detoxification too, but they can choose to take on their needs, which will be more effective if they have constipation.

Q :Why sometimes I go to the toilet a lot but sometimes less?

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A :

The amount of a person's excretion is different, even the absorption is also different. Other than that, it may be caused by some other factors such as the amount of food.

Q :Can vegetarians take SPI2RO?

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A :

Of course. SPI2RO is made of all natural botanical extracts.

Q :Can I take SPI2RO after drinking alcohol?

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A :

Of course, the detoxification effect is better after drinking. In general, we will feel tired, nausea, or dizzy the next day after drinking alcohol at night. If we take detox s on the same day, removing toxins from the body. On the second day, we will experience lesser symptoms such as lack of appetite, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, headache and so on. So, it is recommended to detoxify after drinking alcohol.

Q :Can SPI2RO cleanse blood?

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A :

Toxins in the blood include bad cholesterol and heavy metals. Fiber in SPI2RO can remove bad cholesterol, while chlorella can remove heavy metals, spirulina can remove radiation.

Q :Can the thyroid problem patient take SPI2RO?

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A :

Yes, although we do not test the content of iodine, the amount of spirulina does not affect the thyroid gland. However, it also depends on the individual. Some of them are not well controlled. Taking SPI2RO can cause symptoms of hyperthyroidism if the person is sensitive, such as the hand trembling.

Q :After taking SPI2RO, will I be suffering from symptoms such as pain, aches, fever and dizziness?

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A :

This is considered as a healing crisis as the cells get more nutrients than normal, the body will start to activate and accelerate our metabolism, toxins in the body will be released from the cell rapidly, causing the body to experience temporary discomfort.

Q :Can I mix SPI2RO into fruit juices or in smoothies?

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A :

It's up to you. You can take it before eating or mix it in fruit juices. SPI2RO contains strong alkali green ingredients (spinach, spirulina, green algae, and lemon). When it is mixed into fruit juices, the detoxification effect is better.

Q :After taking SPI2RO, acne started to grow, is this a healing effect?

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A :

Yes, do not worry, this is a regular healing effect, the constant use of SPI2RO can improve the condition of the skin. This phenomenon shows that the original skin gland is blocked and the fat or toxins that remain in the skin gland are removed by activated cells. This leads to formation of acne.

Q :Why can't I see the effects after taking SPI2RO?

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A :

The effect of using SPI2RO varies from individual. We recommend drinking plenty of water as water can help bowel movements and help in defecation.

Q :No problem with bowel movements after taking SPI2RO. Do I still need to continue?

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A :

It is recommended to continue to take or reduce the dosage, one tablet daily as a maintenance dose. In addition to defecation, SPI2RO can help eliminate radiation from digital devices such as mobile phones. SPI2RO can also help refill the body with nutrients and repair body cells.

Q :If someone has recently undergone a uterine removal surgery, can she still take SPI2RO?

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A :

Wait until the surgical wound has fully healed before taking SPI2RO. When the wound is not yet healed, avoid taking SPI2RO because it is likely to interfere with the wound healing process. For example: Detoxification can cause pain in a surgical wound.

Q :Can hepatitis B patients take SPI2RO?

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A :

Yes. SPI2RO can help detoxify the liver.

Q :Customers took SPI2RO but do not have the feeling of defecation, why?

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A :

SPI2RO does not contain any laxatives and does not cause diarrhea. SPI2RO contains natural ingredients such as fiber and spinach that can help in detoxification. There are several possibilities: 1, The customer's body does not have a lot of toxins and has a slow bowel movement. 2, might be healing crisis and the body is slowly improving the gastrointestinal function

Q :Can someone with autoimmune disease (systemic lupus erythematosus) take SPI2RO?

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A :

Is the disease still going on? If it is, it is advisable not to take SPI2RO.

Q :Spirulina can help to control the level of acidity in our body. Will customers become more energetic after taking SPI2RO?

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A :

A person with an acidic body will get tired easier, then the alkali found in SPI2RO can control the pH value in the body. Additionally, glutathione in spinach can help in detox. SPI2RO users will feel more energetic after detox.

Q :Can a customer with kidney stones take SPI2RO?

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A :

It can be taken, but it will not help to reduce it. The cause of the kidney stone is the lack of water, eating high levels of oxalic acid, and high calcium. Recommend to take BIO-GRAPE Seed as grape seed extract can help prevent kidney inflammation and protect kidney function. Start with 2 tablets daily.

Q :Can SPI2RO help in Helicobacter pylori infection?

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A :

H. Pylori needs to be treated with antibiotics. After the treatments you can take SPI2RO. SPI2RO can help clean up the stomach, increase probiotics and help prevent the disease.

Q :How much mg of spirulina, spinach and chlorella content in SPI2RO?

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A :

Spirulina 150mg, 125mg chlorella and Spinach 150mg

Q :I am taking 2 tablets of SPI2RO daily. Why do I feel dizzy after taking SPI2RO?

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A :

Possible reasons: 1. The body is reacting well. Metabolic effects, temporary blood supply to the brain is insufficient 2. Dehydration. Customers are advised to drink at least 2 liters of water. To reduce headaches, reduce to 1 tablet a day.

Q :Customer asked, after I take SPI2RO 2 tablets a day. My urine is yellowish. Does SPI2RO contain pharmaceutical components?

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A :

SPI2RO contains no pharmaceutical components. The yellow color of the urine may be caused by it being too heaty or you are taking Vitamin B. Another reason is that water in the body is filled with stools, sweat or toxins, and saturated urine will turn yellow.

Q :Can children at the age of 9 take SPI2RO?

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A :

Unlike other SPI2RO, other than spirulina and chlorella, it contains other ingredients such as fiber powder and spinach. Chlorella contains a lot of chlorophyll, and it is green because it contains chlorophyll. Chlorella contains many proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Japan has been using chlorella ever since, but scientific studies conducted in the United States are limited and there is no sufficient study to determine the appropriate dose for children. The recommended dose is 2 tablets. If the children need detoxification, depending on whether the body weight and body are acceptable, you can take 1/2 or 1 tablet. Be sure to drink enough water.

Q :Can a person with liver cyst take SPI2RO?

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Can take.

Q :Can a person with Hemorrhoids take SPI2RO?

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A :

Customers can benefit from SPI2RO, in which SPI2RO helps to soften the stools, this can reduce the pressure on hemorrhoids, reduce pain and reduce cause of discomfort/irritation.

Q :Can a person with Colitis take SPI2RO?

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A :

People with colitis are sensitive to spicy food and high fiber food and SPI2RO is a high fiber supplement.It is recommended to stop taking and receiving medical attention before starting to take SPI2RO. If you have been treated, and your intestines are still sensitive, it is recommended to take SPI2RO after meals.

Q :Can patients with colorectal cancer take SPI2RO?

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A :

It depends on the customer's stage of colorectal cancer. It is not recommended for patients with advanced (stage 3-4) colorectal cancer to consume SPI2RO to avoid placing more burden on the patient's intestines. Patients with early colorectal cancer (stage 1 to 2) can consume SPI2RO, but it cannot help to cure the cancer.

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