
Zenso Advance Package

(1 customer review)


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Kiềm chế cảm giác thèm ăn và giảm lượng calo hấp thụ.
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Zenso quản lý cân nặng lành mạnh giúp kiểm soát cân nặng với các dưỡng chất tự nhiên.

Paris Zenso EN scaled

Thành Phần

Paris Website 16 scaled

Kuro Shuga

Chiết xuất Cissus Quadrangularis, L-Arabinose, Bột Đậu Trắng, Chiết xuất Gymnema Sylvestre, Chiết xuất Trà Xanh, Crom Clorua, Bột Khoai Mỡ Okinawa

Paris Website 17 scaled

Kuro Oiru

Chiết xuất Xoài Châu Phi, Chiết xuất Cam Đỏ Morosil, L-Carnitine, Bột Nước Ép Shekwasha, Chitosan, Garcinia, Chiết xuất Trà Tím

Paris Website 14 scaled

Kuro Daitto

Chiết xuất Xương Rồng, Bột Trái Cây Baobab, 18 Vitamin & Khoáng Chất Pre Mix, Kem Sợi, Protein Đậu Nành Isolate, Protein Whey Isolate, Bột Dầu MCT, Bột Konjac

Paris Website 18 scaled

Kuro Mizu

Chiết xuất Trái Xương Rồng, Chiết xuất Quả Juniper, Chiết xuất Hoa Meadowsweet, Chiết xuất Gừng, Mận Đỏ Nhật Bản

Chức Năng

Kuro Shuga

Cải thiện độ nhạy insulin: Tăng cường phản ứng của cơ thể với insulin, hỗ trợ kiểm soát đường huyết tốt hơn và sức khỏe trao đổi chất. Hỗ trợ giảm mỡ và cân nặng: Hỗ trợ giảm mỡ và quản lý cân nặng bằng cách tạo ra sự thiếu hụt calo. Kiềm chế cảm giác thèm ăn: Giảm cảm giác đói và thèm ăn, giúp kiểm soát lượng thức ăn và hỗ trợ quản lý cân nặng. Ngăn chặn quá trình chuyển hóa đường thành mỡ: Ngăn chặn quá trình chuyển đường thừa thành mỡ dự trữ. Ngăn chặn tiêu hóa và hấp thụ đường, tinh bột và chất béo: Giảm sự phân hủy và hấp thụ các dưỡng chất này, hỗ trợ giảm calo và quản lý cân nặng.

Kuro Oiru

Tăng cường trao đổi chất chất béo: Tăng cường khả năng của cơ thể trong việc phân hủy mỡ dự trữ thành năng lượng, hỗ trợ quản lý cân nặng. Ngăn chặn tổng hợp mỡ: Ngăn chặn sự hình thành các phân tử mỡ mới từ calo dư thừa, hỗ trợ giảm hoặc duy trì cân nặng. Kiềm chế cảm giác thèm ăn: Giảm cảm giác đói và thèm ăn, giúp kiểm soát lượng calo hấp thụ và đạt được mục tiêu quản lý cân nặng. Thúc đẩy đốt cháy mỡ: Tăng cường sử dụng mỡ của cơ thể như một nguồn nhiên liệu, tăng lượng calo tiêu thụ và hỗ trợ giảm mỡ. Ngăn chặn hấp thụ chất béo: Giảm sự hấp thụ chất béo từ thức ăn, hạn chế lượng calo và hỗ trợ nỗ lực quản lý cân nặng.

Kuro Daitto

Craving reduction: Decreases intense desires for specific foods or substances. Calorie intake reduction: Lowers overall calorie consumption for weight management. Appetite suppression: Decreases feelings of hunger, aiding in portion control. Daily nutrient replenishment: Provides essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. Satiety enhancement: Promotes a sense of fullness and satisfaction after meals. Healthy weight management: Supports maintaining a balanced weight for overall well-being.

Kuro Mizu

Loại bỏ natri: Giúp cơ thể loại bỏ lượng natri dư thừa, hỗ trợ sức khỏe tim mạch. Loại bỏ nước: Giảm giữ nước và phù nề, giúp cân bằng chất lỏng. Hỗ trợ gan & giải độc: Tăng cường chức năng gan để giải độc và sức khỏe toàn diện. Giảm sưng phù tay chân: Giảm sưng ở tay chân do giữ nước. Hỗ trợ giảm cân: Điều hòa chuyển hóa glucose và lipid để hỗ trợ giảm cân. Giảm sưng mặt: Giảm sưng ở mặt, giúp làm rõ nét khuôn mặt.


zenso advance

Ai Cần Sử Dụng Zenso Advance Package?

Zenso Advance Package PHÙ HỢP CHO NHỮNG NGƯỜI:


Nhắm đến mục tiêu quản lý cân nặng


Đang tìm kiếm kiểm soát cảm giác thèm ăn


Tìm cách tăng cường trao đổi chất


Quan tâm đến việc thúc đẩy đốt cháy mỡ


Thường xuyên tiêu thụ đồ uống có đường, món tráng miệng và thực phẩm giàu chất béo


Ít tập thể dục và có lối sống ít vận động


Thích ăn vặt


Cân nặng bình thường nhưng trông béo và phù


Sống cuộc sống bận rộn và thường bỏ bữa


Không cung cấp đủ lượng dinh dưỡng khuyến nghị hàng ngày

Chứng nhận & Giải thưởng Sản phẩm

Lời chứng thực


Q: Giải pháp quản lý cân nặng Zenso là gì?

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A :

Giải pháp quản lý cân nặng Zenso là một chương trình giúp bạn giảm cân một cách lành mạnh bằng cách cải thiện thành phần cơ thể thay vì chỉ giảm số cân nặng. Chương trình của chúng tôi sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận toàn diện bao gồm hướng dẫn ăn kiêng, kế hoạch bữa ăn, hướng dẫn tập thể dục và Zenso được lấy cảm hứng từ giấm đen Nhật Bản, Kurozu. Chương trình gồm 4 thành phần: KuroMizu, KuroShuga, KuroOiru, và KuroDaitto, tất cả được pha chế với Kurozu và các thành phần đã được cấp bằng sáng chế, giúp giữ cân nặng ở mức khỏe mạnh qua 4 phương pháp khoa học: (1) giảm lượng ăn vào, (2) giảm hấp thu, (3) tăng cường trao đổi chất và (4) giảm tích tụ mỡ.

Q: Kurozu là gì?

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A :

Kurozu là một loại giấm đen được sản xuất tại Kagoshima, Nhật Bản với hơn 200 năm lịch sử sản xuất. Kurozu được làm từ quá trình lên men gạo cao cấp trong nước kiềm tự nhiên, giúp nó giàu axit amin mà hầu hết các loại giấm khác không có. Kurozu còn chứa nhiều vitamin, khoáng chất và axit hữu cơ không thể được tổng hợp bởi cơ thể con người. Kurozu chủ yếu tăng cường quá trình trao đổi chất của đường và chất béo trong cơ thể, rất có lợi cho quá trình quản lý cân nặng.

Q: Làm sao để quyết định nên chọn gói Zenso Advance hay Zenso Lite?

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A :

Chúng tôi khuyên người dùng lần đầu nên bắt đầu với Zenso Advance để đạt được kết quả tối ưu trong việc quản lý cân nặng. Sau khi đạt được cân nặng và cơ thể lý tưởng, khách hàng sẽ được khuyến khích sử dụng Zenso Lite để duy trì. Zenso Lite after achieving their ideal weight and body composition

Q: Tôi có thể mong đợi những kết quả gì khi sử dụng giải pháp quản lý cân nặng Zenso?

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A :

Bạn có thể mong đợi thấy giảm cân và mỡ cơ thể trong vòng một tháng sau khi sử dụng. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng có thể thấy giảm số đo vòng eo, hông, tay và đùi. Một số khách hàng còn nhận thấy các cải thiện về tình trạng sức khỏe như có nhiều năng lượng hơn, chất lượng giấc ngủ tốt hơn, tâm trạng, tình trạng da cải thiện và giảm cảm giác thèm ăn.

Q: Bao lâu thì tôi có thể thấy kết quả sau khi sử dụng giải pháp quản lý cân nặng Zenso?

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A :

Sau một tuần sử dụng, khách hàng có thể bắt đầu thấy giảm cân. Để thấy kết quả trong việc giảm vòng eo, hông, tay và đùi, có thể mất khoảng một tháng.

Q: Các sản phẩm Zenso có an toàn khi sử dụng không?

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A :

Các sản phẩm Zenso an toàn khi sử dụng. Mỗi lô sản phẩm đều trải qua kiểm tra chất lượng nghiêm ngặt bởi các phòng thí nghiệm được công nhận bên ngoài để kiểm tra kim loại nặng và vi sinh vật nhằm đảm bảo sự an toàn và chất lượng. Tất cả sản phẩm của chúng tôi được sản xuất cẩn thận trong cơ sở đạt chứng nhận GMP và HACCP. Sự an toàn và chất lượng là ưu tiên hàng đầu của chúng tôi, chỉ những sản phẩm tốt nhất mới đến tay khách hàng.

Q: Có bất kỳ tác dụng phụ nào khi sử dụng sản phẩm Zenso không?

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A :

Vì các sản phẩm của dòng Zenso không chứa thuốc, sẽ không có tác dụng phụ đối với những người tiêu dùng lâu dài Zenso. Tuy nhiên, trong quá trình quản lý cân nặng, khách hàng sử dụng Zenso có thể gặp một vài phản ứng cơ thể thông thường như chóng mặt trong vài ngày đầu, giảm số lần đi đại tiện do ít tiêu thụ thức ăn rắn, rối loạn chu kỳ kinh nguyệt do giảm mỡ cơ thể, mất nước nhẹ do tác dụng lợi tiểu, v.v. Tuy nhiên, những phản ứng này sẽ giảm dần khi cơ thể thích nghi với chương trình quản lý cân nặng.

Q: Có bình thường không nếu cân nặng của tôi dao động trong quá trình chương trình?

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A :

Thông thường, tốc độ giảm cân sẽ nhanh nhất trong 2 tuần đầu tiên. Sau đó, cân nặng của bạn sẽ trở nên ổn định hơn hoặc thậm chí tăng nhẹ, đặc biệt là đối với những người tập thể dục, vì cơ thể tiếp tục xây dựng cơ bắp, mà khối lượng cơ nặng hơn mỡ. Miễn là bạn thấy giảm mỡ cơ thể, bạn đang đi đúng hướng trong việc quản lý cân nặng.

Q :Are Zenso products suitable for both men and women?

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A :

Yes, Zenso product s are suitable to be consumed for both men and women.

Q :Why do I lose muscle mass during the program?

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A :

It is normal to lose muscle during weight loss, as the body would metabolize glycogen, fat and muscle tissues to provide sufficient energy for the body. Generally, glycogen and fat loss would be greater than your muscle loss. If you wish to gain more muscle while taking Zenso, you may take 1-2 portion(s) of protein powder daily and complement it with weight resistance exercises to help build up more muscle.

Q :Is the Zenso weight management solution suitable for everyone?

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A :

Generally, Zenso is suitable for all kinds of people who wish to manage their weight and achieve a healthy body composition. However, people who are allergic to the ingredients in Zenso products (KuroOiru - chitosan (from shellfish), KuroDaitto - soy, macademia) and people with serious medical conditions (e.g. heart failure, chronic kidney disease, cancer, stroke etc) should seek the doctor's advice before starting their weight management programmeor consuming Zenso products.

Q :How long should I be on Zenso's weight management solution?

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A :

There is no limit to the duration of taking Zenso weight management products. Zenso can always be taken by customers who want to maintain their weight and body composition even after their ideal weight has been achieved.

Q :Can pregnant or breast-feeding mothers take Zenso products?

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A :

Pregnant or breast-feeding mothers can safely consume KuroDaitto. However, for KuroMizu, KuroShuga, and KuroOiru, despite being made from natural sources and are generally safe for consumption, are not recommended for pregnant women or lactating mothers for there hasn't been any safety studies in clinical trials conducted.

Q :Can overweight or obese children and adolescents take Zenso products?

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A :

Zenso is specially formulated for adults (18 years old and above). Children and adolescents below 18 years old are not recommended to take Zenso products as no safety study in clinical trials has been conducted. If obese/overweight adolescents (12-18 years old) wish to try these, they are advised to first consult a doctor before taking Zenso products. Children below 12 years old are not recommended as they are on a growing stage.

Q :Can I drink coffee or tea throughout the course of Zenso's weight management program?

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A :

Yes, provided that it is black coffee or just pure tea made with hot water. Your tea or coffee should not contain any creamers, sugars or other sweetening agents

Q :Will there be a rebound effect after I stop taking Zenso?

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A :

The ‘rebound effect’ happens when a caloric deficit diet is not maintained after achieving the targeted weight in a weight loss program. In Zenso, we hope to inspire change in a person’s lifestyle instead of just helping consumers achieve weight loss. We recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle through consuming sufficient nutrients and engaging in frequent physical exercises even after achieving your targeted weight, which can effectively prevent a rebound effect.

Q :Will I feel hungry all the time if I do not eat during normal mealtimes?

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A :

Slimaluma cactus extract and other natural ingredients present in Kuro Daitto provides satiation and reduces food cravings, so you will experience fullness for up to 4 hours. You may also take a serving of the suggested foods if necessary.

Q :What should I do if I feel tired and lethargic?

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A :

It is normal to feel tired as this is a sign that your body is adapting to this program. You may rest more when you feel tired, just make sure that you consume 2-3 litres of water and get 7 hours of sleep daily. You may also consume a serving of the suggested foods if you feel hungry.

Q :Will I get sufficient nutrients from eating so little?

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A :

KuroDaitto contains 18 types of vitamins and minerals. Some of the main micronutrients that are essential for the human body such as iron, calcium, Vitamin B complex, zinc, Vitamin C and more, are found in KuroDaitto.

Q :Can I use salad dressing or other flavourings to enhance the taste of the suggested foods?

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A :

We do not recommend using salad dressings as most salad dressings are oil-based and dense with calories. You can however use a small amount of herbs and spices or lemon juice to enhance the taste.

Q :Should I exercise when I am taking Zenso?

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A :

We do not recommend exercise when you are feeling extremely tired during your first phase of taking Zenso. You may start to incorporate exercise into your second and third phase of taking Zenso, ideally 30 minutes of moderate-intensity workout 5 times per week or a total of 75 minutes of weekly intense workouts

Q :What kinds of beverages should I consume in a day and how much?

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A :

We recommend taking at least 2-3 litres of plain water or mineral water. Sweetened drinks, carbonated drinks, fruit juice, alcohol and other beverages containing chemicals (flavourings, colourings etc) are strongly prohibited.

Q :Will Zenso affect my menstrual cycle?

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A :

Zenso products do not contain synthetic hormones, so it does not affect your endocrine system directly. What actually happens is when the body starts to burn fat, which is crucial for hormone ions, it might cause a slight delay in the menstrual cycle. So customers can consume some foods that contain healthy fats like salmon, walnut, almond, avocado, and chia seeds to support the hormone ion

Q :Can I continue with my protein supplements when taking Zenso?

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A :

Yes, you may continue with your protein supplement intake, but preferably ones with higher degrees of purity

Q :Will my weight be kept off after I stop taking Zenso?

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A :

You still need to maintain good eating habits (e.g. control food portions and cooking methods, reduce the intake of unhealthy foods, restrict alcohol consumption etc.) and exercise regularly in order to keep your ideal weight

Q :How is Zenso different from other weight management solutions?

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A :

Zenso is a complete weight management solution that consists of 4 products in a series. KuroDaitto, KuroShuga, KuroOiru and KuroMizu work on different aspects and synergistically help to achieve healthy weight and body composition.

Q :Are Zenso products suitable for those who are practising a ketogenic diet?

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A :

People who practise a ketogenic diet are required to control their carbohydrate intake between 20-50 grams daily. The carbohydrate content for each is: KuroDaitto (chocolate) - 10g/serving, KuroDaitto (vanilla) - 11.4g/serving, KuroMizu - 1.8g/sachet, KuroShuga - 0.9g/tablet, KuroOiru - 0.9g/tablet. Both Zenso Advance and Zenso Lite plans do not exceed the ketogenic diet's daily carbohydrate intake restrictions. Even though Zenso is not specially formulated for ketogenic diets, the Zenso weight management programme is still suitable for the people who are practising ketogenic diet.

Q :Can I take Zenso products after surgery?

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A :

Avoid taking Zenso products for at least 2 weeks before going in for any kind of surgery. You may resume taking Zenso products 1 month after the surgery is done, provided that your wound has completely healed and recovered (including the removal of dressing) and there are no dietary restrictions posed by your doctor.

Q :Can I take Zenso products when I am menstruating?

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A :

Yes. Zenso products does not contain any synthetic or natural hormones that will interfere with hormonal regulation during your menstruation period

Q :Can people with kidney disease take Zenso products?

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A :

People with stage 1 and 2 kidney disease can take Zenso on alternate days. However, please consult with your doctor before taking Zenso. People with stage 3 and 4 kidney failures are generally advised against taking any supplement or high nutrient functional food.

Q :Can people with cancer take Zenso products?

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A :

Yes, but it depends on whether the person has to follow any dietary restrictions. If there is any, we would suggest that they start taking Zenso products after completing their diet to avoid any possible food-drug interactions. We do not recommend patients with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer to take Zenso products.

Q :Can people with G6PD deficiency take Zenso products?

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A :

People with G6PD can take Zenso as the Zenso products do not contain any ingredients that can cause hemolytic anemia. However, we would recommend that you consult your doctor before taking any Zenso products.

Q :Can a person with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism take Zenso?

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Yes, but please be reminded that the customer should not stop taking his/her medication.

Q :Can diabetic patient who is on insulin injection take Zenso products?

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Yes, a diabetic patient who is on insulin injection can take Zenso products. However, please be cautious and make sure to monitor your blood glucose level in case it becomes too low. As a precaution, please consult your doctor before taking Zenso.

Q :Can diabetic patients who are on anti-diabetic medication take Zenso products?

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A :

Yes. However, please be reminded to continue taking your anti-diabetic medication and monitor your blood glucose level at all times. As a precaution, please consult your doctor before you start consuming Zenso products.

Q :Can a hypertension (high blood pressure) patient who is on anti-hypertensive medicine take Zenso products?

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A :

Yes. Please be reminded to continue taking your anti-hypertensive medication and monitor your blood pressure level at all times. As a precaution, please consult your doctor before you start consuming Zenso products.

Q :Can a person who is on blood thinner (anticoagulant medicine) take Zenso products?

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Yes. Please be reminded to leave a gap of 2 hours between taking Zenso products and your blood thinner.

Q :How should I store my Zenso products?

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Zenso products should be stored in a cool, dry place and kept away from direct sunlight. Please ensure that the bottles (KuroShuga & KuroOiru) are closed properly and the pouch (KuroDaitto) is sealed tight each time after consumption.

Q :Can Zenso products be taken together with my medicine?

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A :

"We suggest keeping the consumption of KuroShuga, KuroOiru and KuroMizu with other medicine at least 2 hours apart to avoid any food-drug interaction. For KuroDaitto, it is not neccesary to leave a gap between the time of its consumption and your medicine.

Q :While doing the Zenso program, can I eat some food when I feel hungry?

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A :

It is normal to feel hungry during the first few days on the Zenso weight management program. You can eat some food to provide sufficient energy to support your daily activities. It is advisable to consume foods that are high in protein (eg: eggs, tofu, lean chicken, fish) or dietary fibre (e.g. vegetables and low-sugar fruits) as these foods can provide greater satiety to the body. For a more detailed dietary guideline, you may refer to the booklet that comes with your Zenso products.

Q :Is it normal if I experience headache or dizziness after taking Zenso products?

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A :

It is normal to feel headaches or dizziness during the first few days on the Zenso program. This is your body reacting to extreme calorie deficit and it needs some time to adapt to it. During the first few days, we recommend that you hold off on exercising or doing high intensity physical activities until your body gets adapted and shows no more symptoms of headache or dizziness.

Q :Can I eat fruit when I am on the Zenso program?

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A :

Yes, but we recommend limiting the amount of fruits to a maximum of 1 serving per day and eat only low-sugar fruits. Fruits naturally contain high-levels of fructose, and so it has a higher glycemic index compared to vegetables. Besides, fruits can easily cause an increase in our insulin levels and also encourage our body to store fat. Hence, the intake amount and types of fruits should be limited. Fruits with low sugar content include kiwi, strawberry, blueberry, lemon, guava, plum, avocado etc.

Q :Why did my weight loss progress slow down after taking Zenso for several weeks?

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A :

Generally, the progress of losing weight is at its fastest during the first 1-2 weeks. After adapting to your current dietary habits and calorie intake, your body weight will reduce at a slower rate, or even become stable. Bear in mind that your body weight should not be your only concern. Instead, you should look out for the levels of your body fat and muscle, and also the appearance of your body. As long as your body fat is decreasing, your muscle mass is increasing (when you start to do exercise), and your body looks more in-shape compared to when you started, then you are on the right way of managing your weight.

Q :Will I experience constipation after taking Zenso?

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Constipation can happen when there is a huge change in your dietary habits. Besides, you have already reduced your intake of solid foods while you are on Zenso, which automatically leads to lesser stools. To resolve this problem, we recommend that you take sufficient water (2-3L/day) and high fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits to bulk up your stools so that it can be passed out easily.

Q :Will I have diarrhea after taking Zenso?

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At the beginning of the Zenso program, a minority of people would experience diarrhea simply because there is a change in their dietary habits. Your digestive system will take a few days to adjust itself to the products. You are also encouraged to take more dietary fiber to reduce the occurence of watery stools.

Q :What is the consumption method for Zenso Advance and Zenso Lite?

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enso Advance:Breakfast: 1 sachet KuroMizu and 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. You may have a mini meal as your morning tea snack.Lunch: 1 tablet of KuroOiru and KuroShuga each and 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. You may have a mini meal as your evening tea snack.Dinner: 1 tablet of KuroOiru and KuroShuga each and 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. Zenso Lite: Breakfast: 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. You may have a mini meal as your morning tea snack.Lunch: 2 tablets of KuroOiru and KuroShuga each with a normal meal. You may have a mini meal as your evening tea snack.Dinner: 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. Please refer to the Zenso Dietary Guideline for your mini meals and normal meals.

Q :Can I combine Zenso products with weight management products from other brands?

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Not recommended. We are confident that Zenso's formulation is the comprehensive solution to weight management. Apart from that, we are also unable to ensure the efficacy and safety of other weight management products, or would Zenso cause any interaction in other products.

Q :Which contributes more towards weight reduction? Zenso products or the practice of a balanced

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For Zenso advance, the effectiveness in weight reduction relies heavily on the consumption of Zenso s and also commitment from the consumer. For Zenso Lite however, the effectiveness in weight reduction depends on both the consumption of Zenso porducts and a balanced diet. This is because for Zenso Lite, the consumer is allowed to take 1 normal meal daily, hence the types of food eaten and the meal portion will greatly affect the weight management results.

Q :Which Zenso products can help reduce visceral fat?

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The main product that can help to reduce visceral fat is KuroOiru. One of the branded ingredients in KuroOiru, Morosil red orange fruit extract, is rich in anthocyanins, which is a phytonutrient proven to reduce visceral adipose tissue. KuroOiru also contains shekwasha juice that can help reduce visceral fat. Nevertheless, if the consumer is taking the whole set of Zenso products, the effects on reducing visceral fat will be more pronounced than consuming KuroOiru alone. This is because Zenso products work synergistically in weight management to help achieve the optimum improvement in weight and body composition.

Q :Can Zenso help reduce stretch marks when I slim down?

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Stretch marks are formed when plenty of fats accumulate in the adipose tissue within a short period of time, leading to the overstretching of the skin and scar formation. To avoid stretch marks, consumers should exercise to stretch their skin regularly, so that it can retain elasticity and reduce the risk of developing stretch marks.

Q :Will I have loose skin after slimming down?

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Your skin will loosen if you slim down without exercising, especially when there is not enough collagen in your skin. Hence, we recommended our customers to exercise regularly so that the skin can become more firm and elastic.

Q :Can I consume other Wellous products while undergoing the Zenso weight management plan?

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Yes, of course. Wellous 'products are either supplements or functional foods, which will not interfere with the effectiveness of Zenso products. Furthermore, some Wellous products will also support your progress in weight management, for example Frusso can increase your dietary fiber intake, Probiome can aid digestion, and Bio-Grape Seed can enhance your overall health.

Q :Can Zenso help reduce cellulites?

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Cellulite tissue is a condition that makes your skin appear bumpy and dimpled. Cellulite is formed when the fat cells swell up and push outwards into the tissues under the skin. Zenso products can help induce fat burn and reduce the size of fat cells, hence it can help improve your problem with cellulite tissue.

Q :Can people with high uric acid take Zenso?

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Yes. However, we would recommend those with high uric acid to start with Zenso Lite to make gradual progress in weight reduction. This is important as uric acid will be released into the bloodstream when the body starts to break down excessive fat. If the uric acid cannot be excreted out of the body in time, it might cause the formation of uric acid crystals that will trigger gout and joint pain. Hence, to avoid experiencing such discomfort, we would suggest a slow and steady weight reduction process starting with the Zenso Lite Package.

Q :Will Zenso cause hair loss?

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While taking Zenso products, the dramatic changes in body composition especially due to body fat reduction would cause temporary hormonal imbalance, which could lead to some hair loss problems. This is because fats are essential for our hormone ions. However, when the body has adapted to these changes, the hormonal function will resume, and the hair loss problem will be resolved.

Q :Which of the ingredients in Zenso can help suppress appetite?

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There are different ingredients in Zenso series that can help suppress appetite via various mechanisms, including Kurozu black vinegar from all 4 Zenso products, Slimaluma cactus extract and konjac from KuroDaitto, white kidney bean from KuroShuga, garcinia extract from KuroOiru, and ginger extract from KuroMizu.

Q :What is the best time to measure my weight and body composition?

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It is best to measure your body weight and composition in the morning after urination and defecation. Also, please ensure that your body weight and body composition measurements are taken at roughly the same time every day, so that the readings can be compared with better accuracy.

Q :Can people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux consume Zenso products?

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Yes, even though Zenso products contain Kurozu black vinegar, its acidity is only exhibited through our liquid product, which is KuroMizu. For people with GERD or acid reflux problems, we would suggest that they consume KuroMizu after their morning meal, regardless of the meal being a meal replacement or just normal breakfast.

Q :Can Zenso products help me gain weight?

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Yes, but the consumption method would be different from the usual weight management programme. For people who wish to gain weight, he/she can take normal meals as usual, and take KuroDaitto as an additional meal instead of taking it as a meal replacement. KuroDaitto contains whey protein, soy protein, vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the build-up of muscles in the body.

Q :Can we practise intermittent fasting while taking Zenso products?

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Yes, but we highly recommend you to follow our designated consumption methods of Zenso products to achieve optimal results.

Q :If my daily calorie intake is lower than my total energy expenditure, yet the kinds of food taken are high in sugar and unhealthy fats, will it cause weight gain?

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If your calorie intake is less than your total energy expenditure, you will not gain weight. However, a diet that is high in sugar or unhealthy fats pose great risks of getting high blood glucose and cholesterol, which contributes towards the development of visceral fats, which is also known as skinny fat.

Q :After completing the Zenso weight management programme and having achieved the targeted body weight, should I continue taking Zenso for another month?

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Definitely. We highly encourage our customers to continue with the Zenso Maintenance Package even after they have achieved their targeted body weight.

Q :If the customer is skinny but has high visceral fat levels, what is the recommended method to take Zenso?

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We would recommend skinny people with high visceral fat levels to take our Zenso Maintenance Package with KuroOiru, which can help reduce fat absorption and accumulation as well as visceral fat.

Q :Can people with osteoporosis take Zenso products?

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Yes. No studies have shown that the daily consumption of Kurozu black vinegar will cause osteoporosis. On the other hand, Kurozu is rich in minerals that are essential for bone health. Furthermore, KuroDaitto also contains high amounts of calcium that can improve bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Q :Can people with low blood pressure take Zenso products?

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Yes. However, for people with low blood pressure, please be advised to drink more water to avoid dehydration while taking KuroMizu.

Q :Can people with low blood sugar take Zenso products?

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Yes. However, we recommend people with low blood glucose to take mini meals in between every meal replacement or normal meals to avoid dizziness or other common symptoms that usually come with low blood sugar.

Q :Can people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) take Zenso products?

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Yes. As PCOS usually causes obesity due to hormonal imbalance, studies have shown that weight reduction can help relieve the severity of PCOS symptoms.

Q :Will the Zenso programme cause anorexia?

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No. Anorexia is a mental and behavioral disorder usually developed during puberty. The Zenso weight management programme only helps to suppress appetite, but will not cause anorexia.

Q :Can people with milk allergies take Zenso products?

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You might give it a try. The only milk derivative present in Zenso products is the isolated whey protein found in KuroDaitto. As customers might only be allergic to other components in the milk, isolated whey protein might not trigger their allergic reactions.

Q :Can people with soy allergies take Zenso products?

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You might give it a try. The only soy derivative present in Zenso products is the isolated soy protein found in KuroDaitto. As customers might only be allergic to other components contained in whole soybeans, isolated soy protein might not trigger their allergic reactions.

Q :Can people with tree nut allergies (eg: macadamia, walnut) take Zenso products?

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KuroDaitto (Vanilla + Macadamia) contains macadamia. For people who are allergic to tree nuts, we would suggest that they consume the chocolate-flavoured KuroDaitto instead.

Q :When a customer slims down after going through the Zenso weight management programme, will their breast size reduce as well?

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This varies from one person to another due to their differences in genetic and body composition. For some, their breast size remains unchanged even after slimming down. However, due to the fact that our breasts mainly consist of fat tissues, some might experience a reduction in breast size when their body weight and body fats are reduced.

Q :Is Zenso suitable for the elderly?

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Elderlies (those who are 60 years old and above) can take KuroDaitto as a meal supplement but not as a meal replacement. We do not recommend the elderly to follow Zenso's weight management plan as they are more prone towards developing medical conditions. If they wish to lose weight, it would be recommended to get a doctor's consultation before they proceed with any weight loss plan.

Q :What is KuroShuga?

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KuroShuga is a carbohydrate blocker in chewable tablet form that is part of Zenso's weight management solution.

Q :What are the active ingredients in KuroShuga?

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KuroShuga contains Cissus CQR-300® Quadrangularis extract, L-Arabinose, White Kidney Bean powder, Green Tea extract, Chromium Chloride, Okinawa Lesser Yam extract, Gymnema Sylvestre extract and Kurozu powder.

Q :What is the flavour of KuroShuga?

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KuroShuga is a unique cherry blossom and bamboo salt flavoured chewable tablet.

Q :What is Cissus CQR-300® Quadrangularis extract?

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Cissus Quadrangularis is commonly known as veldt grape, adamant creeper or devil's backbone. CQR-300® is a patented composition of Cissus Quadrangularis extract from the USA, which comprises stilbenes and flavonoids extracted from the stems and leaves. It blocks sugar, starch and fat from being digested and absorbed into the body by inhibiting amylase, a-glucosidase and lipase enzymes respectively, resulting in significant body weight reduction proven in clinical studies. It also helps to improve lipid profile and reduce blood pressure and oxidative stress.

Q :What is L-Arabinose?

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L-Arabinose is widely used as a sweetener. It blocks sugar from being digested and absorbed into the body by inhibiting sucrase enzymes and also helps to reduce insulin resistance.

Q :What is White Kidney Bean powder?

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White Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a dietary legume known to support weight loss. It blocks sugar from being digested and absorbed into the body by inhibiting the amylase enzyme, which in turn also helps in appetite suppression.

Q :What is Green Tea extract?

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Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) is a well known ingredient for weight loss as it is rich in antioxidant polyphenols which can help boost the metabolism rate and improve insulin sensitivity.

Q :What is Chromium

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Chromium is an essential trace mineral that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and improves glycemic control.

Q :What is Okinawa Lesser Yam extract?

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Okinawa Lesser Yam (Dioscorea esculenta) is one of the yam varieties that originated from Okinawa Island in Japan. It helps to improve satiety and promote fullness.

Q :What is Gymnema Sylvestre extract?

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Gymnema sylvestre has been used as traditional and Ayurvedic medicine due to its hypoglycemic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties exerted by its active compound gymnemic acids. Gymnemic acids are a mixture of saponins that share a similar structure to glucose molecules. It blocks sugar receptors and prevents sugar from being absorbed into the body. It also helps to stimulate insulin ions.

Q :Is KuroShuga a supplement?

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KuroShuga is a chewable tablet classified under food category by National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) and is regulated under Food Safety and Quality Division (FSQ), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). Therefore, KuroShuga is not a supplement.

Q :What are the effects that I can observe on my body after taking KuroShuga?

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KuroShuga will assist your weight loss journey by reducing calorie intake, particularly carbohydrates, from your diet to help achieve weight loss. Additionally, your blood glucose level, blood pressure and lipid profile will be improved. However, please note that KuroShuga is not a drug or a miracle pill, so the effect would not be instant and will take time to see improvement. For optimum results, it is best to be taken together with KuroMizu, KuroOiru and KuroDaitto alongside a healthy diet and exercise.

Q :Who should take KuroShuga?

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KuroShuga is specially formulated for people who normally consume large amounts of carbohydrates, sugary beverages and desserts, people who are overweight and obese, and people who seldom exercise and have a sedentary lifestyle.

Q :What is the consumption method for KuroShuga?

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Take 1 tablet 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Q :Why do I need to wait for 30 minutes after taking KuroShuga?

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This duration will allow the active ingredients in KuroShuga to be absorbed and come into effect by the time you ingest your meal. In case you forget, simply take KuroShuga with the meal as soon as you can remember.

Q :Is KuroShuga suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

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Both vegetarians and vegans can consume KuroShuga.

Q :Does KuroShuga contain any preservatives?

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No, KuroShuga does not contain preservatives.

Q :Why is salt added in KuroShuga?

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KuroShuga is added with bamboo salt to improve the overall taste of the product. Sodium is actually a mineral that plays an important role in maintaining the healthy electrolyte balance and proper functioning of muscles in the body. Besides that, bamboo salt is healthier than table salt. It is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iodine which are important for numerous biochemical reactions to happen in the body.

Q :Since KuroShuga contains salt, is it safe for people with high blood pressure?

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Sodium is actually an essential mineral required in small quantities. Our body needs 1500 mg sodium daily. One tablet of KuroShuga contains only 20mg of bamboo salt. This minimal amount is unlikely to increase blood pressure as it will be involved in various biochemical reactions in the body along with other minerals present in the bamboo salt such as calcium, magnesium and iodine.

Q :Can a person take more than 2 KuroShuga tablets per day?

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Yes, however we still recommend 2 KuroShuga tablets daily, one each 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Q :Can people with normal body weight take KuroShuga?

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Yes. KuroShuga is made not only for people who are obese or overweight, but also people who love sugary foods like sweetened beverages, cakes, biscuits, breads etc. KuroShuga will help prevent obesity as it blocks sugar and carbohydrate absorption through multiple pathways so that it can be excreted from the body via feces.

Q :I am replacing my lunch & / dinner with KuroDaitto, why do I still need to take KuroShuga?

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Not only does KuroShuga block carbohydrates from being digested and absorbed, it also helps to boost metabolism rate, promote satiety, improve lipid profile, reduce blood pressure, and combat oxidative stress.

Q :Can KuroShuga help with diabetes?

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Yes. KuroShuga is beneficial to diabetics since its main function is to block the digestion and absorption of sugar and starches, hence it may improve blood glucose levels as well. For optimum results, KuroShuga best complements a lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Q :What is KuroOiru?

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KuroOiru is a fat blocker in chewable tablet form that is part of Zenso's weight management solution. It is made from natural plant extracts that blocks fat absorption and burns and excretes fat out from the body.

Q :What are the active ingredients in KuroOiru?

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KuroOiru contains Morosil® Red Orange Fruit extract, IGOB 131™ African Mango extract, L-carnitine, Chitosan, Garcinia extract, Purple Tea extract, Kurozu black vinegar powder, and Shekwasha juice powder.

Q :What is the flavour of KuroOiru?

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KuroOiru is a rose and milk flavoured chewable tablet.

Q :What is Morosil® Red Orange Fruit Extract?

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Morosil® Red Orange Fruit is extracted from Italy's national treasure, Moro blood oranges. Morosil® contains more polyphenols than Navels and Valencia oranges. Clinical studies have proven that Morosil® helps in inhibiting fat accumulation by affecting the metabolism of adipocytes (specialized cell of adipose tissue that stores excessive energy in the form of triglycerides). This mechanism results in the reduction of body weight, body mass index (BMI) and hip circumference after 12 weeks of taking Morosil®.

Q :What is IGOB 131TM African Mango Extract

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IGOB 131™ African Mango Extract comes from the tropical rainforest of Cameroon, Africa. It is the only approved patented food ingredient for weight loss. IGOB is extracted from the protein, fat, and fibre-rich African mango through a unique grinding and water extraction technology and also contains more than 40% of polyphenol. Moreover, clinical studies also showed that it can significantly reduce body weight and LDL cholesterol.

Q :What is L-carnitine?

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L-carnitine is an amino acid derivative that has been widely recognized in the weight loss and fitness industry since the 1990s. It helps in fat burning by moving fatty acids into membrane cells to be burned for energy. On top of that, it also helps in increasing the key enzyme, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), that will improve the body's utilization of carbohydrates.

Q :What is Garcinia extract?

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Garcinia extract, with its origins from Southeast Asia, is traditionally used as a weight loss and weight controlling agent to help block fat accumulation, suppress appetite, improve stamina, and eliminate fatigue.

Q :What is Purple tea extract?

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Purple tea extract has a higher antioxidant activity when compared to green and black tea. It is rich in specific polyphenols like GHG which helps prevent dietary fat absorption, inhibit pancreatic lipase activities that slows down the fat absorption process, prevent fat accumulation, and improve fat metabolism.

Q :What is Shekwasha juice powder?

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Shekwasha is a fruit grown mainly in Okinawa, Japan, and also Taiwan that is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. Previous study has shown that not only can shekwasha reduce body weight gain and visceral fat, it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Q :What is Chitosan?

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Chitosan is a type of dietary fibre that comes from the shells of crustaceans and is commonly known as the 'fat blocker'. It will bind to fats in the stomach and form a gel which can be then excreted naturally without being absorbed by the body.

Q :Is KuroOiru a supplement?

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KuroOiru is a chewable tablet classified under food category by National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) and is regulated under Food Safety and Quality Division (FSQ), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). Therefore, KuroOiru is not a supplement.

Q :What are the effects that I can observe on my body after taking KuroOiru?

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KuroOiru will assist your weight loss journey by preventing the accumulation of excessive fat in the body. Besides, it also promotes fat burning and appetite suppression to help you control your calorie intake. However, please note that KuroOiru is not a drug or a miracle pill, so the effect would not be instant and will take time to see improvement. For optimum results, it is best to be taken together with KuroShuga, KuroMizu and KuroDaitto alongside a healthy diet and exercise.

Q :Who should take KuroOiru?

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KuroOiru is specially formulated for people who always consume fatty foods, enjoy snacking, or love fast foods, those who rarely exercise, want to lose weight, or are obese or overweight.

Q :What is the consumption method for KuroOiru?

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Take 1 tablet 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Q :Why do I need to wait 30 minutes after taking KuroOiru?

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This duration will allow the active ingredients in KuroOiru to be absorbed and come into effect by the time you ingest your meal. In case you forget, simply take KuroOiru with the meal as soon as you can remember.

Q :Is KuroOiru suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

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KuroOiru contains chitosan, which is an ingredient obtained from the shells of crustaceans. So we do not recommend it to vegetarians and vegans.

Q :Can people with shellfish allergy take KuroOiru?

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People with shellfish allergy should not take KuroOiru since it contains chitosan from the shells of crustaceans as one of the ingredients.

Q :Does KuroOiru contain any preservatives?

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No, KuroOiru does not contain preservatives.

Q :Does KuroOiru prevent the absorption of both good and bad fats?

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KuroOiru does not discriminate between types of fats. It will prevent the accumulation of excessive fats in the body which then results in a decrease in body weight. Eating too much 'good' or 'bad' fats will still contribute towards weight gain. So, we should control our calories and fat intake for each meal.

Q :Can KuroOiru help reduce visceral fat and also the size of my thighs and arms?

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Unfortunately, you cannot target fat loss in specific areas of the body. The fats around your arms, thighs, internal organs within the abdominal cavity (also known as visceral fats) or other parts of your body will be reduced accordingly when the overall body fat percentage is reduced.

Q :Can a person take more than 2 KuroOiru tablets per day?

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Yes, however we still recommend 2 KuroOiru tablets daily, one each 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Q :Can people with normal body weight take KuroOiru?

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Yes. KuroOiru is made not only for people who are obese or overweight, but also for people who love consuming fatty foods like fast foods, baked goods etc. KuroOiru will help prevent obesity by blocking fat absorption through multiple pathways which can then be excreted from the body via feces.

Q :I am replacing my lunch and/or dinner wirh KuroDaitto, why do I still need to take KuroOiru?

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Not only does KuroOiru help prevent excessive fat from accumulating in your body, it also helps to improve your cholesterol levels, suppress appetite, strengthen your immune system and fight oxidative stress.

Q :Is the amount of garcinia extract used in KuroOiru safe for consumption?

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Yes, the amount of garcinia extract that we use is safe for consumption as we have followed the recommended dosage guidelines. The upper limit for garcinia consumption is 2800mg. Any amount more than that might cause side effects including nausea, digestive tract discomfort, and headache.

Q :What is KuroDaitto?

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KuroDaitto is a meal replacement product that is part of Zenso's weight management series. It is high in essential nutrients like protein, calcium, fiber, iron, and contains 18 types of vitamins and minerals.

Q :What are the active ingredients in KuroDaitto?

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KuroDaitto contains multiple active ingredients, including Slimaluma? cactus extract, whey protein isolate, isolated soy protein, medium chain triglyceride, non-dairy high fiber creamer, Baobab fruit, vitamin & mineral premix and Kurozu black vinegar.

Q :How many flavours does KuroDaitto have?

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Currently we have 2 flavours: chocolate, vanilla & macadamia.

Q :What is Slimaluma cactus extract?

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Slimaluma cactus extract is a patented ingredient that uses patented extraction technology to extract key constituents from Caralluma Fimbriata, a long lasting cactus-like plant. Several clinical studies have been conducted on its effectiveness on weight management and appetite suppression.

Q :What is whey protein isolate?

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Whey protein isolate is a type of protein that can be easily absorbed by the human body. Protein is essential for the building and repairing of body tissues, which then helps to increase muscle mass and muscle strength. On top of that, protein also helps supress hunger and boost metabolism.

Q :What is isolated soy protein?

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Isolated soy protein is a plant-based protein. Protein is essential in building and repairing body tissues, which then helps to increase muscle mass and muscle strength. Protein also helps supress hunger and boost metabolism.

Q :What is medium chain triglyceride (MCT)?

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Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) is a good source of energy as it yields 9 calories per every gram. MCT is a type of fatty acid that is shorter in length and can be easily metabolised to produce energy, so it will not contribute towards a drastic rise in body weight.

Q :What is fiber creamer?

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Fiber creamer is a non-dairy creamer that is high in fiber content. Fiber Creamer helps to prevent constipation, improve digestion and act as prebiotics to support the growth of probiotics.Other than that, unlike dairy creamers, it does not contain lactose, making it suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

Q :What is baobab fruit?

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Baobab fruit is the king of superfruits. It is dense with nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and dietary fiber. It also provides a wide variety of micronutrients that are essential towards maintaining the well-functioning of our bodies.

Q :What is vitamin & minerals premix?

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Vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) are just as important as macronutrients. They are crucial supporters of our health in maintaining our energy levels through metabolism, ensuring proper nerve function and so on.

Q :Is KuroDaitto a supplement?

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A :

KuroDaitto is a food classified under food category by National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) and is regulated under Food Safety and Quality Division (FSQ), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). Therefore, KuroDaitto is not a supplement.

Q :What are calories?

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A calorie is a unit of energy, which is useful in indicating how much energy a person is taking from their diet or how much energy they are burning through their physical activities.

Q :How many calories are there in each serving of KuroDaitto?

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Each serving of KuroDaitto (30 gram, 2 scoops) contains 129kcal (vanilla + macadamia) and 130kcal (chocolate) respectively.

Q :What is the consumption method for KuroDaitto?

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We recommend mixing 2 scoops of KuroDaitto (30g in total) with 200ml of water and consuming it as a meal replacement.

Q :Is KuroDaitto suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

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KuroDaitto contains milk, which is an animal, making it suitable for vegetarians but not for vegans.

Q :Can I blend fruits with KuroDaitto?

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Yes, you may add fruits and blend it together with KuroDaitto, however do keep in mind to use the kinds of fruits provided in the food list such as kiwi, blueberry, strawberry, apple, guava, banana, avocado, pear, orange, papaya, watermelon, honey dew, starfruit and dragon fruit.Please also take into account the serving size or amount of fruits that you have used. It will be considered as a mini meal for both Zenso Advance and Zenso Lite users or it can be one of the normal meal food groups for Zenso Lite users.

Q :Why does KuroDaitto taste sweet?

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KuroDaitto is not added with sugar, instead we use luo han guo extract as natural sweetener. KuroDaitto only tastes sweet because of the natural taste of our ingredients.

Q :Are there sufficient nutrients in KuroDaitto?

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KuroDaitto contains 18 types of vitamins and minerals that are essential towards your body's daily functioning. Other than that, it also provides sufficient calories and high amounts of protein that enables you to go on with your daily physical activities.

Q :How long can KuroDaitto provide satiation?

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The effect of satiety varies from individual to individual, but ideally it can make you feel full for up to 4 hours.

Q :Can I mix my protein powder with KuroDaitto?

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Yes. We would advise that you to use a protein powder that is high in purity to mix it with KuroDaitto before consuming.

Q :What is the difference between Frusso and KuroDaitto?

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KuroDaitto is a meal replacement whereas Frusso is a high fiber beverage.However, KuroDaitto also contains fiber that aids bowel movement just like Frusso. On top of that, KuroDaitto contains essential vitamins and minerals that manintains your overall health.On the other hand, Frusso cannot be considered as a meal replacement. Despite coming in 4 different fruity flavours, it does not contain the variety of vitamins and minerals that KuroDaitto has.

Q :I am underweight, can KuroDaitto help me gain weight?

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A :

Yes. You may complement your normal meal with KuroDaitto to help you gain weight.

Q :Does KuroDaitto contain any preservatives?

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A :

No, KuroDaitto does not contain preservatives.

Q :Can a person who is unable to take solid foods due to chronic disease take KuroDaitto? Answer :

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A :

We would recommend this group of people to consult their doctor before taking KuroDaitto. KuroDaitto is meant to be a meal replacement for healthy individuals who want to lose weight, so we do not recommend tube feeding for patients under such medical conditions.

Q :Can diabetics take KuroDaitto?

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A :

Yes. KuroDaitto does not contain any added sugar, hence it will not cause sugar spikes and can be consumed by diabetic patients.

Q :How much sugar is there in each serving of KuroDaitto?

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A :

KuroDaitto does not contain any added sugar, however there will be some sugar content coming from the natural fruit ingredients. However, each serving of KuroDaitto only contains less than 1gram of sugar.

Q :What is the difference between soy and whey protein isolate?

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A :

Both soy and whey protein contain all 9 essential amino acids, but the amount of each amino acid varies between these two proteins. For example, whey protein has higher amounts of leucine, isoleucine, methionine and lysine, whereas soy protein contains more arginine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. So the combination of these 2 protein sources will provide you with a balanced amount of those essential amino acids.

Q :What is luo han guo extract?

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A :

Luo han guo extract, also known as monk fruit extract, plays the role as a natural sweetener in KuroDaitto. It contains very little calories and is a good alternative sweetener to sugar.

Q :Can a person with lactose intolerance take KuroDaitto?

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A :

Yes. Although KuroDaitto contains milk derivatives (whey milk protein), this ingredient is high in purity and does not contain carbohydrates, which means that it also does not contain lactose. The other ingredients in KuroDaitto are less likely to contain lactose as well, so it is safe to say that KuroDaitto can be consumed by people with lactose intolerance.

Q :Can a person with celiac disease take KURO DAITTO?

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A :

Yes. KURO DAITTO is free from gluten.

Q :Can a person with lactose intolerance take KURO DAITTO?

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A :

Yes. KURO DAITTO does not contain lactose.

Q :What is KuroMizu?

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A :

KuroMizu is a botanical beverage with diuretic properties that is part of Zenso's weight management solution. It removes excess water from the body to reduce puffiness on the limbs, face and other parts of the body.

Q :What are the active ingredients in KuroMizu?

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A :

The active ingredients contained in KuroMizu are Kurozu Japanese black vinegar, CactiNea? cactus fruit extract, juniper berries extract, meadowsweet extract, ginger root extract and Japanese red plum.

Q :What is the flavour of KuroMizu?

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A :

KuroMizu is a mixed berries and plum flavoured botanical beverage.

Q :What is CactiNea cactus fruit extract?

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A :

CactiNea is a clinically proven ingredient extracted from prickly pear, the cactus fruit of a type of cactus that originated from Mediterranean countries. It is effective in eliminating excessive water from the body and reducing the sensation of swelling on your body. Besides, CactiNea also contains indicaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that stimulates the ion of glutathione peroxidase and protects cells from oxidative stress.

Q :What is juniper berries extract?

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A :

Juniper berry is a medicinal herb that has been used widely in Eastern and Western traditional medicine for centuries. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), juniper berries are used to stimulate the flushing of toxins from your kidneys and bladder. Juniper berries also contain anti-inflammatory properties which helps in reducing inflammation and swelling of the body.

Q :What is meadowsweet extract?

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A :

Meadowsweet is a herb used in traditional German medicine as an anti-inflammatory and sweat-inducing agent. The main function of the meadowsweet extract is to induce sweating and detoxification of the body.

Q :What is ginger root extract?

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A :

Ginger root is a common condiment widely used to aid digestion and relieve flu symptoms. Apart from these common usages, ginger root also helps reduce inflammation and enhance metabolism, which is also beneficial for the process of weight management.

Q :What is a Japanese red plum?

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A :

Japanese red plum is a kind of fruit that is high in dietary fiber which is essential for intestinal health. Also, plum contains a lot of potassium, which will help to maintain your blood potassium levels and avoid experiencing electrolyte imbalance during the diuretic process.

Q :Is KuroMizu a supplement?

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A :

KuroMizu is a botanical beverage classified under food category by National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) and is regulated under Food Safety and Quality Division (FSQ), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). Therefore, KuroMizu is not a supplement.

Q :What are the effects that I can observe on my body after taking KuroMizu?

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A :

KuroMizu helps in weight loss via diuresis. Diuresis is a process that removes excessive water from the body, which then reduces water retention and swelling. Besides, the ingredients used in KuroMizu also help induce sweating and detoxification. As a result, KuroMizu facilitates the removal of unwanted substances from your body, which will help you achieve optimum results when undergoing the weight management programme.

Q :How would my body react after taking KuroMizu?

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A :

As KuroMizu helps in eliminating sodium from the body through water, consumers would experience an increase in the frequency of urination after taking KuroMizu. Besides, some of the consumers would also experience excessive sweating after taking KuroMizu.

Q :Who should take KuroMizu?

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A :

KuroMizu is specially designed for people who need to reduce water retention in their bodies especially those whose diet contains a high salt intake, seldom engages in exercise or has a sedentary lifestyle. Those who often wake up with a swollen face and/or limbs in the morning are also recommended to take KuroMizu on a daily basis.

Q :What is the consumption method for KuroMizu?

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A :

Take 1 sachet of KuroMizu in the morning before your meal.

Q :Can I take KuroMizu at night?

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A :

We do not recommend taking KuroMizu at night as KuroMizu would induce urination and might disrupt your sleep cycle with frequent needs to urinate at night.

Q :Is KuroMizu suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

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A :

KuroMizu contains honey, a type of animal, making it suitable for vegetarians but not vegans.

Q :Would KuroMizu cause dehydration and heatiness of the body?

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A :

Taking KuroMizu would increase the frequency of urination. Customers might experience dehydration and feel heatiness in the body if they did not drink sufficient water. To resolve this problem, customers are advised to drink more water after taking KuroMizu.

Q :How much fluids should I drink while taking KuroMizu?

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A :

Customers are advised to drink around 2 to 3 litres of fluids (it is best to take plain water) daily to replenish the amount of water required by the body.

Q :Can a person take more than 1 sachet of KuroMizu a day?

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A :

Yes, customers can take up to 2 sachets of KuroMizu per day.

Q :Can a person on diuretic drugs take KuroMizu?

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A :

Diuretic drugs are prescribed by doctors to patients with high blood pressure, heart failure, liver damage, or certain cancers. As KuroMizu is a functional food that exhibits diuretic properties, we would suggest patients who are taking diuretic drugs to consult their doctors before taking KuroMizu.

Q :Can people with normal body weight take KuroMizu?

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A :

Yes, especially the people whose diet contains high sodium amounts and/or are physically inactive might be experiencing water retention as well.

Q :Is it true that women experience water retention more easily?

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A :

Yes. Even though women are more susceptible to water retention due to their hormonal changes, both men and women would still experience water retention if they cannot effectively eliminate water and sodium from their bodies. Furthermore, KuroMizu also helps in detoxification and anti-inflammation, which is beneficial towards men and women who wants to manage their weight.

Q :I have hypotension, is it safe for me to take KuroMizu?

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A :

Hypotension is often associated with hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, heart failure, liver disease or other medical conditions. Even though KuroMizu's diuretic function is not as strong as conventional drugs, we would still suggest that you seek your doctor's consultation before taking KuroMizu.

Q :Can I take KuroMizu if I am a heavy coffee drinker?

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A :

Coffee is a natural mild diuretic due to it's caffeine content. It is recommended to leave at least a 2-hour gap between the consumption of KuroMizu and coffee (or other caffeinated drinks). As long as the coffee intake does not exceed 3 cups per day, it is alright for a heavy coffee drinker to take KuroMizu.

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1 review for Zenso Advance Package

  1. Cris****92

    As a nutritionist, I’m usually pretty skeptical of weight management supplements, but Zenso really caught my eye. The way they use Kurozu-inspired ingredients to target everything from ingestion and absorption to metabolism and fat accumulation is pretty impressive. I’ve taken a close look at the ingredients in products like KuroShuga and KuroOiru, and I’m really impressed by how they blend traditional wisdom with modern science. I now confidently recommend Zenso to my clients who are searching for a natural way to manage their weight.

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Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng Gói Zenso Advance Buổi sáng: Kuro Daitto 2 muỗng, Kuro Mizu 1 gói Buổi trưa: Kuro Oiru 1 viên, Kuro Shuga 1 viên, sau 30 phút mới uống Kuro Daitto 2 muỗng (Thay thế bữa trưa). Buổi tối: Kuro Oiru 1 viên, Kuro Shuga 1 viên, sau 30 phút mới uống Kuro Daitto 2 muỗng (Thay thế bữa tối).

Zenso Advance Package

(1 customer review)


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