


Homega Main Functions

Promotes Heart Health
Reduces Inflammation

Promotes Brain Health
Supports Eye Health
Boosts Immune System

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Omegavie Fish Oil

This high-quality fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining heart health. It helps reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of heart disease.


Omega 3: Eicosapentaeoic Acid (EPA)

EPA is a type of Omega-3 fatty acid that helps lower triglyceride levels, reduce inflammation, and prevent the formation of blood clots, thereby supporting cardiovascular health.


Omega 3: Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

DHA is another Omega-3 fatty acid crucial for heart health. It helps reduce heart rate and blood pressure, and supports overall cardiovascular function by maintaining the health of the blood vessels.


MenaquinGOLD Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is essential for cardiovascular health as it helps prevent the calcification of arteries, ensuring they remain flexible and free from blockages, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.


Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 supports heart health by helping to regulate blood pressure and improving the function of the heart muscles. It also plays a role in reducing inflammation and supporting overall cardiovascular health.


Promotes Heart Health

The Omega-3 fatty acids in Tigrox Homega help to lower triglycerides, reduce blood pressure, and prevent the formation of blood clots, thus promoting heart health.

Reduces Inflammation

Tigrox Homega has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to prevent chronic diseases such as arthritis.

Promotes Brain Health

The Omega-3 fatty acids in Tigrox Homega are important for brain health and can help to improve cognitive function and memory.

Supports Eye Health

The Omega-3 fatty acids in Tigrox Homega are also important for eye health and can help to prevent age-related macular degeneration.

Boosts Immune System

The supplement can boost the immune system, helping to prevent illnesses and diseases.


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Who Needs Homega?



People who frequently dine out


People who frequently socialize till late


People who have a hectic lifestyle


People above 40 years old

Product Certifications & Awards



Q :What is HOMEGA?

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A :

HOMEGA is the first fish oil health supplement with vitamin K2 and D3 in the Malaysia market.

Q :What are the active ingredients and their dosage in HOMEGA?

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A :

HOMEGA contains 780mg Omegavie fish oil containing 312 mg EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 156 mg DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). HOMEGA also contains 100 mcg Menaquingold vitamin K2 and 500IU vitamin D3.

Q :Why choose Omegavie?

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A :

Omegavie is one of the leading branded fish oil ingredients, using a stabilisation technology that preserves the quality of fish oil.

Q :What technology is Omegavie? Using?

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A :

Omegavie processed with the stabilisation technology QualitySilver Omegavie uses ultra pure oil, a high tech purification technology to remove heavy metals whereby the level of heavy metals complies with GOED (Global Organization For EPA and DHA Omega-3) standard.Omegavie??QualitySilver??ensures purity & safety of fish oil for consumption and is independently approved by a third-party testing and accreditation program, International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS). Qualitysilver??a patented technology used by Omegavie??to provide antioxidation effects to enhance the stability of oil. It is a blend of antioxidants that can prevent the oil from oxidation and prevent it from becoming rancid, this was found to be 3 times more stable than market players.

Q :Why choose MenaquinGold?

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A :

MenaquinGold is one of the leading branded vitamin K2 ingredients with patented fermentation, extraction method and patent of effectiveness.

Q :What is EPA (acid eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (acid docosahexaenoic)?

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A :

DHA and EPA are long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (healthy fats) classified as essential nutrients. DHA and EPA are commonly found in fish and shellfish. These nutrients are building blocks for fatty acids, essential for the body, cells and tissues for brain and retinal tissue.

Q :What is the main function of omega-3 fish oil?

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A :

Omega-3 fish oil mainly benefits the heart.Omega-3 fish oil aids in lowering low density lipoprotein (LDL) the bad cholesterol and raising high density lipoprotein (HDL) the good cholesterol. Furthermore, studies have proven the lowering triglyceride effect of omega-3, reduces plaque formation in artery walls.

Q :What are some other benefits of omega-3 fish oil other than being beneficial to the heart?

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A :

Omega-3 fish oil can also benefit the eye, as omega-3 can reduce dry eye symptoms, thus relieving and reducing eye irritation. Other than that, omega-3 fish oil can also support immune health, joint function, joint mobility and skin health.Omega-3 fish oil also benefits the brain as DHA is the main component in brain, omega-3 fish oil can slow down age related cognitive decline such as Alzheimer disease, improve memory and support brain function.

Q :Why combine omega-3 fish oil with vitamin K2 and D3?

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A :

One of the leading causes of heart disease is arteriosclerosis, which is plaque in arteries that cause blood flow constriction. Arteriosclerosis is not only due to cholesterol accumulation in blood vessels but also due artery calcification, hence with combination of omega-3 fish oil, vitamin K2 and D3 can help to reduce this problem.

Q :What is the membership and organization of POLARIS Omegavie?

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A :

POLARIS is the company name of Omegavie. POLARIS is a company in France with ISO quality control system, US FDA approved, member of Global Organization For EPA and DHA Omega-3 (GOED), International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO), Friend of the sea and certified by International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) as 5 stars.

Q :What are the sources of fish in HOMEGA?

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Fishes used are sardine, anchovy and mackerel from the open sea in Peru, Chile and Morocco. Smaller fishes with shorter lifespan like sardine, anchovies and mackerel are naturally lower in environmental pollutants compared to bigger size predatory fishes.

Q :What is the recommended dosage of HOMEGA?

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A :

Take 1 softgel capsule once per day after a meal.

Q :Why choose Omegavie?

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A :

Omegavie is one of the leading branded fish oil ingredients, using a stabilisation technology that preserves the quality of fish oil.

Q :Does HOMEGA have a MAL number?

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A :

Yes, HOMEGA is categorised as a health supplement which is registered under National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) with a MAL number of MAL19096038NC.

Q :Can a vegetarian take HOMEGA?

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A :

HOMEGA contains fish oil and uses a bovine capsule, hence it is not recommended for vegetarians to take HOMEGA.

Q :What is the function of vitamin D3?

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A :

Insufficient vitamin D may lead to arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, and ischemic heart disease. Other than that, vitamin D can enhance the absorption of calcium and modulate immune response.

Q :What is the function of vitamin K2?

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A :

Vitamin K2 can activate Matrix Gla-Protein (MGP), preventing artery calcification and promoting calcium to bone. Artery calcification is associated mainly with elastic fibers and is accompanied by elastin degradation, hence vitamin K2 can preserve elastin, maintain the elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Q :What is the origin of ingredients in HOMEGA?

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A :

HOMEGA is manufactured in Malaysia. HOMEGA are from different countries, such as Omegavie is from France and Menaquingold is from India.

Q :Is HOMEGA safe for consumption?

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A :

Rest assured HOMEGA is safe to be consumed. Every batch of HOMEGA ion undergoes stringent quality checking for heavy metal and microorganism tests to ensure its safety and quality. All are carefully manufactured in a GMP and HACCP certified facility. Safety and quality are our utmost priority and we assure only the best reach of our customers.

Q :Can children take HOMEGA?

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A :

HOMEGA is recommended for adults above 18 years old, hence for those who are below this age, kindly consult a health practitioner before consuming.

Q :Is HOMEGA a type of drug?

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A :

HOMEGA is a type of health supplement approved by the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA).

Q :Does HOMEGA taste fishy?

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A :

HOMEGA is meant to be swallowed with water, hence there will not be fishy taste unless the consumer breaks the softgel.Consumer might experience some burping with fishy taste and this is totally normal.

Q :Who is suitable to take HOMEGA?

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A :

Adults above 18 years old can take HOMEGA, especially those who is obese or overweight, elderly and those who are having coronary heart diseases.

Q :Can a person who is on blood thinner medicine take HOMEGA?

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A :

Omega 3 fish oil is a natural anticoagulant, hence those who is on Warfarin should avoid taking HOMEGA.Those who is on other blood thinner should consult doctor before consuming or take at low dose, 2-3 days one capsule and gap 2 hours between medicine prescribed by doctor and HOMEGA.

Q :Can a person with Alzheimer's disease take HOMEGA?

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A :

Can, but do not expect that HOMEGA can improve the condition of Alzheimer's disease. HOMEGA is not intended to treat any medical condition or diseases.

Q :Can people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency take HOMEGA?

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A :

Can. HOMEGA does not contain fava beans, legumes, drugs, chemicals or other ingredients that can trigger hemolytic anemia.

Q :Can I store HOMEGA under a hot sun?

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A :

No. It is best to store HOMEGA in a cool and dry place to preserve the quality of HOMEGA. The Amber glass bottle used in HOMEGA is also to reduce the tendency of oxidation of HOMEGA.

Q :Can I take HOMEGA if I am allergic to fish?

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A :

It is less likely for those who are allergic to fish to have an allergic reaction when taking fish oil. Allergies to fish are usually due to certain protein found in muscle of fishes. Fish oil is less likely to contain these proteins as it undergo purification steps. However, it is best to start taking HOMEGA at low dose, 2-3 days one softgel to observe if there is any allergic reaction like skin rashes, itchiness, difficulty breathing and so on.

Q :Can HOMEGA help to improve the condition of heart valve problems?

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A :

Taking omega-3 fish oil is unable to help to solve heart valve disease, and recommend customers to consult a doctor for a better treatment.

Q :Can HOMEGA help to improve the condition of heart failure?

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A :

Those who have heart failure are best to consult a doctor before consuming to have better advice as the doctor is more familiar with the customer's health condition.

Q :Can a person with a heart pacemaker implanted to him/her take HOMEGA?

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A :

Is it best to avoid taking HOMEGA, however if customer insist to consume HOMEGA, it is better to consult doctor before taking.

Q :Can HOMEGA help in non-alcoholic fatty liver problems?

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A :

Non-alcohol fatty liver is mainly due to sedentary lifestyle, high intake of fatty food and sugary food.HOMEGA is recommended to this group of people as omega-3 fish oil contains high density lipoprotein that can promote fat excretion with bile.

Q :Can HOMEGA help in alcoholic fatty liver?

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A :

Alcoholic fatty liver mainly due to over consumption of alcohol, HOMEGA cannot help to improve the condition of this group of people, but they can still take it as a general health supplement.

Q :How is polyunsaturated fatty acid (such as omega 3) better than saturated fatty acid?

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A :

That depends on the application of fatty acid.For a healthier choice of oil, it is better to choose polyunsaturated fatty acid as it can help lower LDL and increase HDL, whereas saturated fatty acid is vice versa.

Q :Can a person with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism take HOMEGA?

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A :

Can, remind the customer to continue taking her/his thyroid medicine with a 2 hours gap.

Q :Can a person on dialysis take HOMEGA?

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People undergoing dialysis can follow the following guideline: If the customer is on hemodialysis (HD), it is recommended to take it early in the morning on the day of dialysis, the earlier the better. If the customer is on peritoneal dialysis (PD), they can do it daily, but the effect of the might not be significant.

Q :Can a person with diabetes take HOMEGA?

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A :

Can. Diabetic patients are prone to have high triglyceride, hence taking HOMEGA can help to maintain a healthy level of triglyceride.

Q :Should I take HOMEGA if I have chest pain that is due to heart diseases?

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A :

When a person is having chest pain or also known as angina, it is best to take medicine and seek doctor advice. Take HOMEGA when a customer's condition is stable as HOMEGA is not a type of medicine that can instantly relieve chest pain.

Q :Will a person get an overdose of fish oil? Are there any side effects of taking too much fish oil?

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A :

Fish oil is recognized as a GRAS (generally regarded as safe) food by the Food and Drug Administration.If a person takes too much of fish oil, the person may experience loose stools, some individuals may also experience longer bleeding time.

Q :Can pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers take HOMEGA?

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A :

It is not recommended for these 2 groups of people to take HOMEGA.

Q :Since HOMEGA is an oil based supplement, will it cause drastic weight gain?

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A :

1 softgel of HOMEGA contains less than 10 kcal, instead HOMEGA is dense with nutrients such as EPA, DHA and vitamins.It is not high in calories hence it will not cause weight gain.

Q :Does HOMEGA undergo molecular distillation?

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A :

Fish oil used in HOMEGA, Omegavie??undergo molecular distillation to ensure free from heavy metals, pollutants and other toxins.

Q :What is molecular distillation?

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A :

Molecular distillation is a technology for removing mercury, dioxins, toxins and other contaminants.Molecular distillation can also minimize the presence of impurities to produce high purity of DHA and EPA omega 3 fish oil.

Q :Why should we take HOMEGA fish oil health supplement?

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A :

Malaysia's number one killer is coronary heart disease, this is due to arteriosclerosis, which means plaque formation in arteries that restrict or block the blood flow in arteries.The main cause is cholesterol buildup in arteries and HOMEGA can reduce the risk of this disease.

Q :Can a person who did a heart bypass surgery before take HOMEGA?

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A :

First, check if the customer is taking blood thinner medicine, if the customer is on Warfarin it is best to avoid HOMEGA.Those who are on other blood thinner medicine can take at low dose, 2-3 days one softgel, please stop immediately if bruise and gum bleeding occur.

Q :Can I take 2 softgel of HOMEGA in a day?

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A :

Can, however the recommended dosage is 1 softgel daily. Those who do not take sufficient fish (3-4 servings weekly) from their diet can take 2 softgel daily.

Q :Can I get sufficient omega-3 through diet?

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A :

A person can get sufficient omega-3 fatty acid if they consume fish daily through their diet.However, fishes are more likely to contain toxins such as mercury, especially fishes that are bigger in size. HOMEGA is tested free from heavy metals contaminations and a convenient way to get sufficient omega-3 fatty acid.

Q :Can a person with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) take HOMEGA?

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A :

Can take HOMEGA provided that the condition of Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is well managed. Although there are some studies showing that fish oil supplements can reduce symptoms of SLE however further research is required.

Q :Can a person with cancer take HOMEGA?

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A :

Those who are with stage 1 and 2 cancer are suggested to consult a doctor before consumption. Those who are with stage 3 and 4 are not recommended to take HOMEGA.

Q :Can a person undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy take HOMEGA?

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A :

Avoid taking any supplements if a customer is undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Stop taking any supplements 2 weeks before the treatment. HOMEGA can be taken 30 days after the surgery, provided the wound has been fully recovered.

Q :Can a person with hypertension take HOMEGA?

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A :

Can take HOMEGA, a person with high cholesterol is at risk of high blood pressure, hence taking HOMEGA can reduce the likelihood of more severe hypertension and aid in maintaining a healthy level of blood pressure.

Q :Can a person with high cholesterol take HOMEGA?

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A :

Can, omega 3 fish oil can help to regulate cholesterol level, hence HOMEGA is recommended to this group of people.

Q :When is the best time to take HOMEGA?

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A :

You may take HOMEGA any time of the day, however we recommend taking after meal to allow fat soluble supplements to have better absorption.

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60 tablets per box. Direction for use S-GLOW Take 2 tablets per day after meals.



Homega Main Functions

Promotes Heart Health
Reduces Inflammation

Promotes Brain Health
Supports Eye Health
Boosts Immune System

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